Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

Very much so.

The delusional conservative belief that school libraries contain gay child porn, or child porn of any kind, has its roots in three areas of troubled conservative thinking:

1) Envy that their children will have the freedom as teenagers to explore consensual same-sex relationships that conservatives feel that they couldn't/can't.

2) Homophobia resulting from conservative same-sex desires, past and present.

3) Profound mental illness.

^ Projection/trolling.

^ Projection/delusion/trolling.

It's envy, homophobia, and/or severe mental illness in the case of most nearly all conservatives.

Beyond hyperbole - delusion.

Envy, homophobia, and/or severe mental illness.
The mental illness is in the homosexuality
Porn is in the eye of the beholder but there were certainly books in the past that people, such as yourself, wanted banned from schools.

Between 1986 and 2000, at least nine different attempts to remove The Catcher in the Rye from schools.

Relax, you can still buy gay porn for your kids to use at home. Just stop trying to put it in the public school libraries.
We're shouting into a tornado of crazy here.

Homophobia, envy and severe mental illness are fueling their delusions.
Culture wars are conservatives reaction to their perception of 'woke' and the changing morality of the US. They grew up one way and that is the way everyone should grow up today.
Porn is in the eye of the beholder but there were certainly books in the past that people, such as yourself, wanted banned from schools.

Between 1986 and 2000, at least nine different attempts to remove The Catcher in the Rye from schools.

I remember asking my high school librarian about Catcher in the Rye, and I was given a very snippy response that the school library would not be having THAT book available. So I went to the local public library to find it.

I thought Holden Caulfield was an ungrateful little twit and a complete asshole. He was born with every advantage in life, and he was just being perversely difficult.

I wouldn't even have read that book if parents hadn't been in such an uproar about it.
The mental illness is in the homosexuality

The mental illness here is YOU thinking you have any right to tell other people how to live, or to determine what their children can and cannot be taught. If you have issues with what your children are being taught in the public schools, you have the option of removing them from the school, and sending them to a right wing indoctrination centre.

The mental illness is having unqualified and highly prejudiced politicians determining what is and is not "mental illness" and making legal determinations about how it's to be treated based on their own personal prejudices and having nothing to do with facts or standard medical practices.
And describing a sexual encounter in vivid detail is necessary? Who knew?

What a load of crap.
Vivid detail is only a few paragraphs in a much longer book.

When I was in HS, I had to read Orwell's 1984, probably the most overrated book ever written.

It contains several explicit sex scenes, but it's considered literature.

How about Bottelli's Venus or Michaelangelo's David? Would you consider those to be pornography or art?
I remember asking my high school librarian about Catcher in the Rye, and I was given a very snippy response that the school library would not be having THAT book available. So I went to the local public library to find it.

I thought Holden Caulfield was an ungrateful little twit and a complete asshole. He was born with every advantage in life, and he was just being perversely difficult.

I wouldn't even have read that book if parents hadn't been in such an uproar about it.
Mark David Chapman and John Hinkley both loved that book.
Just saying.
There is no hope for your country's future if intolerant assholes like you are allowed to foist your ignorance and stupidity on others.

This thread has over 1000 responses and that's insane. Republicans are concerned about children reading books. How insane is that.

Then there is the notion that those on the left have "no moral compass". That's really rich considering that you're voting for a convicted rapist, who has also been convicted of lying, evading taxes, and has also been indicted for 91 felonies.

Anyone who has voted for Donald Trump has absolutely no business lecturing anyone about their "moral compass" because Trump voters have no morality whatsoever.
We're quite the poopy heads, aren't we?
The mental illness here is YOU thinking you have any right to tell other people how to live, or to determine what their children can and cannot be taught. If you have issues with what your children are being taught in the public schools, you have the option of removing them from the school, and sending them to a right wing indoctrination centre.

The other option is you providing your kids at home, the material you feel is lacking in public schools. How's about that?
The other option is you providing your kids at home, the material you feel is lacking in public schools. How's about that?

Why should I have to spend money because you don’t want be your child to be exposed to new ideas? Why don’t you home school your little snowflake so they never see anything that upsets YOU?

Why should all the other families have to cater to the fascists amongst you??
Vivid detail is only a few paragraphs in a much longer book.

When I was in HS, I had to read Orwell's 1984, probably the most overrated book ever written.

It contains several explicit sex scenes, but it's considered literature.

How about Bottelli's Venus or Michaelangelo's David? Would you consider those to be pornography or art?

What are the explicit sex scenes in 1984? I've read it several times, show me what you're talking about.

I missed the part in Botticelli's and Michaelangelo's works where they talk about lubing up and buttfucking a kid.
Why should I have to spend money because you don’t want be your child to be exposed to new ideas? Why don’t you home school your little snowflake so they never see anything that upsets YOU?

Why should all the other families have to cater to the fascists amongst you??
Who said anything about spending any money? Calm down and think before you type.
Who said anything about spending any money? Calm down and think before you type.

You said parents should provide access. No. Children should have access to age appropriate materials at school. They shouldn’t have to ask parents to provide it.

That’s the whole point. There are things kids can’t talk to their parents about. They need access to information they can find on their own.
You said parents should provide access. No. Children should have access to age appropriate materials at school. They shouldn’t have to ask parents to provide it.

That’s the whole point. There are things kids can’t talk to their parents about. They need access to information they can find on their own.

Not gay porn.

Buy it for your kids to use at home.
You said parents should provide access. No. Children should have access to age appropriate materials at school. They shouldn’t have to ask parents to provide it.
So you are in favor of banning books that aren't age appropriate
That’s the whole point. There are things kids can’t talk to their parents about. They need access to information they can find on their own.
Well, in our house there weren't things that our kids couldn't talk to us about. Sex, drugs, boys, girls, homosexuality, suicide ...

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