Little Jimmy O'Keefe's latest lies

Yes only the Breitbart crowd pays attention to O'Keefe, and they're a negligible segment of the population. Ignore him and he'll go away.

Breitbart loses 90 percent of advertisers in two months, traffic down 50 percent

Good luck with all has blown up with the revelations of Project Veritas and James O' for leftards like you and your ilk.
Google thanks you for your traffic.

Google demonetizes most conservative YouTube channels who make most of their money from merchandise and Patreon now.
You buy merchandise from conservative youtubers? LOL

Are you illiterate?
No. That's how I'm able to make fun of you for purchasing merchandise from no-name, conservative youtubers. Because in their defense, you wrote that merchandise is how they make money.

Maybe you need help. Here: the definition of illiterate
Good luck with all has blown up with the revelations of Project Veritas and James O' for leftards like you and your ilk.
Google thanks you for your traffic.

Google demonetizes most conservative YouTube channels who make most of their money from merchandise and Patreon now.
You buy merchandise from conservative youtubers? LOL

Are you illiterate?
No. That's how I'm able to make fun of you for purchasing merchandise from no-name, conservative youtubers. Because in their defense, you wrote that merchandise is how they make money.

Maybe you need help. Here: the definition of illiterate

Apparently you are illiterate or maybe dyslexic or both since I never said I bought merch, lmao.
Scam artist James O’Keefe is back with a CNN “exposé” — and Republicans just can’t say no

Every O'Keefe video has turned out to be phony propaganda — but he tells Republicans what they want to hear

In 2013, O’Keefe was ordered to pay $100,000 and apologize to an Acorn worker who was fired over the fake video.

Planned Parenthood
Furthermore numerous investigations, including probes under the supervision of Republican governors like Florida’s Rick Scott, completely exonerated Planned Parenthood from any wrongdoing. States like Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Massachusetts, Georgia, Indiana, Florida and Missouri, among others, found zero evidence that any clinics had illegally sold fetal tissue.

Once again, the facts were irrelevant.


And now we have this ridiculous CNN video in which a producer apparently says, “I just feel like they don’t really have it, but they want to keep digging. And so I think the president is probably right to say, like, look, you are witch-hunting me. Like you have no smoking gun; you have no real proof.”

The lengthy history of O’Keefe’s mendacity didn’t stop the Trump White House, via spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders, from plugging the video and treating it as legitimate journalism. That’s pretty rich coming from a White House that loves to criticize major press institutions like The New York Times as “fake news.” Sanders urged the entire nation to watch the video, and Donald Trump Jr. tweeted a link to O’Keefe’s scam. It’s also worth noting that the Donald Trump Foundation donated $10,000 to O’Keefe’s Project Veritas in 2015, when the Planned Parenthood videos were being hotly debated.


Van Jones: James O’Keefe’s CNN video took me out of context

Van Jones says you shouldn't take James O'Keefe's "sting" video of him at face value

This was unconscionable when it was just O'keefe spreading the lies. But now that its the president of the United states, its downright frightening. RWs are complicit. They blindly believe O'Keefe's lies even though they KNOW they are lies. The believe trump's lies or they excuse them. I don't believe that will change.

The question is, how do we stop it?

Conservatives now live in a phoney unreality. They've given up on reality. Literally. They hungrily search for anything that will shore up their belief in fantasy, and whenever something like this comes out they cheer their emotional cheer of 'see we're right and ok'. But they aren't. The alt-right is engaged in 24/7 propaganda to present a false reality as real. O'queefe and the sewer crawlers like him feed this need for fake things to be outraged at. Hannity has taken on this mantle recently as O'rummy has been outed as a pervert and fired.

But conservatism now relies on this continous false narrative. Their worldview loses in the town square so they've embraced the big lie with great enthusiam.
Google thanks you for your traffic.

Google demonetizes most conservative YouTube channels who make most of their money from merchandise and Patreon now.
You buy merchandise from conservative youtubers? LOL

Are you illiterate?
No. That's how I'm able to make fun of you for purchasing merchandise from no-name, conservative youtubers. Because in their defense, you wrote that merchandise is how they make money.

Maybe you need help. Here: the definition of illiterate

Apparently you are illiterate or maybe dyslexic or both since I never said I bought merch, lmao.
Oh then you helped Youtube and Google make money with your traffic, while not supporting aspy conservative youtubers. Good for you.
The lengthy history of O’Keefe’s mendacity didn’t stop the Trump White House, via spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders, from plugging the video and treating it as legitimate journalism. That’s pretty rich coming from a White House that loves to criticize major press institutions like The New York Times as “fake news.”
You see, Lubbly thinks video tape evidence is just completely fake even though it is video tape evidence of a CNN producer saying on video tape that the Russia story is fake, just like normal Americans think it is, and just like President Trump thinks it is, and just like everybody except the brainless turds that read the New York Times thinks it is. Lubbly Nebbish is all worked up because no one is playing along with the fake news pretend game like they're supposed to. As Salon says, don't the rubes know that the New York Times has already told us what to think about Russia? That's pretty rich that some sand-state goy is going to come waltzing into our playhouse with some video tape evidence completely blowing our fake bullshit out of the water like he has irrefutable video tape evidence!

