Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

It was an unexpected turn to be sure.

Bingo was his name-o a love lament! :eek:
Oh, I expected it ages ago. These morons don't understand the difference between procreation and recreational sex which is why they eventual retreat to talking about the way nature intended parts to fit together. Like nature operates with intent.... 😄 It's just stupid theory built on top of stupid theory until we get a Leaning Tower of Paranoia from right wing Bingos.
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Envy/homophobia/severe mental illness drive conservative hysteria here; the Bible's glorification of child rape/torture/murder is something conservatives love.
And I keep reminding you that there's no glorification, but here we are again...
Oh, I expected it ages ago. These morons don't understand the difference between procreation and recreational sex
Wait - what? :eek:

There's more than missionary with the lights out?

To create a new congregant for Reverend Touchy?
which is why they eventual retreat to talking about the way nature intended parts to fit together. Like nature operates with intent.... 😄 It's just stupid theory built on top of stupid theory until we get a Leaning Tower of Paranoia from right wing Bingos.
You REALLY need to keep the poor dogs out of this...
And I keep reminding you that there's no glorification, but here we are again...
God rewards the guy who blindly agreed to murder his own son by making him the seed of the Israelites in the first fucking book of the Bible my guy. Have you ever read the fucking thing? 😄
God rewards the guy who blindly agreed to murder his own son by making him the seed of the Israelites in the first fucking book of the Bible my guy. Have you ever read the fucking thing? 😄
Of course, I read it, several times. It's one of the most well-known stories in the Bible, after all. He did not kill his son, so If no murder occurred, how does it glorify murder? Got anything else?

Here's a hint for you. In this exercise where I demolish your arguments, I'm going to see how long you insist on referencing the Old Testament while ignoring the New. Most, if not all, Bibliophobes do.
Of course, I read it, several times. It's one of the most well-known stories in the Bible, after all. He did not kill his son, so If no murder occurred, how does it glorify murder? Got anything else?
He was fully prepared to kill his son because of his commitment to God and this committed, even to kill one's own son at God's command is what's rewarded. If you've read it a bunch of times for the fuck did you miss that? 😄
Here's a hint for you. In this exercise where I demolish your arguments, I'm going to see how long you insist on referencing the Old Testament while ignoring the New. Most, if not all, Bibliophobes do.
My argument has nothing to do with the new Testament, it's about the old Testament and what it glorifies in service of God.
He was fully prepared to kill his son because of his commitment to God and this committed, even to kill one's own son at God's command is what's rewarded. If you've read it a bunch of times for the fuck did you miss that? 😄
I didn't miss anything. His faith was tested, and he passed with flying colors. God did not allow him to sacrifice his son. Again, got anything else?
My argument has nothing to do with the new Testament, it's about the old Testament and what it glorifies in service of God.
The New Testament is part of the whole package. Just as you would scream bloody murder if Christians ignored the Old Testament, I object to you ignoring the New and pretending it has no impact on the whole picture. Is the problem that you want to portray God in a certain way that requires you to very narrowly pull a few references out of the Old Testament and ignore the rest?
But you want the play by play on child rape, torture and murder?

You are the one claiming that the Bible has the same detail as this book. Now prove it. Yeah, you can’t. You lost.

All the health professional agree that comprehensive sex education is a good thing. That includes talking about sex and not shying away from it like some emotionally stunted Bingo.

Then why not just hand kids some porn magazines and let them watch some XXX videos of sex between two consenting adults? We can then have a purple-haired, heavily tattooed, gender neutral teacher provide the valuable context to the encounters they witness. We can start as early as kindergarten so they will experts in all the areas by the time they are 10. Again, no boundaries are needed in your bubble.

It was an unexpected turn to be sure.

No, just the natural progression of you illogical conclusions. 30 years ago most people would be appalled by even suggesting something like this being in a school library. 30 years from now, with people like you in charge, there would be absolutely nothing wrong with marrying or have sex with your pet goat. Progressivism has no boundaries.

You REALLY need to keep the poor dogs out of this..

My dogs have nothing to worry about. The poor animals owned by people on your side of the aisle are on borrowed time.
I didn't miss anything. His faith was tested, and he passed with flying colors. God did not allow him to sacrifice his son. Again, got anything else?
I'm not arguing whether God allowed him to sacrifice his son. I'm arguing that his willingness to sacrifice his son was a good thing in God's eyes and from the perspective of the Bible. Care to address my actual point instead of your strawman?
The New Testament is part of the whole package. Just as you would scream bloody murder if Christians ignored the Old Testament, I object to you ignoring the New and pretending it has no impact on the whole picture. Is the problem that you want to portray God in a certain way that requires you to very narrowly pull a few references out of the Old Testament and ignore the rest?
Is strawmaning all you can do? Please don't try to fantasize about what how you imagine I'd respond to something. That's not real. It's just your literal fantasy.
Then why not just hand kids some porn magazines and let them watch some XXX videos of sex between two consenting adults? We can then have a purple-haired, heavily tattooed, gender neutral teacher provide the valuable context to the encounters they witness. We can start as early as kindergarten so they will experts in all the areas by the time they are 10. Again, no boundaries are needed in your bubble.
Because porn and sex education aren't the same thing you stunted Bingo. Even teenagers can tell the difference between a penthouse forum and a book that talks about consent and abuse. As I said, you're a stunted Bingo and you prove that more and more with every post.

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