Listening to European Electricity Traders Is Very, Very Scary

I'm already white as fuck ...

Fuck-white. Good. This color I miss in my collection of shrink heads. Another question: Why have US-Amerícans the whole day nothing else to do than to fuck? Are you butterflies? Living only for love?

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Stay warm this winter!

Michael Gorbachev died today. I remember how sad I was when my hope our doctors could be able to save the life of his wife Raissa not came true. I do not remember when I was so sad whenever an US-American died. I guess it was the sadness of Gorbachev himselve which I felt in my soul this days - and also from time to time in the long years since this days. A great man "Mikhail Gorbachev". One of the greatest men the world ever had seen. Now he is dead too. God may take him in his arms and give him a neverending life in His love and peace.

Whatever will happen in this winter or any other winter which will come - we will see.

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Gawd, how can you be so fucking stupid?
Europe did pursue “alternative energies”, and they suck. They aren’t nearly enough to power a country.

When people are freezing this winter, they won’t have a stomach for your nonsense, Green New Deal bullshit.

Europe took easy Russian energy. If they hadn't, they would not be having a problem now.


That’s what President Trump told them.

Donald Trump never told anyone anything. He speaks - that's all. And what he speaks has nothing to do with reality. What he speaks has to bring him votes and money.
Europe took easy Russian energy. If they hadn't, they would not be having a problem now.

So you do not understand why Germany had been so unbelievable successful in peace politics. Short: "No risk, no fun". If we had to lose nothing then we had not been able to show that we trust in Russia ... better to say now "trusted in Russia" because day by day the Russians do nothing and let "Putin" do whatever "Putin" likes to do, while they sacrifice their own children on the altar of Putins doctrine "make Russia great again".
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Pffft like our grandfathers we'd eat Krauts and spit em out ...

Multiple personality disorder in combination with a tendency to cannibalism and bad teeth with an extraordinary high salivary flow. Or with another word: Your are a proud US-American slave of your own nightmares. And such idiots like you ran in masses through the USA - armed!!! Poor country!

They need to start being friendlier to today's murderous tyrants of the world. Murderous tyrants control the world's fossil fuels, and there's no stomach in the first world for pursuing alternative energies.

"Make peace, you fools"

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