Listening to European Electricity Traders Is Very, Very Scary

Enjoy cutting down firewood to heat your home this winter.

If Germany has any trees left, that is.

Read #14 - and by the way: We have coal for about 400 years. I don't think Putin will survive this. And I'm an optimist still thinking the USA will not become Trumps autocrazy country and Russia not Putins autocratic country. In the end will win peace, love and rationality.

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This is what happens when people vote for Marxists

This is what happens when people vote for Marxists

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Exactly - this was a result because of your ally Stalin in world war 2 and still now - long decades after the 15 minutes decision of the USA to make a border there - governs in North Korea an extreme criminal traitor of the Korean people and enemy of all mankind. But also such autocratic monsters have friends who help them to let the own loyal slaves lose the last hope on freedom and a life in dignity and wealth.
It was one of the darkest hours of the politics of the western world when the leader of the western world spoke with this murderous gnome in the third generation of leading murderous gnomes and transported the illusion the leader of the western world and a "man" like Kim Jong-un could be on the same level. Mad idea.
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They need to start being friendlier to today's murderous tyrants of the world. Murderous tyrants control the world's fossil fuels, and there's no stomach in the first world for pursuing alternative energies.
There is no such thing as, "alternative energies." All of those, that you have been fed, and propagandized with, are simply a means, to convert the current fossil fuels, to disguise the fact, that you are still using, fossil fuels.

Solar? Still needs batteries for storage. It take huge amounts of fossils fuels, to dig up the rare earths, process them, and create the batteries, and the batteries don't even last a life time. . . before you know it, yo have to do it all over again.

Wind? Same deal. Wind generators, even the best ones, don't last more than thirty or so years, terrible waste. All the mining and processing, all done with fossil fuel energy.

You are being fed an illusion.

It is a matter of having a "stomach for it." There is just no such thing, as a free lunch. It is much more efficient and profitable, to just use the fossile fuels direction for energy use instead.

Listening to European Electricity Traders Is Very, Very Scary​

, the people who trade electricity in the UK get to quiz the managers of the national grid for an hour. The conference call, which anyone can monitor, offers an insight into what the men and women on the front line of the power market are worried about. Listening to them is getting scarier by the week — and suggests keeping the lights on this winter will be a lot more challenging than European governments are admitting.

Prices are worrying enough. British households were told on Friday that their power and gas bills will increase from Oct. 1 by 80%. The so-called energy price cap was set at £3,549 ($4,189) per year, up from £1,971 over the past six months and £1,277 during last winter.

But the industry’s teleconference suggests the problem is broader than just rising costs. Increasingly, the words “emergency” and “shortages” are being used, with participants focusing on when, rather than if, a crisis will hit. Imagine being able to overhear conversations between Wall Street executives and the Federal Reserve as the global financial crisis unfolded in 2008.

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There is no shortage of any resource or power generation capability but that which GREEN-religionists choose to create for the rest of us.
There is no such thing as, "alternative energies."

I spoke about "sustanaible energies". The expression "alternative energies" just simple meant "let's look for alternatives". This search is not over and has not only to do with energies but also with the way of distribution. Alternative energies aer often energies which normal people are able to harvest. And that's the real political fight. Keyword: multi-naitonal and/or global energy companies. Alternative energy concepts are normally concepts which create more jobs and more middle-class companies.

All of those, that you have been fed, and propagandized with,

I propagate nothing. I tell you what I think - that's all. If you believe anything what I say to you than this is exclusivelly only your own fault and problem. I'm not a messiah - never will be.

are simply a means, to convert the current fossil fuels, to disguise the fact, that you are still using, fossil fuels.

Good grief. How did you find this out? Did you listen to someone - did you read something? Ever heard something about the natural power "time" and the teleological concept "to make plans"?

Solar? Still needs batteries for storage.

Yes and No. We produced in this summer on a day more energy in Germany with solar power than the French nuclear power plants had prodiced. Many of them had been inspected and it exist problems there with cooling water while this summer had 54 days more sun. But if the sun not shines - no energy.

It take huge amounts of fossils fuels, to dig up the rare earths, process them, and create the batteries, and the batteries don't even last a life time. . . before you know it, yo have to do it all over again.

You are not on the real level of the current research. We develope in the moment for example very nice accus with totally normal materials. Comparable with Li-Ion accus. Detriment: 3 times more heavy (not so good for cars for example). Advantage 10 times cheaper and easily recycable.

Wind? Same deal. Wind generators, even the best ones, don't last more than thirty or so years, terrible waste. All the mining and processing, all done with fossil fuel energy.

Also in case of wind energy exists a wide spectrum of possibilities. For me personally very important are windmills which do not kill birds. From my point of view every spiritual being has to protect all and every life in the best of all possible ways.

You are being fed an illusion.

Damn. Do I answer now a mail which was not for me? And I should not use the word "damn" when I'm surprised.

It is a matter of having a "stomach for it."

A what? We say to have "a nose for something". Giues this has to do with our 20,000 years long lasting friendship with dogs.

