Live J6 Hearing...

Maybe ONE bad Cop, But I still haven't seen your video of this happening.

Are you discounting all the OTHERS that broke in?

What a lame response.
Others walked in, man. Let's not start gaslighting things. A couple broke a window. Then Ashli Babbit looked in the window and got killed. Rest in peace to our fallen soldier.
Liz Chaney calls out Trump. Reads his tweet:

January 6, 2021 23:01:04

These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!
BFD you got nothing.
Where is that video when President Trump tweeted to peacefully walk and not do what the democrats are obsessed about?
Well nobody believed him. You don't even believe him. They knew he was doing the wink wink thing. Just ask the insirrectionists. Or maybe you haven't heard that Trump is a class A liar and a second rate conman.
She was climbing a locked door wearing a backpack, trying to get in a broken window to the other side where the entrance to the House chamber was. She was warned repeatedly to stand down. Had she made it to the other side, my guess is that she would have tried to unlock the door for the crowd.
She didn't make it.
She was looking out the window. Roll the tape. Yes, she had to be climbing because she was a small woman. :blahblah:
So BLM can "march" wherever but if Proud Boys march down there organized it's rioting? A lot of telling things that could backfire for demos here.
Opening statement was ridiculous. The guy went on and on about Abe Lincoln being a great president. Bet he was cheering on the same BLM/ ANTIFA idiots ripping Lincoln statues down during the Summer of Love . Democrats are a joke.
Jonathon Turley making a good point on FOX.'' No opposing counsel''
This isn't a trial. If there were people who were worried about getting their side of the story in, they had plenty of chances to offer testimony.
But for some reason, chose not to.

Oh well.
How enraged will you Trump Haters be if thi
Opening statement was ridiculous. The guy went on and on about Abe Lincoln being a great president. Bet he was cheering on the same BLM/ ANTIFA idiots ripping Lincoln statues down during the Summer of Love . Democrats are a joke.
The sad part is he was twisting the words of Abe Lincoln.

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