Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

Giving teenagers sex education, even gay sex education isn't the same as buying them porn or booze. In fact sex education leads to fewer sexual assaults and more reporting of abuse.

This book is not sex education. I guess you didn’t read the passages in question.
No, but I was a kid, and realized that the best way to make something attractive is to tell them they can't have it.

Every kid in my kind of repressive Catholic community had their own porn stash. (Usually, the magazines that were thrown away by the adults.) And this was in the 1970's, long before we had the internet.

So you can try to hide information from kids and fail miserably, or you can teach them and give them CONTEXT.

If you provide this to children, you are condoning it. Yes, kids do rebel sometimes, but condoning it is not the answer.
No, but I was a kid, and realized that the best way to make something attractive is to tell them they can't have it.

Every kid in my kind of repressive Catholic community had their own porn stash. (Usually, the magazines that were thrown away by the adults.) And this was in the 1970's, long before we had the internet.

So you can try to hide information from kids and fail miserably, or you can teach them and give them CONTEXT.
do not procreate!
This book is not sex education. I guess you didn’t read the passages in question.
You didn't. I actually quoted the paragraphs that came right after the passages Senator Kennedy read from All Boys Aren't Blue where the author goes on to talk about consent, about how they wished they had been better prepared to handle their first anal sex encounter, and how this lack of experience caused him to for go seeking medical treatment when he wasn't feeling right. That's not porn. In the intro to the book he explains that he's not exposing teenagers to sex for the first time. That these are experiences that so of them may have already faced and that his hope is to educate and have an open conversation about gay sexuality so that gay kids can engage in safe, consensual, sexual activity.
Not at all.
Very much so.
If my children were homeschooled, they would not have the option to read gay child porn or any other porn because the books would not be on the bookshelf.
The delusional conservative belief that school libraries contain gay child porn, or child porn of any kind, has its roots in three areas of troubled conservative thinking:

1) Envy that their children will have the freedom as teenagers to explore consensual same-sex relationships that conservatives feel that they couldn't/can't.

2) Homophobia resulting from conservative same-sex desires, past and present.

3) Profound mental illness.
In your wee little mind,
^ Projection/trolling.
it should be accessible to them.
^ Projection/delusion/trolling.
Maybe the children should be taken away from me as this is clearly child abuse.
It's envy, homophobia, and/or severe mental illness in the case of most nearly all conservatives.
Hyperbole, yes,
Beyond hyperbole - delusion.
but no more ridiculous that the arguments you make advocating such filth in public schools.
Envy, homophobia, and/or severe mental illness.
You didn't. I actually quoted the paragraphs that came right after the passages Senator Kennedy read from All Boys Aren't Blue where the author goes on to talk about consent, about how they wished they had been better prepared to handle their first anal sex encounter, and how this lack of experience caused him to for go seeking medical treatment when he wasn't feeling right. That's not porn. In the intro to the book he explains that he's not exposing teenagers to sex for the first time. That these are experiences that so of them may have already faced and that his hope is to educate and have an open conversation about gay sexuality so that gay kids can engage in safe, consensual, sexual activity.

And describing a sexual encounter in vivid detail is necessary? Who knew?

What a load of crap.
Giving teenagers sex education, even gay sex education isn't the same as buying them porn or booze. In fact sex education leads to fewer sexual assaults and more reporting of abuse.
But that's BAD for the Bible-thumping predators hiding in plain sight as clergy! :eek:
Very much so.

The delusional conservative belief that school libraries contain gay child porn, or child porn of any kind, has its roots in three areas of troubled conservative thinking:

1) Envy that their children will have the freedom as teenagers to explore consensual same-sex relationships that conservatives feel that they couldn't/can't.

2) Homophobia resulting from conservative same-sex desires, past and present.

3) Profound mental illness.

^ Projection/trolling.

^ Projection/delusion/trolling.

It's envy, homophobia, and/or severe mental illness in the case of most nearly all conservatives.

Beyond hyperbole - delusion.

Envy, homophobia, and/or severe mental illness.

Speaking of mental illness ^^^^

You may not claim to be a Democrat, but you use the same methods. If someone doesn’t agree with you and they are a racist or a homophobe or whatever. It is just mindless dribble.

I have made it clear that it doesn’t matter that this book was describing a homosexual encounter, but rather that it is in vivid, explicit detail. I would be equally opposed if it was a heterosexual encounter described in the same way. I took sex education in school and it was never described in this way and likely still isn’t today. If people like you have their way, we can just add this little encounter to the sex education books. Why not, since it is so informative and all.

People like your are the exactly why the US is in such a moral decline.
And describing a sexual encounter in vivid detail is necessary? Who knew?

What a load of crap.
Yes, it was actually. He used the example to explain how that at the time and being as inexperienced as he was, not just with sex but with the notion of consent, that the experience was painful, and that he didn't understand yet that he had a right to say, "No. Stop, this hurts." I believe that's the quote from his book. Far from the scintillating smut Republicans try to make it out to be actually reading it in context reveals exactly what it is. A young author sharing his inexperienced encounters as a young man in hopes other young gay teens can avoid making his same mistakes.

Also, delusion.

Gay teens bad! :eek: They should be beaten with Bibles perhaps?

What is it with you? You must be gay or trans or have some other sexual anomaly, because you have a huge chip on your shoulder with regards to this stuff.
Yes, it was actually. He used the example to explain how that at the time and being as inexperienced as he was, not just with sex but with the notion of consent, that the experience was painful, and that he didn't understand yet that he had a right to say, "No. Stop, this hurts." I believe that's the quote from his book. Far from the scintillating smut Republicans try to make it out to be actually reading it in context reveals exactly what it is. A young author sharing his inexperienced encounters as a young man in hopes other young gay teens can avoid making his same mistakes.

There is no hope for our country’s future if the majority of citizens are like you and MinTrut. It is hard to argue with someone with such a questionable moral compass.
^ Another conservative interfering in the intimate lives of others and demanding adherence to their disturbed strictures.
Why don't you cite those DISTURBED STRICTURES you keep lying about, eh screwball????
Your posts in this forum is what's DISTURBED you fucking PSYCHOPATH!!!!
^ Another conservative interfering in the intimate lives of others and demanding adherence to their disturbed strictures.

LOL..why stop anywhere? Why have any boundaries whatsoever. If it feels good, do it, as long as it doesn’t hurt someone else, right? Your dog loves you and make like to have intercourse with you. Why not, right? Beastiality should be perfectly ok in your mind.

No moral compass whatsoever.

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