There is just no such thing, as a free lunch.

Not? I'm not sure whether my dogs are convinced about this.

It is much more efficient and profitable, to just use the fossile fuels direction for energy use instead.

You are really strange. A risk-evaluation has to see always two factors: probability and effect. If you take a look at the planet Venus then you are easily able to see a kind of worst case scenario what an atmosphere with an overload of greenhouse gas is able to do. And if Mars had more greenhouse gas then this could be wonderful. The balance is the problem. And from my point of view is everyone out of balance who ignores essential informations because he thinks he found and has not to search any longer.

Augustine_ Sorry! But perhaps you are also interested in how others answer posts which you got. :lol:
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I guess slowly we shoud really throw out all US-Americans from Europe. People like you are nothing else than only a burden - specially in times when something seems to go chaotically wrong.
I second this motion! And we take our money, and military hardware with us...
I spoke about "sustanaible energies". The expression "alternative energies" just simple meant "let's look for alternatives". This search is not over and has not only to do with energies but also with the way of distribution. Alternative energies aer often energies which normal people are able to harvest. And that's the real political fight. Keyword: multi-naitonal and/or global energy companies. Alternative energy concepts are normally concepts which create more jobs and more middle-class companies.

I propagate nothing. I tell you what I think - that's all. If you believe anything what I say to you than this is exclusivelly only your own fault and problem. I'm not a messiah - never will be.

Good grief. How did you find this out? Did you listen to someone - did you read something? Ever heard something about the natural power "time" and the teleological concept "to make plans"?

Yes and No. We produced in this summer on a day more energy in Germany with solar power than the French nuclear power plants had prodiced. Many of them had been inspected and it exist problems there with cooling water while this summer had 54 days more sun. But if the sun not shines - no energy.

You are not on the real level of the current research. We develope in the moment for example very nice accus with totally normal materials. Comparable with Li-Ion accus. Detriment: 3 times more heavy (not so good for cars for example). Advantage 10 times cheaper and easily recycable.

Also in case of wind energy exists a wide spectrum of possibilities. For me personally very important are windmills which do not kill birds. From my point of view every spiritual being has to protect all and every life in the best of all possible ways.

Damn. Do I answer now a mail which was not for me? And I should not use the word "damn" when I'm surprised.

A what? We say to have "a nose for something". Giues this has to do with our 20,000 years long lasting friendship with dogs.

Not? I'm not sure whether my dogs are convinced about this.

You are really strange. A risk-evaluation has to see always two factors: probability and effect. If you take a look at the planet Venus then you are easily able to see a kind of worst case scenario what an atmosphere with an overload of greenhouse gas is able to do. And if Mars had more greenhouse gas then this could be wonderful. The balance is the problem. And from my point of view is everyone out of balance who ignores essential informations because he thinks he found and has not to search any longer.

Augustine_ Sorry! But perhaps you are also interested in how others answer posts which you got. :lol:

You are living in an illusion buddy.

You will be freezing and starving when this winter comes, if you live in Germany.

The empirical reality is going to hit you like a ton of bricks in the face.

Noted children’s book author Robert Habeck, who is somehow also the German Minister of the Economy, turns out to know very little about his job or the industries he proposes to regulate. His gas surcharge scheme, conceived to keep the importer Uniper solvent in the face of skyrocketing prices, has now imploded and must be redrafted. It has emerged that, under his defunct proposal, many businesses not in danger of insolvency would have had a claim on the funds. This is probably because the bill was co-authored by the major energy companies themselves. In an extremely awkward speech, Habeck admitted that the problems with the law reflected his own ignorance of the gas industry and its internal complexities.

Meanwhile, our lunatic Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who like Habeck also hails from the economic saboteur collective known as the Green Party, has spoken out against keeping our three remaining nuclear plants open beyond 2022. This would be “crazy” in her conception, because Germany has fought so long and invested so much in getting out of nuclear power. Sensible commentary on German affairs is often to be found only beyond our borders. As an editorial in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung puts it: “If the Federal Republic shuts down its last three nuclear power plants, this winter of all times, then the country is beyond all help.”

Indeed, electricity is looking increasingly scarce across the entire continent. German power futures for January 2023 surged more than threefold towards the end of last week, as planners directed all spare natural gas into winter reserves. Prices have since fallen somewhat, but the essential scarcity of energy remains. There looms a deep macroeconomic shock, which threatens not only to crush many private finances, but also to devastate large sectors of German industry. It seems increasingly possible that we’ll see measures like managed brown-outs, with bizarre shortages of everyday products like toilet paper, as manufacturing is scaled back. Electricity prices have finally come to the notice of our political class, who have promised to remedy the problem with regulatory tinkering that will do nothing, because the problem is not regulation but the simple unavailability of a key commodity. Unless they can conjure natural gas from the ether, the technocrats cannot help us.

The entire Eurozone, as well as the United Kingdom, faces the worst cost-of-living crisis in modern memory.



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