Listening to European Electricity Traders Is Very, Very Scary

What's funny is your own government has you slated for death ....don't worry they'll get ya first

A slated roof for a death camp? Would be expensive. "My own government" (=btw in German sometimes also an expression for "my wife") kills cheaper. And sure I don't worry. Why should I? The worst what could happen is I have to die. Who cares? You? :lol: You will help to kill me.
Multiple personality disorder in combination with a tendency to cannibalism and bad teeth with an extraordinary high salivary flow. Or with another word: Your are a proud US-American slave of your own nightmares. And such idiots like you ran in masses through the USA - armed!!! Poor country!

What’s that got to do with anything?

You must live in Haus der Heimat.
Multiple personality disorder in combination with a tendency to cannibalism and bad teeth with an extraordinary high salivary flow. Or with another word: Your are a proud US-American slave of your own nightmares. And such idiots like you ran in masses through the USA - armed!!! Poor country!

Being from New York I already know about them ...and how the modern-day 10th mountain division laughs at kraut military prowess .....which is pretty much non existent

My German ancestors came up the Delaware and were farmers in Pennsylvania
Two fought outta Pennsylvania

New York and Pennsylvania provided the most troops to the war criminal Lincolns union army

Meanwhile in Germany

They don't even lie to you anymore ...they're not there to bolster your social programs and tax base
Most are on the public dole ...what 80 + % or more ...

Maghreb and other assorted 3rd world trash will not be building me any audis that's for sure

Us" dumb toothless rednecks" fr9m Brooklyn would just kick you down then street for laughs
But we won't have to

Your government has you marked for elimination

Insult us all ya want ...but remember us when youre standing in front of a ditch ,starving ,or a savage is sawing off your head with a butter knife

All compliments of your own enlightened lefty government
When? What??

He said they were idiots for relying on Putin over the USA and that turned out to be prophetic

Trump is stupid or criminal - or perhaps stupid criminal - could also be he is criminally stupid. And that is also this what you say here.

Trump used a wide spread hate on Germany in the USA to make votes - that's all. With real international politics had nothing to do what Trump did do.
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Trump is stupid or criminal - or perhaps stupid criminals - could also be he is criminally stupid. And that is also this what you say here.

Trump used a wide spread hate on Germany in the USA to make votes - that's all. With real international politics had nothing to do what Trump did do.
You're not making any sense at all. How is chiding Germany to find friendly alternatives to Russian energy a declaration of war?
Trump is stupid or criminal - or perhaps stupid criminal - could also be he is criminally stupid. And that is also this what you say here.

Trump used a wide spread hate on Germany in the USA to make votes - that's all. With real international politics had nothing to do what Trump did do.

Being from New York I already know about them ...and how the modern-day 10th mountain division laughs at kraut military prowess .....which is pretty much non existent

My German ancestors came up the Delaware and were farmers in Pennsylvania
Two fought outta Pennsylvania

New York and Pennsylvania provided the most troops to the war criminal Lincolns union army

Meanwhile in Germany
View attachment 689943
They don't even lie to you anymore ...they're not there to bolster your social programs and tax base
Most are on the public dole ...what 80 + % or more ...

Maghreb and other assorted 3rd world trash will not be building me any audis that's for sure

Us" dumb toothless rednecks" fr9m Brooklyn would just kick you down then street for laughs
But we won't have to

Your government has you marked for elimination

Insult us all ya want ...but remember us when youre standing in front of a ditch ,starving ,or a savage is sawing off your head with a butter knife

All compliments of your own enlightened lefty government

The problem started with US-Americans who visited the Octoberfest. They often remember an US-American general of world war 2 who pissed into the river Rhine - what not motivated your soldiers to say "our general is mad" but filled them with fighting courage. So they left the Octoberfest - drunken - and when they stood on the brigde there in the near they pissed down - not into the river Rhine but to the railway - forgetting that some trains use unisolated high voltage cabels. The result: R+I+P. We had to change something so your Octoberfest soldiers are save now. Wonderful result, isn't it?

Oh ... and why did I say nothing to your Nazi propaganda here?... Hmm ... No motivation because this stupidities are anyway always only boring, I guess.
You're not making any sense at all. How is chiding Germany to find friendly alternatives to Russian energy a declaration of war?

Angela Merkel suggested to Donald Trump that we Germans will build an LNG terminal for 1 billion Euro so for the USA it will be more easy to sell their LNG gas in Germany. But on unknown reasons the USA suddenly did not like to sell LNG gas in Germany anymore. ... What was the reason? ... I remember now: He liked to destroy the pipeline Nord Stream 2 - not on reason to minimize the use of Russian gas in Europe (what anyway also not had been a decision of the president of the USA) - he had done so because this pipeline had not been in the economic interests of the former autocratic and corrupt government of the Ukraine - what had been in 2015 the reason to start to make the independent pipeline Nord Stream 2.
Because of the following economic war of the USA against Germany and many companies in the world it needed about 1 year longer to finish Nord Stream 2. So in the end we never gave a license to use it - on political reasons: it was war. I guess if this extreme criminal stupidity from the USA not had happend then we - and also Poland and the Ukraine - would today be in a much better situation - independent whether the war in the Ukraine had happenend or not had happened. So "congrats": You "wan" your war against your ally and "What is bad for others is always good for the USA" ... or not. But this "or not" is not part of the politics in the USA. You will always win until you will win yourselve to death.
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The problem started with US-Americans who visited the Octoberfest. They often remember an US-American general of world war 2 who pissed into the river Rhine - what not motivated your soldiers to say "our general is mad" but filled them with fighting courage. So they left the Octoberfest - drunken - and when they stood on the brigde there in the near they pissed down - not into the river Rhine but to the railway - forgetting that some trains use unisolated high voltage cabels. The result: R+I+P. We had to change something so your Octoberfest soldiers are save now. Wonderful result, isn't it?

