Live debate of Vice Presidential candidate

No fact checking for Walz. Huh.

There was a report released today that confirmed that in Minnesota they did have baby born who in Minnesota can be deprived life saving care.

It seems they are copying ABC.

ABC’s Debate Fact Check Ignores Walz’s Minnesota Abortion Law

Walz, however, signed an omnibus bill in 2023 that allowed physicians to refuse life-saving care to infants born after failed abortions.

Twenty-four abortion procedures between 2015 and 2022 led to live births, according to Minnesota Department of Health records. Of the infants born alive during abortion procedures between 2015 and 2022, medical professionals provided seven with “comfort care” in an attempt to make their deaths more comfortable whereas “no specific steps taken to preserve life were reported” in one 2017 case, the National Catholic Register reported.
Not a MAGA....
I'm just aware....huge difference.

97% of all abortions are elective and unnecessary.
Not your decision to make. Not the government's decision to make.

And you will learn that the hard way in November when well over 60% of women vote for Kamala Harris.
Imagine being a baby, born through a botched abortion. You lie there, a tiny little body, trying to breath, trying to stay alive and a doctor lets you die.

That's just evil. These people aren't doctors if they allow this.

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