Then President Trump calls the New York Times "fake news", for the love of Yahweh, and they want us to treat O'Keefe's video tape evidence like it's video tape evidence?! I mean, where did these people go to college? Kentucky? OK, sure, there was that time the New York Times was caught knowingly pushing an incendiary lie by that one guy, but he's a Nazi, which means the New York Times wasn't knowingly pushing an incendiary lie.

They're all haters. Haters! Haters! Haters! Haters that won't play nice and ape the New York Times like they were told to. If they would would just do that we wouldn't have to deal with these James O'Keefe's and their phony, fake, fraudulent, infuriating video taped evidence making us all look like treasonous, despicable, untrustworthy vermin! I'm so mad I could just stamp my little feetsies.
...and Breitbart apparently
Yes only the Breitbart crowd pays attention to O'Keefe, and they're a negligible segment of the population. Ignore him and he'll go away.

Breitbart loses 90 percent of advertisers in two months, traffic down 50 percent

Good luck with all has blown up with the revelations of Project Veritas and James O' for leftards like you and your ilk.
Google thanks you for your traffic.

Google demonetizes most conservative YouTube channels who make most of their money from merchandise and Patreon now.
You buy merchandise from conservative youtubers? LOL

Wow, you have no clue on how youtube works, do you?.......damn. I knew that you were uninformed!

How it works is that youtube sells advertisements to companies that play commercials before the video starts. The channels earn money when people watch the video...and it is referred to as "clicks".......the more subscribers you have and the more watches you get, the more money you make.....get it now????
Google thanks you for your traffic.

Google demonetizes most conservative YouTube channels who make most of their money from merchandise and Patreon now.
You buy merchandise from conservative youtubers? LOL

Are you illiterate?
No. That's how I'm able to make fun of you for purchasing merchandise from no-name, conservative youtubers. Because in their defense, you wrote that merchandise is how they make money.

Maybe you need help. Here: the definition of illiterate

Apparently you are illiterate or maybe dyslexic or both since I never said I bought merch, lmao.

Blackfag has no idea on how youtube even works....he is nothing but a troll.
Their worldview loses in the town square so they've embraced the big lie with great enthusiam.

Sorry, what was that about world views losing? I was watching our president giving a speech in a packed town square and couldn't hear what you were saying over the roaring of the crowd "Trump!" "Trump!" "Trump!"
Yes only the Breitbart crowd pays attention to O'Keefe, and they're a negligible segment of the population. Ignore him and he'll go away.

Breitbart loses 90 percent of advertisers in two months, traffic down 50 percent

Good luck with all has blown up with the revelations of Project Veritas and James O' for leftards like you and your ilk.
Google thanks you for your traffic.

Google demonetizes most conservative YouTube channels who make most of their money from merchandise and Patreon now.
You buy merchandise from conservative youtubers? LOL

Wow, you have no clue on how youtube works, do you?.......damn. I knew that you were uninformed!

How it works is that youtube sells advertisements to companies that play commercials before the video starts. The channels earn money when people watch the video...and it is referred to as "clicks".......the more subscribers you have and the more watches you get, the more money you make.....get it now????
Duh. And Youtube and Google profit bigly. They are grateful for your support. :thup:
Yes only the Breitbart crowd pays attention to O'Keefe, and they're a negligible segment of the population. Ignore him and he'll go away.

Breitbart loses 90 percent of advertisers in two months, traffic down 50 percent

Good luck with all has blown up with the revelations of Project Veritas and James O' for leftards like you and your ilk.
Google thanks you for your traffic.

Google demonetizes most conservative YouTube channels who make most of their money from merchandise and Patreon now.
You buy merchandise from conservative youtubers? LOL

Are you illiterate?
Does a duck have a water tight asshole? Does a bear shit in the woods? Is Blackfag illiterate? The answer is the same for all three questions...LOL!
Google demonetizes most conservative YouTube channels who make most of their money from merchandise and Patreon now.
You buy merchandise from conservative youtubers? LOL

Are you illiterate?
No. That's how I'm able to make fun of you for purchasing merchandise from no-name, conservative youtubers. Because in their defense, you wrote that merchandise is how they make money.

Maybe you need help. Here: the definition of illiterate

Apparently you are illiterate or maybe dyslexic or both since I never said I bought merch, lmao.

Blackfag has no idea on how youtube even works....he is nothing but a troll.
I know that Youtube doesn't "demonetize" conservative youtube channels like dumbfuck said up there.
Good luck with all has blown up with the revelations of Project Veritas and James O' for leftards like you and your ilk.
Google thanks you for your traffic.

