Live mic catches Fox host inflating crowd estimate by 300%

"All propaganda must be so popular and on such an intellectual level, that even the most stupid of those toward whom it is directed will understand it... Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise." Adolf Hitler

Fox pretend news should be a requirement for those interested in propaganda, rhetoric, and word misuse. Even stories that are pretty neutral have pieces of comment entered just to criticize Obama or the 'left.' Whatever the hell the 'left' is in their minds.

“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over” Joseph Goebbels

excerpts from the book Information War American Propaganda, Free Speech and Opinion Control since 9-11 by Nancy Snow
Nor are the wingnuts going to address the silliness of their own. They had their little "Tea Party", did it on a work day, so those of us that work realize that they were people who do not.

What a fucking stupid non point.
Here's Fox News host Neil Cavuto talking with a producer at 12:10PM, recorded on a live mic (update: Cavuto was in Sacramento):
CAVUTO: Any estimates on how many people are here?
PRODUCER: No, we're trying to get...
CAVUTO: There's gotta' be 5,000.
PRODUCER: Oh, at least. You know, I mean the cops aren't going to tell us, and we've been trying to get ahold of the PR person to give us their number, but I think 5,000. You can say it's starting at 5,000 [unintelligble, but sounds like "and maybe it's more."].
And here's Cavuto less than ten minutes later, tripling his crowd estimate during his on-air broadcast:
CAVUTO: I know you cover a lot of these things Shep, so you're probably better at estimating crowd sizes than I am. They were expecting 5,000 here, it's got to be easily double, if not triple that.
To recap: off-air, Cavuto is recorded estimating the crowd at 5,000, perhaps slightly more. On-air, Cavuto says the crowd is "easily" double or triple that.

Fox News, they decide.

Watch the video here:

Live mic catches Fox host tripling his own crowd size estimate - Daily Kos TV (beta)

Well, I just watched it and find it kind of saddening that a news source sees fit to manipulate what the viewers actually see and hear. But let's not kid ourselves that this is a right-wing / Fox only phenomenon. Here's an example of another reporter spinning stuff exactly the opposite way. This stuff isn't hard to find.

What pisses me off is that regular people who have legitimate concerns, be they Rep or Dem, are somehow being painted as having a wider political agenda that they actually do. A lot of people went to the rallies yesterday to protest government spending in general. It currently happens to be Obama in the White House so this is taken by a lot of Dems to be an attack on his policies. That's no necessarily the case. On the other hand, a lot of Reps seem to think that anyone attending the protest must therefore be a Rep. That's not necessarily true either.

Then of course people who weren't there only see what the media wants them to see and form their views accordingly, usually having swallowed the entire story without chewing.

[youtube]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/youtube]
the tea parties were an Epic failure and they have been proven to be Fringe in this country.

Of course all they can do is divert to some "hot babe".

The republican party is now meaningless.
Here's Fox News host Neil Cavuto talking with a producer at 12:10PM, recorded on a live mic (update: Cavuto was in Sacramento):
CAVUTO: Any estimates on how many people are here?
PRODUCER: No, we're trying to get...
CAVUTO: There's gotta' be 5,000.
PRODUCER: Oh, at least. You know, I mean the cops aren't going to tell us, and we've been trying to get ahold of the PR person to give us their number, but I think 5,000. You can say it's starting at 5,000 [unintelligble, but sounds like "and maybe it's more."].
And here's Cavuto less than ten minutes later, tripling his crowd estimate during his on-air broadcast:
CAVUTO: I know you cover a lot of these things Shep, so you're probably better at estimating crowd sizes than I am. They were expecting 5,000 here, it's got to be easily double, if not triple that.
To recap: off-air, Cavuto is recorded estimating the crowd at 5,000, perhaps slightly more. On-air, Cavuto says the crowd is "easily" double or triple that.

Fox News, they decide.

Watch the video here:

Live mic catches Fox host tripling his own crowd size estimate - Daily Kos TV (beta)

Well, I just watched it and find it kind of saddening that a news source sees fit to manipulate what the viewers actually see and hear. But let's not kid ourselves that this is a right-wing / Fox only phenomenon. Here's an example of another reporter spinning stuff exactly the opposite way. This stuff isn't hard to find.

What pisses me off is that regular people who have legitimate concerns, be they Rep or Dem, are somehow being painted as having a wider political agenda that they actually do. A lot of people went to the rallies yesterday to protest government spending in general. It currently happens to be Obama in the White House so this is taken by a lot of Dems to be an attack on his policies. That's no necessarily the case. On the other hand, a lot of Reps seem to think that anyone attending the protest must therefore be a Rep. That's not necessarily true either.

Then of course people who weren't there only see what the media wants them to see and form their views accordingly, usually having swallowed the entire story without chewing.

[youtube]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/youtube]


I just watched your little clip and the woman who "takes her to task" as you say just shit all over the other people at the protest and told the lady they were not main stream Americans. She told the reporter that they should not be talkin to people holding the signs.

