LIVE: Obama giving a splendid lecture/scolding to American peasants on guns! BANNED private sales!

Obama is not going to keep us safe. We aren't safe. We have gun homicide rates that are through the roof, right up there with place like Uruguay or Somalia. Obama is going to try and make us safer. It will help, although nobody knows how much. If it saves the lives of just a few dozen of the thousands who die from guns each year, it is probably a plus.

How will this EO help? Please be specific.
It will expand the number of gun sellers registered with the government and reduce the number of guns sold without a background check. Currently some 40% of gun sales do not have a background check. Guns that travel through this loophole are disproportionately involved in crimes. Happy now?

Guns that are involved in crimes are normally obtained illegally, so obama's illegal regulations would have no effect on them.

All those guns were "born" legal. How do they end up in the hands of criminals ??

Straw buyers, which is against the law in the first place. How will any of DumBama's new regulations stop them?
you gotta just love the Right. They call Obama a liar over the private sale over the internet loophole by denying there is one, and then state the loophole exactly. Then they divert by going on about "retailers" even though Obama said nothing about retailers regarding the online loophole, nor did Obama say anything about shipping the gun over state lines.

As always, the Right change what was actually said to call others liars.
You gotta love the commie ass hole libtards. They call our freedoms loop holes like the government has all the real rights while we only get what they let us have.

As always, the libtards change what is actually said to fit their talking points and slander.

What's wrong with a registry? What is on your agenda that a registry might threaten?

People are already licensed . What's the biggy?

Licensed for what? I have a driver's license, but driving is not a right protected by the Constitution.

I have more than one firearm, not a single license among them.

There is nothing explicit or implicit in the Constitution that prohibits the requirement to license something that you have the right to do or to own.

Really? So what if Congress required a license to own a printing press or a website?

Can you write lies about people ? No, it's called slander / defamation .

Doesn't that violate free speech?

It's not a against the law to write anything about anyone. You can get sued for it by a said person, but you don't get fined or go to jail for slander.
Remarkable President!! Smartest, most brilliant President in the history of the universe. His picture should be on every denomination of currency in the U.S. Plus adding a $3.00 bill to the inventory. We should also change the name of the District of Columbia to Barack Hussein Obama City.

Feed the big eared disaster into a wood chipper, America will be better off
I don't think the POTUS would be interested in climbing into your cavernous vagina.


SassyIrishLass aka FakeIrishSkank
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Did ya note the FACTS and how while Obama has been trying to restrict law-abiding US citizens more he has been supplying, arming, training, aiding, and abetting Mexican Drug Cartels, terrorists and criminals?

All I notice is the Gunlubbers of America running around screaming and the NRA and gun sellers congratulating each other.
Didn't notice Obama handing out all those guns to Mexican Drug Cartels and terrorists, huh? :p
At last, a politician offering more than "thoughts and prayers". Background checks work. More stringent checks will work better. Makes sense.

You mean like they do in places that have the strictest gun laws in the country like California, New York and Connecticut?
Sadly, our enemies like Putin, the Shah, ISIS, an Al Qaeida were laughing their arses off watching Obama cry like a bitch on tv...
Do something? Stop and Frisk. That worked. And libs demonize it. But it SAVED LIVES. That is the "do something".
What's wrong with a registry? What is on your agenda that a registry might threaten?
registry allows for confiscation.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't. Pull your paranoid head out of your paranoid ass.

it doesn't allow for registration either, numskull.

They keep missing that "shall not be infringed..."

What about the rest ? "Well regulated"

Militias are operated by the states therefore the Constitution is referring "well regulated" to the states and not the federal government. The federal government has nothing to do with militias.

Arianrhod I get that you get off, bantering back and forth with your equal opposites politically.

However this insistence that the rightwing just "want more guns" out of fear,
is like saying women "want more abortions" as a symbol of free choice.

Clearly that's not the real issue.

The real issue is NOT wanting government to start crossing the line and overreaching.
NOT "sliding down the slippery slope" where once you allow govt in, there's no getting govt out.

The abortion rights activists don't want any laws passed that start down the path of regulation.
It's not that they "WANT MORE ABORTIONS"
it's NOT wanting GOVERNMENT to dictate to the people.

Why can't people see that NOBODY wants Govt abused this way.
Just on different issues that are the "litmus" test, the line in the sand you don't let Govt cross.
FACT SHEET: New Executive Actions to Reduce Gun Violence and Make Our Communities Safer

With another executive action hahaha what a joke. Look out criminals you'll no longer be able to buy a gun. Hahaha!

What's gained by making it easy for criminals to buy guns? What do you gain personally, or shouldn't I ask?

Last time I checked criminals don't DO background checks. Uhhh, that's one of the things that makes them "criminals" They don't follow laws. Do you understand?

Criminals don't obey laws. That's what makes them criminals you fucking retard.

Exactly. So what on earth makes you think they will follow THIS law? Dumbshit...

Because once background check loopholes are eliminated, then we can jail YOU for making a private sale of a handgun to an ineligible buyer.

Already Can dumbass! It's already a law that you are not allowed to sell guns to anyone who is not legally able to have them. It HAS been a law for over 30 years. I suggest you complain the various DA's who refuse to prosecute the perps.
Your right lass .

We should have guns available out of vending machines for anyone to buy! Is that what you want ?

No but an American should not have to register a gun, that's the first step in confiscation

Hold up. President Obama has not said anything about a registry.

Hold up, if people have to register and pass an application to purchase a gun, does that not create a registry by default?

What's wrong with a registry? What is on your agenda that a registry might threaten?

It's your agenda that people need to worry about. hey, why don't we make it legal for the cops to search your house without a warrant? Think of all the illegal activities they could uncover. you have nothing to worry about if you have nothing to hide, right?

Why don't you come up with an analogy that isn't retarded?
What's gained by making it easy for criminals to buy guns? What do you gain personally, or shouldn't I ask?

Last time I checked criminals don't DO background checks. Uhhh, that's one of the things that makes them "criminals" They don't follow laws. Do you understand?

Criminals don't obey laws. That's what makes them criminals you fucking retard.

Exactly. So what on earth makes you think they will follow THIS law? Dumbshit...

Because once background check loopholes are eliminated, then we can jail YOU for making a private sale of a handgun to an ineligible buyer.

Already Can dumbass! It's already a law that you are not allowed to sell guns to anyone who is not legally able to have them. It HAS been a law for over 30 years. I suggest you complain the various DA's who refuse to prosecute the perps.

Not true.

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