Little Boy Rep to Give Socialist Rebuttal to Trump SOU

The Democrats are trying to invoke past glory by fronting Kennedy.

They tried to rebuild Camelot with the Obamas but failed. They need such a facade to distract from their usual sleight-of-hand.
Preppy white guilted little boy Rep. Joey Kennedy III to give official Democratic aka Socialist rebuttal to President of the United States Donald J. Trumps, State of Union address. Look at his words...basically confirms that Democrats promote a continuous victim class.
Rep. Joe Kennedy III to deliver State of the Union rebuttal: What to know

Joe Kennedy's speech will say that controlling immigration is racist.
Tax cuts are unfair to the middle class.
Islamic Terrorist are being oppressed by the evil Republican infidels.
Global Warming will kill us all unless we have more taxes and regulations.
Preventing voter fraud with common sense Voter ID laws is racist.
If Kennedy is a little boy what is Trump? A liar, 2140 in one year! A adulterer! A draft dodger! A tax cheat! A poor speaker! A fake who didn't want to win! A rich boy who never worked in his life, and everyone in his administration thinks he is out of his league? You Trump sycophants and emasculated followers obviously need a blowhard to make you happy, but come on people, you could have done better than Donnie. LOL Follow along boys. Trump will lead you....
I don't care if they brought Elvis back from tbe grave to give the rebuttal, I wouldn't watch.

After all the exposed racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, primary rigging, debate cheating, Espionage, mishandling of classified, national security jeopardizing, obstruction of justice, Russian crim hiding, false narrative / accusation-pushing, fake news, 'Armaggedon' bs, protecting felons, hate-driven, exposed treason, and on-going scandal cover-up by the Democrats / Left...

...why would anyone bother to watch, unless to indulge their own partisan hatred.
I don't care if they brought Elvis back from tbe grave to give the rebuttal, I wouldn't watch.

After all the exposed racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, primary rigging, debate cheating, Espionage, mishandling of classified, national security jeopardizing, obstruction of justice, Russian crim hiding, false narrative / accusation-pushing, fake news, 'Armaggedon' bs, protecting felons, hate-driven, exposed treason, and on-going scandal cover-up by the Democrats / Left...

...why would anyone bother to watch, unless to indulge their own partisan hatred. will you watch Trump slam the democrats..of coarse you you mean republican hatred but democrat hatred is ok..

The Democrats are trying to invoke past glory by fronting Kennedy.

They tried to rebuild Camelot with the Obamas but failed. They need such a facade to distract from their usual sleight-of-hand.
Exactly! If JFK were alive today he would be a conservative. Lee Harvey Oswald and Bernie Sanders had/have Same political beliefs. Both also went to USSR.
I don't care if they brought Elvis back from tbe grave to give the rebuttal, I wouldn't watch.

After all the exposed racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, primary rigging, debate cheating, Espionage, mishandling of classified, national security jeopardizing, obstruction of justice, Russian crim hiding, false narrative / accusation-pushing, fake news, 'Armaggedon' bs, protecting felons, hate-driven, exposed treason, and on-going scandal cover-up by the Democrats / Left...

...why would anyone bother to watch, unless to indulge their own partisan hatred.
If they brought Elvis back...I would have to watch that! Nope...they are only going to bring LBJ and his Great Society programs back and rehash them.
If Kennedy is a little boy what is Trump? A liar, 2140 in one year! A adulterer! A draft dodger! A tax cheat! A poor speaker! A fake who didn't want to win! A rich boy who never worked in his life, and everyone in his administration thinks he is out of his league? You Trump sycophants and emasculated followers obviously need a blowhard to make you happy, but come on people, you could have done better than Donnie. LOL Follow along boys. Trump will lead you....
So what is Bill Clinton?
Somebody better remind Kennedy to set Mickey’s hands on his watch for the right time so he won’t be late.
The stock market at historic highs, unemployment dropping, tax cuts for working families, wage increases, bonuses, what possible rebuttal is there? :laugh:
Joey Kennedy or Maxine Waters giving rebuttal to Trump's State of the Union Address, Not sure which would be funnier to watch an appropriate network for both would be the Comedy Channel
If Kennedy is a little boy what is Trump? A liar, 2140 in one year! A adulterer! A draft dodger! A tax cheat! A poor speaker! A fake who didn't want to win! A rich boy who never worked in his life, and everyone in his administration thinks he is out of his league? You Trump sycophants and emasculated followers obviously need a blowhard to make you happy, but come on people, you could have done better than Donnie. LOL Follow along boys. Trump will lead you....
Joey Kennedy or Maxine Waters giving rebuttal to Trump's State of the Union Address, Not sure which would be funnier to watch an appropriate network for both would be the Comedy Channel
You can’t get anymore corrupt than a Kennedy, with the exception of a Clinton.
And Maxine waters is a loopy kunt with Dementia
They gave Representative Kennedy a surprise puppy and told him he was giving the rebuttal...
The Democrats are trying to invoke past glory by fronting Kennedy.

They tried to rebuild Camelot with the Obamas but failed. They need such a facade to distract from their usual sleight-of-hand.
Exactly! If JFK were alive today he would be a conservative. Lee Harvey Oswald and Bernie Sanders had/have Same political beliefs. Both also went to USSR.
Fun how you seem to know what Kennedy would be.
I don't care if they brought Elvis back from tbe grave to give the rebuttal, I wouldn't watch.

After all the exposed racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, primary rigging, debate cheating, Espionage, mishandling of classified, national security jeopardizing, obstruction of justice, Russian crim hiding, false narrative / accusation-pushing, fake news, 'Armaggedon' bs, protecting felons, hate-driven, exposed treason, and on-going scandal cover-up by the Democrats / Left...

...why would anyone bother to watch, unless to indulge their own partisan hatred.

“Partisan hatred” really sums you up Easy. Hate is destructive. It destroys the hater. Your constant promotion of hatred and intolerance shows that your true agenda of destroying the US.
If Kennedy is a little boy what is Trump? A liar, 2140 in one year! A adulterer! A draft dodger! A tax cheat! A poor speaker! A fake who didn't want to win! A rich boy who never worked in his life, and everyone in his administration thinks he is out of his league? You Trump sycophants and emasculated followers obviously need a blowhard to make you happy, but come on people, you could have done better than Donnie. LOL Follow along boys. Trump will lead you....

Why do you even post? You make no sense.

The record tells. You merely rant regurgitatively.

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