It just shows how stupid this whole thing was and how divided even the few people standing there were.

EPIC Failure.

The reporter was treated like shit by those people because her Mike said CNN.

they were treating her like shit the mommnet she arrived and you wonder why she didnt "talk nice" to them?
Dive my party was voted in and your party was reduced to flailing idiots.

If you think that makes you a winner than have fun with that.

Its very obvious who the failure is.
Dive my party was voted in and your party was reduced to flailing idiots.

If you think that makes you a winner than have fun with that.

Its very obvious who the failure is.

it certainly is, and politics has nothing to do with it.
Dive my party was voted in and your party was reduced to flailing idiots.

If you think that makes you a winner than have fun with that.

Its very obvious who the failure is.
so, because we lost the election, we should shut up and let you assholes destroy whats left?
i dont think so
and YOU assholes wouldnt shut up after you lose 3 elections in a row
I went to the Chicago one! Holy shit was it packed! Many more people than I thought! truly amazing!
Um ... so .... basically like all media they are sensationalizing ... just par for the course. :doubt:

ummm... no.. basically they're lying. punching up your story is an entirely different thing.

I can't speak to the OP, but here is the usual, left wing linguistics at work.

The first words out of a lefties mouth is "they're lying."

Wonder why there is so little civil discourse from the left?

Now for the other side, the down playing of the success of the 'tea parties.' I actually went to one, in the smallest of NYC's five boroughs, Staten Island. The weather was chilly, and there was a slight on and off drizzle. My children loved wearing their colorful ponchos.

I counted, actually counted, about 800-1000 participants. During the event there were so many cars honking their horns in support, and waving flags- from their cars as they past, that, at times it was difficult to hear the speeches.

The media reports said '100" and some said '300.' Now, if I were a NeoCom, what phrase would I be shouting, and perseverating? Right- "they're lying!"

Why would the media race to underestimate the participants? Draw your own concllusions.
Dive my party was voted in and your party was reduced to flailing idiots.

If you think that makes you a winner than have fun with that.

Its very obvious who the failure is.
so, because we lost the election, we should shut up and let you assholes destroy whats left?
i dont think so
and YOU assholes wouldnt shut up after you lose 3 elections in a row

where did I say shutup?

I just want to face the fact that the people in theo right at this site are Fringe right wing.

YOu are not some mainstream portion of the polulation.

YOU are Fringe and your opinions are shared by very few other Americans.

We had an election and you lost, quit pretending you are the majority.
Here's Fox News host Neil Cavuto talking with a producer at 12:10PM, recorded on a live mic (update: Cavuto was in Sacramento):
CAVUTO: Any estimates on how many people are here?
PRODUCER: No, we're trying to get...
CAVUTO: There's gotta' be 5,000.
PRODUCER: Oh, at least. You know, I mean the cops aren't going to tell us, and we've been trying to get ahold of the PR person to give us their number, but I think 5,000. You can say it's starting at 5,000 [unintelligble, but sounds like "and maybe it's more."].
And here's Cavuto less than ten minutes later, tripling his crowd estimate during his on-air broadcast:
CAVUTO: I know you cover a lot of these things Shep, so you're probably better at estimating crowd sizes than I am. They were expecting 5,000 here, it's got to be easily double, if not triple that.
To recap: off-air, Cavuto is recorded estimating the crowd at 5,000, perhaps slightly more. On-air, Cavuto says the crowd is "easily" double or triple that.

Fox News, they decide.

Watch the video here:

Live mic catches Fox host tripling his own crowd size estimate - Daily Kos TV (beta)

Well, I just watched it and find it kind of saddening that a news source sees fit to manipulate what the viewers actually see and hear. But let's not kid ourselves that this is a right-wing / Fox only phenomenon. Here's an example of another reporter spinning stuff exactly the opposite way. This stuff isn't hard to find.

What pisses me off is that regular people who have legitimate concerns, be they Rep or Dem, are somehow being painted as having a wider political agenda that they actually do. A lot of people went to the rallies yesterday to protest government spending in general. It currently happens to be Obama in the White House so this is taken by a lot of Dems to be an attack on his policies. That's no necessarily the case. On the other hand, a lot of Reps seem to think that anyone attending the protest must therefore be a Rep. That's not necessarily true either.

Then of course people who weren't there only see what the media wants them to see and form their views accordingly, usually having swallowed the entire story without chewing.

[youtube]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/youtube]


I just watched your little clip and the woman who "takes her to task" as you say just shit all over the other people at the protest and told the lady they were not main stream Americans. She told the reporter that they should not be talkin to people holding the signs.

It just shows how stupid this whole thing was and how divided even the few people standing there were.

EPIC Failure.

The reporter was treated like shit by those people because her Mike said CNN.

they were treating her like shit the mommnet she arrived and you wonder why she didnt "talk nice" to them?

Actually what the women was attempting to point out is that CNN is quite selective in who they choose to "interview" - that CNN is guily of not actually speaking to main street Americans.

