Little Devin Nunes: Worst Corrupt Government Villian EVER!

This is like wikileaks...a corrupt party screaming like banshees when exposed. Who would have thought simple transparency would be this painful?
This whole thread is a fucking talking point.

What is wrong with the memo?

This reminds me of the numerous times I have asked "can anyone give me on example of Russians hacking the election".

So lets start a new one. Can any democrat, or usamessageboard sycophant of the media, give me one danger or "security risk" this memo exposed us to? Just one...that will be enough.

Didnt think so. And remember pencil neck schiff (what kind of name is that I wonder) first said there was nothing in the memo...then he said it was extremely dangerous to US security...then he said he had made up his own "memo :) :) and then he said the Republicans changed a comma.
im looking...and reading...and I see no threat to national security here.

So I have this to say. What I have always said. The democrats are beaten. Ignore them. And treat them like the losers they are. And then work to eradicate their poison in every aspect of public life.
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So I take it you don't think the Memo is a "nothing burger"?

It, like the memo Rosenstein wrote on Comey, a reason that the Great Leader will use to fire...wait for it....his appointment Rosenstein. The Great Leader knows that Mueller is getting close and he needs to somehow stop the investigation. Nunes is a mindless little Trumpite...
Didn’t you tell some bs story last week about the Trumps marriage?
Which marriage? Trump has like 4 and children from a bunch of different mothers, would have more if he didn't insist on abortions. Not to mention all his affairs with porn stars etc. Dude probably has kids we don't even know about. Typical conservative christian values so not surprising.
That what it wasn't at all about....idiot.
So I take it you don't think the Memo is a "nothing burger"?

It, like the memo Rosenstein wrote on Comey, a reason that the Great Leader will use to fire...wait for it....his appointment Rosenstein. The Great Leader knows that Mueller is getting close and he needs to somehow stop the investigation. Nunes is a mindless little Trumpite...
Didn’t you tell some bs story last week about the Trumps marriage?
Which marriage? Trump has like 4 and children from a bunch of different mothers, would have more if he didn't insist on abortions. Not to mention all his affairs with porn stars etc. Dude probably has kids we don't even know about. Typical conservative christian values so not surprising.
That what it wasn't at all about....idiot.

I love the trumpettes that avoid the moral sewer this man has dragged the GOP into. The party if God has become the party of the Pervert.

For the better part of 2017, Congressman Devin Nunes has been acting guilty. He misused his role as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee to try to sabotage the committee’s investigation into Donald Trump’s Russia scandal. After his antics got him temporarily removed from the investigation, he launched his own rogue investigation aimed at clearing Trump. Now evidence is emerging that he was in on the Trump-Russia conspiracy from the start, and one respected legal expert says Nunes is going to prison for it.

Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe, who may be the foremost expert on the U.S. Constitution, stated his view on Twitter on Thursday evening: “Nunes is headed to federal prison.” He didn’t expand on his specific legal reasoning, but it’s not difficult to surmise what specifics he’s referencing.

More: Legal expert: Devin Nunes is going to prison - Palmer Report

I totally agree with Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe: “Nunes is headed to federal prison.”

Hmmm - Let's pick the little puke a perfect cellie - Manafort, Flynn, or Jared? :)

So I take it you don't think the Memo is a "nothing burger"?

It, like the memo Rosenstein wrote on Comey, a reason that the Great Leader will use to fire...wait for it....his appointment Rosenstein. The Great Leader knows that Mueller is getting close and he needs to somehow stop the investigation. Nunes is a mindless little Trumpite...
Didn’t you tell some bs story last week about the Trumps marriage?
Which marriage? Trump has like 4 and children from a bunch of different mothers, would have more if he didn't insist on abortions. Not to mention all his affairs with porn stars etc. Dude probably has kids we don't even know about. Typical conservative christian values so not surprising.
That what it wasn't at all about....idiot.

I love the trumpettes that avoid the moral sewer this man has dragged the GOP into. The party if God has become the party of the Pervert.
Thinking Error: hopover

For the better part of 2017, Congressman Devin Nunes has been acting guilty. He misused his role as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee to try to sabotage the committee’s investigation into Donald Trump’s Russia scandal. After his antics got him temporarily removed from the investigation, he launched his own rogue investigation aimed at clearing Trump. Now evidence is emerging that he was in on the Trump-Russia conspiracy from the start, and one respected legal expert says Nunes is going to prison for it.

Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe, who may be the foremost expert on the U.S. Constitution, stated his view on Twitter on Thursday evening: “Nunes is headed to federal prison.” He didn’t expand on his specific legal reasoning, but it’s not difficult to surmise what specifics he’s referencing.

More: Legal expert: Devin Nunes is going to prison - Palmer Report

I totally agree with Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe: “Nunes is headed to federal prison.”

Hmmm - Let's pick the little puke a perfect cellie - Manafort, Flynn, or Jared? :)


No, I want Junior in the cell. And take away the hair jell that he and Eric look like Bevis and Butt head...
Are you still waiting?

Turn on Fox or Right Wing Radio…

Get you head out of your ass and face the truth.

This makes Richard Nixon look like a Saint..

Why would anyone with a brain turn on Right Wing Squawk Radio

That may be your problem ;)

You have all the Trumpettes only watching FOX. So, they really do not know what real news is. All they know is what FOX, the state owned news channel, tells them.
No, 0bama was the worst corrupt villain. Still is.

How many of Obama's campaign staff or cabinet were either charged or indicted? Go ahead and look that up....I will wait...

Irrelevant. Who’s going to charge them when 0bama weaponized the FBI and the DOJ?

Beside his staff has nothing to do with the terrible job he did.

No it isn't.. Tell many corrupt people were charged in the 8 Obama years. Go ahead...tell me.
No, 0bama was the worst corrupt villain. Still is.

How many of Obama's campaign staff or cabinet were either charged or indicted? Go ahead and look that up....I will wait...

Irrelevant. Who’s going to charge them when 0bama weaponized the FBI and the DOJ?

Beside his staff has nothing to do with the terrible job he did.

He pulled us out of a Republican induced recession. The worst since the great depression. He gave it to Trump who immediately repeated the big tax cut for the rich that sank the economy for W. Let's see how this turns out.

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