Google demonetizes most conservative YouTube channels who make most of their money from merchandise and Patreon now.
You buy merchandise from conservative youtubers? LOL

Wow, you have no clue on how youtube works, do you?.......damn. I knew that you were uninformed!

How it works is that youtube sells advertisements to companies that play commercials before the video starts. The channels earn money when people watch the video...and it is referred to as "clicks".......the more subscribers you have and the more watches you get, the more money you make.....get it now????
Duh. And Youtube and Google profit bigly. They are grateful for your support. :thup:

But you thought that channels made money from pushing their own products???? Crawfishing just a tad, are we????
Google thanks you for your traffic.

Google demonetizes most conservative YouTube channels who make most of their money from merchandise and Patreon now.
You buy merchandise from conservative youtubers? LOL

Wow, you have no clue on how youtube works, do you?.......damn. I knew that you were uninformed!

How it works is that youtube sells advertisements to companies that play commercials before the video starts. The channels earn money when people watch the video...and it is referred to as "clicks".......the more subscribers you have and the more watches you get, the more money you make.....get it now????
Duh. And Youtube and Google profit bigly. They are grateful for your support. :thup:

But you thought that channels made money from pushing their own products???? Crawfishing just a tad, are we????
That's what the Asian guy said. Not me, snowflake.
You buy merchandise from conservative youtubers? LOL

Are you illiterate?
No. That's how I'm able to make fun of you for purchasing merchandise from no-name, conservative youtubers. Because in their defense, you wrote that merchandise is how they make money.

Maybe you need help. Here: the definition of illiterate

Apparently you are illiterate or maybe dyslexic or both since I never said I bought merch, lmao.

Blackfag has no idea on how youtube even works....he is nothing but a troll.
I know that Youtube doesn't "demonetize" conservative youtube channels like dumbfuck said up there.

Yes, they most certainly do because they deem it as "questionable content". Don't even try to argue this with me, dumb ass.....I subscribe to a few hundred channels and they have been under vicious attack even though youtube still attaches ads to their videos and then refuses to pay them. You have no fucking clue.
Are you illiterate?
No. That's how I'm able to make fun of you for purchasing merchandise from no-name, conservative youtubers. Because in their defense, you wrote that merchandise is how they make money.

Maybe you need help. Here: the definition of illiterate

Apparently you are illiterate or maybe dyslexic or both since I never said I bought merch, lmao.

Blackfag has no idea on how youtube even works....he is nothing but a troll.
I know that Youtube doesn't "demonetize" conservative youtube channels like dumbfuck said up there.

Yes, they most certainly do because they deem it as "questionable content". Don't even try to argue this with me, dumb ass.....I subscribe to a few hundred channels and they have been under vicious attack even though youtube still attaches ads to their videos and then refuses to pay them. You have no fucking clue.
Every youtube poster complains about youtube screwing them for some reason. Stop being such a victim. Meanwhile, despite claiming youtube is going after you rubes, you subscribe to hundreds of channels? Thus freely giving youtube as much traffic as you can every day? Embarrassing.
Scam artist James O’Keefe is back with a CNN “exposé” — and Republicans just can’t say no

Every O'Keefe video has turned out to be phony propaganda — but he tells Republicans what they want to hear

In 2013, O’Keefe was ordered to pay $100,000 and apologize to an Acorn worker who was fired over the fake video.

Planned Parenthood
Furthermore numerous investigations, including probes under the supervision of Republican governors like Florida’s Rick Scott, completely exonerated Planned Parenthood from any wrongdoing. States like Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Massachusetts, Georgia, Indiana, Florida and Missouri, among others, found zero evidence that any clinics had illegally sold fetal tissue.

Once again, the facts were irrelevant.


And now we have this ridiculous CNN video in which a producer apparently says, “I just feel like they don’t really have it, but they want to keep digging. And so I think the president is probably right to say, like, look, you are witch-hunting me. Like you have no smoking gun; you have no real proof.”

The lengthy history of O’Keefe’s mendacity didn’t stop the Trump White House, via spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders, from plugging the video and treating it as legitimate journalism. That’s pretty rich coming from a White House that loves to criticize major press institutions like The New York Times as “fake news.” Sanders urged the entire nation to watch the video, and Donald Trump Jr. tweeted a link to O’Keefe’s scam. It’s also worth noting that the Donald Trump Foundation donated $10,000 to O’Keefe’s Project Veritas in 2015, when the Planned Parenthood videos were being hotly debated.


Van Jones: James O’Keefe’s CNN video took me out of context

Van Jones says you shouldn't take James O'Keefe's "sting" video of him at face value

This was unconscionable when it was just O'keefe spreading the lies. But now that its the president of the United states, its downright frightening. RWs are complicit. They blindly believe O'Keefe's lies even though they KNOW they are lies. The believe trump's lies or they excuse them. I don't believe that will change.

The question is, how do we stop it?

Obviously Puddley Pillowbite, there is very little oxygen in your bubble.
"Project Veritas"



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