It would appear the only epic failure was your own inability to understand simple English.

That woman also represented a great many who are fed up with both Democrats and Republicans. These are the same people who were the primary cause of Bush II's falling approval numbers, and now these same people are crying out to their own government for some semblance of fiscal sanity.

Sounds like a fair enough request to me...
Well, I just watched it and find it kind of saddening that a news source sees fit to manipulate what the viewers actually see and hear. But let's not kid ourselves that this is a right-wing / Fox only phenomenon. Here's an example of another reporter spinning stuff exactly the opposite way. This stuff isn't hard to find.

What pisses me off is that regular people who have legitimate concerns, be they Rep or Dem, are somehow being painted as having a wider political agenda that they actually do. A lot of people went to the rallies yesterday to protest government spending in general. It currently happens to be Obama in the White House so this is taken by a lot of Dems to be an attack on his policies. That's no necessarily the case. On the other hand, a lot of Reps seem to think that anyone attending the protest must therefore be a Rep. That's not necessarily true either.

Then of course people who weren't there only see what the media wants them to see and form their views accordingly, usually having swallowed the entire story without chewing.

[youtube]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/youtube]


I just watched your little clip and the woman who "takes her to task" as you say just shit all over the other people at the protest and told the lady they were not main stream Americans. She told the reporter that they should not be talkin to people holding the signs.

It just shows how stupid this whole thing was and how divided even the few people standing there were.

EPIC Failure.

The reporter was treated like shit by those people because her Mike said CNN.

they were treating her like shit the mommnet she arrived and you wonder why she didnt "talk nice" to them?

Actually what the women was attempting to point out is that CNN is quite selective in who they choose to "interview" - that CNN is guily of not actually speaking to main street Americans.

It would appear the only epic failure was your own inability to understand simple English.

That woman also represented a great many who are fed up with both Democrats and Republicans. These are the same people who were the primary cause of Bush II's falling approval numbers, and now these same people are crying out to their own government for some semblance of fiscal sanity.

Sounds like a fair enough request to me...

She talked to the people at the protest holding signs.

Who the fuck was she supposed to talk to?

If the lady wanted her message to get acrossed she should have make a sign to get her message accrossed.

Fucking A people you are nuts.

I just watched your little clip and the woman who "takes her to task" as you say just shit all over the other people at the protest and told the lady they were not main stream Americans. She told the reporter that they should not be talkin to people holding the signs.

It just shows how stupid this whole thing was and how divided even the few people standing there were.

EPIC Failure.

The reporter was treated like shit by those people because her Mike said CNN.

they were treating her like shit the mommnet she arrived and you wonder why she didnt "talk nice" to them?

Actually what the women was attempting to point out is that CNN is quite selective in who they choose to "interview" - that CNN is guily of not actually speaking to main street Americans.

It would appear the only epic failure was your own inability to understand simple English.

That woman also represented a great many who are fed up with both Democrats and Republicans. These are the same people who were the primary cause of Bush II's falling approval numbers, and now these same people are crying out to their own government for some semblance of fiscal sanity.

Sounds like a fair enough request to me...

She talked to the people at the protest holding signs.

Who the fuck was she supposed to talk to?

If the lady wanted her message to get acrossed she should have make a sign to get her message accrossed.

Fucking A people you are nuts.

i heard various clips of this woman hectoring people at the rally. if someone from fox had behaved the same way, your rectum would explode.

you really are a joke.

I just watched your little clip and the woman who "takes her to task" as you say just shit all over the other people at the protest and told the lady they were not main stream Americans. She told the reporter that they should not be talkin to people holding the signs.

It just shows how stupid this whole thing was and how divided even the few people standing there were.

EPIC Failure.

The reporter was treated like shit by those people because her Mike said CNN.

they were treating her like shit the mommnet she arrived and you wonder why she didnt "talk nice" to them?

Actually what the women was attempting to point out is that CNN is quite selective in who they choose to "interview" - that CNN is guily of not actually speaking to main street Americans.

It would appear the only epic failure was your own inability to understand simple English.

That woman also represented a great many who are fed up with both Democrats and Republicans. These are the same people who were the primary cause of Bush II's falling approval numbers, and now these same people are crying out to their own government for some semblance of fiscal sanity.

Sounds like a fair enough request to me...

She talked to the people at the protest holding signs.

Who the fuck was she supposed to talk to?

If the lady wanted her message to get acrossed she should have make a sign to get her message accrossed.

Fucking A people you are nuts.

Please do not reduce your posts to pedantic profanity or it makes it impossible to obtain a cogent message from your diatribe.

The woman's point was CNN was quite selective in who they choose to "interview", and in this particular case, the CNN reporter was clearly aggressive and dismissive of that gentleman she asked a question of and then attempted to talk over before an answer could be given.

This was a loss for CNN - while we might have expected such from the MSNBC slant, CNN still retains some semblance of integrity - this example did not help sustain that semblance.

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