“Literally, I Was Shaking” – CNN'S Van Jones Rattled After Vivek Ramaswamy Exposes the Democrats’ Sinister Scheme to Replace Native-Born Americans

Illegals should be either naturalized or else deported
On what basis should they be naturalized ahead of all the people trying to get in who followed our laws?
Be honest…wouldn’t you poop your leftist self if we deported them all tomorrow?

But no one has a right to complain about demographics changing due to immigration
We wouldn’t have the right to complain if our government dropped 50 million Africans on us tomorrow?
Are you sure you thought this all through?
How about blacks who are racist, do they hate them?
When you canpresent me the same 404 year record of blacks doing to whites what whites have done to blacks, we'll talk about blacks who are racist.
You honestly didn’t know?
When was the last time you heard a government official or a celebrity, or a media personality talk highly of fewer dark people becoming part of X group?
There is no war on whites.
When you canpresent me the same 404 year record of blacks doing to whites what whites have done to blacks, we'll talk about blacks who are racist.

Blacks enslaved over a million whites over the centuries.

You're welcome.
I just finished a very long argument with a left-wing loon who bragged about replacement Theory and had a great disdain for white people. Very disconcerting but there are people like this in our country.
What's disconcerting is the amnesia right wing whites seem to have.
What a commie coward Van Jones is. Maybe Van can explain the millions upon millions of illegal invaders the Biden Regime is allowing into the country. What exactly is their purpose?

Van Jones is an 'actor. ' An Obama guy. Thumis is not to say that Vivek isn't rubbing us the wrong way..
Replacement Kornspiracy or no... the goddamned Illegals have got to go... get 'em the phukk outta our country.,, soon.

“Literally, I Was Shaking” – CNN'S Van Jones Rattled After Vivek Ramaswamy Exposes the Democrats’ Sinister Scheme to Replace Native-Born Americans​


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