Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

There is no hope for our country’s future if the majority of citizens are like you and MinTrut. It is hard to argue with someone with such a questionable moral compass.
No, you found it hard to argue which is why you ignored me and the context I provided and decided to yadda yadda instead about morals, as if you have the monopoly on those. What's moral about denying gay teenagers the same sex education that hetero students get? That's another lament the author voices in the book by the way.
The Bible glorifying child rape, torture and murder is a good thing?

Who knew?

I assume that you can cite Bible passages that describe such behavior in the same explicit detail as this book? Start looking. I’ll wait.
Speaking of mental illness ^^^^
^ Projection.
You may not claim to be a Democrat, but you use the same methods.
If someone doesn’t agree with you and they are a racist or a homophobe or whatever.
Envy, homophobia and/or severe mental illness.
It is just mindless dribble.
I have made it clear that it doesn’t matter that this book was describing a homosexual encounter,
but rather that it is in vivid, explicit detail.
Uh-huh. ;)
I would be equally opposed if it was a heterosexual encounter described in the same way.
I took sex education in school and it was never described in this way and likely still isn’t today.
Bible school? (I'd think you'd know more about both subjects if so.)
If people like you
have their way,
:eek: :eek:
we can just add this little encounter to the sex education books.

Maybe not a bad idea if it includes context. :)
Why not, since it is so informative and all.
Preaching to the choir! :)
People like your
are the exactly why the US is in such a moral decline.
No, you found it hard to argue which is why you ignored me and the context I provided and decided to yadda yadda instead about morals, as if you have the monopoly on those. What's moral about denying gay teenagers the same sex education that hetero students get? That's another lament the author voices in the book by the way.

I would not be in favor of this book being in a school library if it described a heterosexual encounter in the same way.
LOL..why stop anywhere? Why have any boundaries whatsoever. If it feels good, do it, as long as it doesn’t hurt someone else, right? Your dog loves you and make like to have intercourse with you. Why not, right? Beastiality should be perfectly ok in your mind.

No moral compass whatsoever.
We've reached the comparing homosexuality to beastiality portion of the debate because right wingers apparently can't tell the difference between people and dogs....
^ Projection.


Envy, homophobia and/or severe mental illness.



Uh-huh. ;)


Bible school? (I'd think you'd know more about both subjects if so.)


:eek: :eek:


Maybe not a bad idea if it includes context. :)

Preaching to the choir! :)



You are either a) really stupid/ignorant or b) a child. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and go with b. Nap time.
We've reached the comparing homosexuality to beastiality portion of the debate because right wingers apparently can't tell the difference between people and dogs....

We can tell the difference. We can also tell the difference between males and females and we fully understand how the parts fit together. Evidently you don’t, but again, I am not arguing for or against homosexual behavior here. I am arguing that this book was too explicit for a school library. PERIOD.
There is no hope for our country’s future if the majority of citizens are like you and MinTrut. It is hard to argue with someone with such a questionable moral compass.
^ Projection/delusional/fallacious.
LOL..why stop anywhere? Why have any boundaries whatsoever. If it feels good, do it, as long as it doesn’t hurt someone else, right? Your dog loves you and make like to have intercourse with you. Why not, right? Beastiality should be perfectly ok in your mind.

I may have to add a 4/ for you.

No moral compass whatsoever.
Apparently not... :eek:
Because describing sex is going too far with sex education? 😄

Yes, in this way it most certainly is. Maybe you should lobby for encounters like this to be placed in science sex education books for kids to read. Good luck with that. You will only get support for fellow far-left wing nuts like yourself and would be far outumbered.
We can tell the difference. We can also tell the difference between males and females and we fully understand how the parts fit together. Evidently you don’t.
I know what a strawman is, do you? 😄

What do you imagine I don't understand about how parts fit together? What I'm starting to gather is that you're an incel who's yet to discover the joys of oral sex. 😄
I assume that you can cite Bible passages that describe such behavior
It's. In. This. Very. THREAD! :eek:
in the same explicit detail as this book?
Straw man.

But you want the play by play on child rape, torture and murder?

That's disturbing.

Did anyone claim the Bible contained such explicit detail?
Start looking. I’ll wait.
It's your straw man; knock yourself out.

Just leave the poor poodle alone! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Yes, in this way it most certainly is. Maybe you should lobby for encounters like this to be placed in science sex education books for kids to read. Good luck with that. You will only get support for fellow far-left wing nuts like yourself and would be far outumbered.
All the health professional agree that comprehensive sex education is a good thing. That includes talking about sex and not shying away from it like some emotionally stunted Bingo.
We've reached the comparing homosexuality to beastiality portion of the debate because right wingers apparently can't tell the difference between people and dogs....
It was an unexpected turn to be sure.

Bingo was his name-o a love lament! :eek:
You are either a) really stupid/ignorant or b) a child. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and go with b. Nap time.
I'm sorry - I'm spoken for.

Also not a furry, so dressing as a dog is off the table.

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