Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

As long as you run around calling everyone you disagree with "racist," you are in zero position what anyone says about you. You're already a total ass
Me calling people racists and Bingos would betray a weakness in my argument if that is what my arguments relied on. They do not. I make unassailable arguments based in logic and reason and then I point and laugh at your inferior intellects.
Me calling people racists and Bingos would betray a weakness in my argument if that is what my arguments relied on. They do not. I make unassailable arguments based in logic and reason and then I point and laugh at your inferior intellects.

I didn't tell you to stop sucking dicks, I just said it will solve itself because you won't procreate
OK, so suck all the men's dicks you want and prove me wrong, LOL
Prove you wrong? You haven't made the case for your argument in the first place you dumb Bingo. (Me calling you a dumb Bingo isn't my argument in case you were confused. I take nothing for granted with you short bus riders.)

Desire for sexual intercourse and sexual satisfaction and the desire to procreate are not the same thing.
I didn't tell you to stop sucking dicks, I just said it will solve itself because you won't procreate
Women sucking men's dicks won't get them pregnant either. That's not how procreation works you stupid Bingo. 😄
Prove you wrong? You haven't made the case for your argument in the first place you dumb Bingo. (Me calling you a dumb Bingo isn't my argument in case you were confused. I take nothing for granted with you short bus riders.)

Desire for sexual intercourse and sexual satisfaction and the desire to procreate are not the same thing.

How many words did you use without saying anything?
My point was clear. Sucking dick has nothing to do with procreation and I'm confused why you ever thought it did. 😄

OK, I get it now. No, that wasn't clear. So after you suck dick they stick it in your nether region. You still can't get preggers that way and there was no reason to point that out, white boy. Everyone knows man on man sex is not equal to a little one coming in nine months. You need a woman for that. The old fashioned kind, without a dick
Shrug, whatever, white boy
I've never seen someone so eager to embarrass themselves. :lmao:
OK, I get it now. No, that wasn't clear. So after you suck dick they stick it in your nether region. You still can't get preggers that way and there was no reason to point that out, white boy.
I'm not confused over the fact that oral sex doesn't lead to procreation. This is a strawman. It's a argumentative fallacy and it only betrays the weakness in your own argument.
Everyone knows man on man sex is not equal to a little one coming in nine months. You need a woman for that. The old fashioned kind, without a dick
If everyone knows then why are you strawmaning here and admitting it while pretending to strong arm me at the same time like a total Simp? 😄 Maybe don't give your game away at the start. Or maybe put on your big boy pants and make real arguments instead of playing games.... 😄
I've never seen someone so eager to embarrass themselves. :lmao:

I'm not confused over the fact that oral sex doesn't lead to procreation. This is a strawman. It's a argumentative fallacy and it only betrays the weakness in your own argument.

If everyone knows then why are you strawmaning here and admitting it while pretending to strong arm me at the same time like a total Simp? 😄 Maybe don't give your game away at the start. Or maybe put on your big boy pants and make real arguments instead of playing games.... 😄

Words, words and more words, yet you still say nothing
You said nothing. You beat up a target of your own creation by your own admission. 😄 I have successfully argued homosexuality is natural.

That's my point you said nothing. I said nothing about homosexuality not being natural, I said it doesn't lead to children. You've been squawking and kicking up dirt but not refuting anything I said. Which is why I pointed out you have words and words and words that say nothing regarding the discussion

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