Listen To Track Palin’s Drunken ‘Gay’ Rant During The Bloody Alaska Party Brawl

this will be my final thread from this miserable old nasty coot. go get a life man you need one. see ya. everyone might consider IGNORE yourselves for this puke. it was a bad day for all of us when they showed back up here.
America dodged the bullet with that family back in 2008 , can you imagine that bunch living at the VP's residence

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America dodged the bullet with that family back in 2008 , can you imagine that bunch living at the VP's residence

Can you imagine Bill Clinton boffing interns at the White House, oh wait that actually happened.
You liberals sure do relish the Jerry Springer style bullshit. It's like the "fix" for the lowbrow addiction ya'll have
Some assholes were sexually harassing his sisters, and he did what any good brother would do. He beat their asses.

Good for him. I hope he knocked out some teeth.
Why does the left waste so much energy in their hatred for the former governor of Alaska?

because deep down they really hate women. they just blow smoke about how they are the party for the Womeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen folk. you want these kinds of people to care about you? not damn thanks
America dodged the bullet with that family back in 2008 , can you imagine that bunch living at the VP's residence

you know it's a bad/weak political cartoon when they have to put their names on their shirts.

couldn't get away with that with the obamas or the clintons.

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