Oh ... and why did I say nothing to your Nazi propaganda here?... Hmm ... No motivation because this stupidities are anyway always only boring, I guess.


31.08.2022, 08.04 Uhr

According to a report by Der Spiegel, Gazprom posted a six-month profit of around 2.5 trillion rubles, roughly equivalent to $41 billion.

This is compared to the company’s previous record annual profit of 2.09 trillion rubles which it posted last year, a much smaller sum especially when the value of the now surging ruble is factored into the equation.

Gazprom is now planning on paying investors an interim dividend of 51.03 rubles per share for the first half of this year, though such a move now has to be approved by shareholders, the most important of which is the Russian government, which has over a 50 per cent stake in the company.


Give it a couple more billing cycles in western Europe it's really gonna get hairy
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31.08.2022, 08.04 Uhr

According to a report by Der Spiegel, Gazprom posted a six-month profit of around 2.5 trillion rubles, roughly equivalent to $41 billion.

This is compared to the company’s previous record annual profit of 2.09 trillion rubles which it posted last year, a much smaller sum especially when the value of the now surging ruble is factored into the equation.

Gazprom is now planning on paying investors an interim dividend of 51.03 rubles per share for the first half of this year, though such a move now has to be approved by shareholders, the most important of which is the Russian government, which has over a 50 per cent stake in the company.

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Give it a couple more billing cycles in western Europe it's really gonna get hairy

The last what I heard in this context is it that Germany reduced the imports from Russia from 100% to 75% but has to pay now for this 75% imports 125% of the money she had to pay before. Or with others words: Looks like the profit of the Russian oligarchs grew about 66% compared with their "investments" (thieveries). Nevertheless I heard Moscow is not Moscow any longer. Russia is under pressure. The long term problem of the US-American politics: Europe will lose Russia, China will win Russia. An historical balance is in danger to break down.
Exactly - this was a result because of your ally Stalin in world war 2 and still now - long decades after the 15 minutes decision of the USA to make a border there - governs in North Korea an extreme criminal traitor of the Korean people and enemy of all mankind. But also such autocratic monsters have friends who help them to let the own loyal slaves lose the last hope on freedom and a life in dignity and wealth.
It was one of the darkest hours of the politics of the western world when the leader of the western world spoke with this murderous gnome in the third generation of leading murderous gnomes and transported the illusion the leader of the western world and a "man" like Kim Jong-un could be on the same level. Mad idea.
The only reason North Korea stands is China

If it had not been for China, the US would have taken out the regime in the Korean War.
Ask Germany. They managed to pull it off...

As a German and friend of Dr. Frankenstein I'm able to offer you one of our new delivery of cheap exchange brains in all colors. What do you prefer how to live? With or without leather-pants-gene?

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Listening to European Electricity Traders Is Very, Very Scary​

, the people who trade electricity in the UK get to quiz the managers of the national grid for an hour. The conference call, which anyone can monitor, offers an insight into what the men and women on the front line of the power market are worried about. Listening to them is getting scarier by the week — and suggests keeping the lights on this winter will be a lot more challenging than European governments are admitting.

Prices are worrying enough. British households were told on Friday that their power and gas bills will increase from Oct. 1 by 80%. The so-called energy price cap was set at £3,549 ($4,189) per year, up from £1,971 over the past six months and £1,277 during last winter.

But the industry’s teleconference suggests the problem is broader than just rising costs. Increasingly, the words “emergency” and “shortages” are being used, with participants focusing on when, rather than if, a crisis will hit. Imagine being able to overhear conversations between Wall Street executives and the Federal Reserve as the global financial crisis unfolded in 2008.

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The worst part is here in the states - CNN, MSNBC etc. - they are not even bothering to talk at any length about this unprecedented event.
As one German economist said - energy shortage hasn't been like this since WW II
The only reason North Korea stands is China

North Korea stands nowhere. The leader of this country is an extremist criminal in the third generation of extremist criminals - a traitor of the own people and a danger for China.

If it had not been for China, the US would have taken out the regime in the Korean War.

Let me say it in this words: The situation of your soldiers in Korea not had been enviable because you got in this war a light idea about what really is war. But you are successfully able to ignore this - what's damned bad for your country and the whole western world. We need anything else than wrong forms of arrogance.

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