Live Free or Die?

The Crusade against our president continues! This nonsense will only inspire his voters in 2020

A New Hampshire teenager said she felt ashamed and embarrassed when her high school principal reportedly told her she needed to cover up the “Make America Great Again” T-shirt and hat she wore for a patriotic celebration.

Ciretta Mackenzie, a freshman at Epping High School, told Boston 25 she had to borrow a friend’s sweatshirt and took off the hat after being reprimanded for wearing the “MAGA” gear on Monday – which was “America Pride Day” at school

New Hampshire teen forced to cover up Trump shirt, remove MAGA hat on school’s ‘patriotic day’ | Fox News
Forced to cover up a slogan closely associated with white supremacists at a school function?

How horrible.

When the Government comes to try to take the “arms” I possess that they don’t like me having.
But not when the government doesn't like you having some arms you can't possess. I understand. Freedom is negotiable when rhetoric is abandoned and reality is faced. Then rightards don't want to die.

So says the little puppy kicking puppy fuck that kisses the asss of "gubermint" owned by the central banking oligarchs. Me? Afraid to die? Molon Labe..........come and take it.

Love my plates,my 3% sticker and my 100 Club stickers!!!!

Damn straight.....I will die standing on my feet rather than dying on my knees. I don't use this often but you deserve this.

But not when the government doesn't like you having some arms you can't possess. I understand. Freedom is negotiable when rhetoric is abandoned and reality is faced. Then rightards don't want to die.

I protest every day... by owning restricted arms, by carrying in places where I’m not supposed to, and by refusing to follow unconstitutional laws. THAT is the truest form of protest... risking arrest on a daily basis.

You don’t win a war by dying. You win the war by making the other guys die.
No. I DON'T plan to die. I expect the enemies of freedom to die.
But you're not free to possess any weapon you wish, nor will you be. I see you prefer to live without complete freedom, as you are doing now. Fair enough, I understand why you wish to pretend that is not the case, admitting it would be so damaging to your self image.

What weapons would those be, CMN, the puppy kicking commie? Many Americans are not "sheeple" and they have access to machinery that can modify pretty much anything including the making of their own ammo. Myself, I have those skills and have access to a plethora of machinery. I deal in reality but I push the limits of this debt slavery system of far, so good. Little puppy kicking commie fucks like yourself will not fare so well when the feces hits the oscillating blades. The "gubermint" that you have so much faith in and give so much allegiance to doesn't give a flying fuck about your well-being but you will eventually find out the hard way. I have to admit that there is this small but ugly side of me that would take joy in watching you sit on the curb looking around and hoping that entity is on the way to "save" you because you can't save yourself.

The Crusade against our president continues! This nonsense will only inspire his voters in 2020

A New Hampshire teenager said she felt ashamed and embarrassed when her high school principal reportedly told her she needed to cover up the “Make America Great Again” T-shirt and hat she wore for a patriotic celebration.

Ciretta Mackenzie, a freshman at Epping High School, told Boston 25 she had to borrow a friend’s sweatshirt and took off the hat after being reprimanded for wearing the “MAGA” gear on Monday – which was “America Pride Day” at school

New Hampshire teen forced to cover up Trump shirt, remove MAGA hat on school’s ‘patriotic day’ | Fox News

Schools are just asking for this nonsense. It was "American Pride Day", so the girl wore a Make America Great Again shirt. Fair enough. But the school does have a code against political wear, which in a high school, I can see as long as it's FAIRLY applied. The principal, to be fair, did not actually punish her. Just asked her to cover her political wear.

But if that's their policy, then they really shouldn't have an "American Pride Day", because kids are going to blur that line. It's just all too convoluted.
freedom is not free, granted by God as a right only when one is willing to fight for it with the willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice. Sad to say this entitled generation, of which I am a member, is too soft, spoiled rotten to the core. Simply no comprehension as to what freedom represents.

It is a constant battle as humans, for whatever reasons often want to control and dictate to others. The Constitution was supposed to protect us from that, but over the years corrupt courts, and corrupt politicians have once again put "The People" at risk of subjugation, Trump is but a speed bump for them.

The ideals of freedom, and liberty have been bred out of younger people for decades as Education, and the Media have marginalized the concepts, preaching the all powerful government (which of course will always be benign) will take care of you.
The Crusade against our president continues! This nonsense will only inspire his voters in 2020

A New Hampshire teenager said she felt ashamed and embarrassed when her high school principal reportedly told her she needed to cover up the “Make America Great Again” T-shirt and hat she wore for a patriotic celebration.

Ciretta Mackenzie, a freshman at Epping High School, told Boston 25 she had to borrow a friend’s sweatshirt and took off the hat after being reprimanded for wearing the “MAGA” gear on Monday – which was “America Pride Day” at school

New Hampshire teen forced to cover up Trump shirt, remove MAGA hat on school’s ‘patriotic day’ | Fox News

Schools are just asking for this nonsense. It was "American Pride Day", so the girl wore a Make America Great Again shirt. Fair enough. But the school does have a code against political wear, which in a high school, I can see as long as it's FAIRLY applied. The principal, to be fair, did not actually punish her. Just asked her to cover her political wear.

But if that's their policy, then they really shouldn't have an "American Pride Day", because kids are going to blur that line. It's just all too convoluted.
How can you have an AMERICAN PRIDE DAY,

except they have a PERVERTED LEFTIE UNDERSTANDING of that term.

NO ONE who wears that phrase thinks of it meaning what the tards say it means.

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