Live, tonights GOP debate

I was the clear winner. Did some electrical wiring and drywall. In two months it will be half this field.
For military. They fly out of Minot AFB, ND and Barksdale AFB, LA every day.

Christ, you've got to be kidding me. What the hell for? Are they used for transportation as a cheaper option or what? Whats the excuse?

So does this mean RP is not as crazy as you want him to be and just maybe you don't know everything? Why is it that every single reason you have given as to why RP is "crazy" someone has shown you where you are undoubtedly wrong and RP is in fact absolutely and undeniably correct yet you still keep making these ridiculous claims?

Next you will call RP an isolationist and that he wants Iran to get a Nuke?

Point is you actually have ZERO reasons to not like RP other than you simply seem to just not want to like him… I’m 100% ok with you not liking RP but to outright lie, make shit up or to repeat “I hate RP” talking points that include “Ron Paul is crazy” or “Ron Paul is a loon” on a political debate forum gets old quick and hurts your own credibility.

Ron Paul said we are still building ww2 planes. There is a huge difference monitarrily from building and maintaining.
I will grant that most likely he just mispoke as a possibility but I can assure you of two things.


I have admitted many times on this forum when Ive been wrong and I usually appologize accordingly.

Having said that I think Ron Paul is old and out of touch with where America is in nearly every aspect. I am entitled to that opinion as an American and there is nothing wrong with that.
I dont want to fight with you anymore than I do Sallow and I hardely ever agree with him. Point is Im here to express myself and learn when I can, not to try to force my opinion on you.

Maybe you can stop dodging at tell us all the real reasons for OBL attacking the US after he gave the world his reasons and then tell us how you would like to pay for these wars and how long you think they should keep going.

I can't wait for your very conservative deficit minded answer on this...

I already told you.


And Ive never taken a position that the wars should just continue endlessly.

But since you want to play the Who's a Bigger Jackass Game why dont you put some more fucking words in my mouth for some person to randomly thank you for even if they dont know what my position actually is.
Christ, you've got to be kidding me. What the hell for? Are they used for transportation as a cheaper option or what? Whats the excuse?

So does this mean RP is not as crazy as you want him to be and just maybe you don't know everything? Why is it that every single reason you have given as to why RP is "crazy" someone has shown you where you are undoubtedly wrong and RP is in fact absolutely and undeniably correct yet you still keep making these ridiculous claims?

Next you will call RP an isolationist and that he wants Iran to get a Nuke?

Point is you actually have ZERO reasons to not like RP other than you simply seem to just not want to like him… I’m 100% ok with you not liking RP but to outright lie, make shit up or to repeat “I hate RP” talking points that include “Ron Paul is crazy” or “Ron Paul is a loon” on a political debate forum gets old quick and hurts your own credibility.

Ron Paul said we are still building ww2 planes. There is a huge difference monitarrily from building and maintaining.
I will grant that most likely he just mispoke as a possibility but I can assure you of two things.


I have admitted many times on this forum when Ive been wrong and I usually appologize accordingly.

Having said that I think Ron Paul is old and out of touch with where America is in nearly every aspect. I am entitled to that opinion as an American and there is nothing wrong with that.
I dont want to fight with you anymore than I do Sallow and I hardely ever agree with him. Point is Im here to express myself and learn when I can, not to try to force my opinion on you.

Didn't he say we are building planes from our last war... was WW2 our last war?

Maybe you can stop dodging at tell us all the real reasons for OBL attacking the US after he gave the world his reasons and then tell us how you would like to pay for these wars and how long you think they should keep going.

I can't wait for your very conservative deficit minded answer on this...

I already told you.


And Ive never taken a position that the wars should just continue endlessly.

But since you want to play the Who's a Bigger Jackass Game why dont you put some more fucking words in my mouth for some person to randomly thank you for even if they dont know what my position actually is.

Then quit making shit up =D
Maybe you can stop dodging at tell us all the real reasons for OBL attacking the US after he gave the world his reasons and then tell us how you would like to pay for these wars and how long you think they should keep going.

I can't wait for your very conservative deficit minded answer on this...

I already told you.


And Ive never taken a position that the wars should just continue endlessly.

But since you want to play the Who's a Bigger Jackass Game why dont you put some more fucking words in my mouth for some person to randomly thank you for even if they dont know what my position actually is.

Then quit making shit up =D

What the hell am I making up? I am completely lost
Anyways I'm out

IMO The big winner was Newt

The big losers were Rick and Mitt

I don't think Michele will get any traction from this debate and the rest will stay about where they are in the polling. Just my opinion.
I already told you.


And Ive never taken a position that the wars should just continue endlessly.

But since you want to play the Who's a Bigger Jackass Game why dont you put some more fucking words in my mouth for some person to randomly thank you for even if they dont know what my position actually is.

Then quit making shit up =D

What the hell am I making up? I am completely lost

Well the first part would be where you think OBL lied about his reasons for attacking the US when he told his reasons to the world and what he had hoped his attacks would cause like you know, dragging the US into a war over seas and eventually bankrupting us... Then there is that annoying fact that OBL’s plan literally worked JUST as he described.

But it seems you have a whole other different answer for why OBL attacked the US, something like "they hate our freedoms" or some weird bat-shit crazy logic that leaves me wondering how you cannot have a pro war mentality when until they stop "hating us for our freedoms" they will always be a thread on the scale of 911.

Hell, I think it’s the Intel from the CIA that also helps prove RP’s position clearly but I guess all of that is void because some people don’t “feel” that bombing and killing their people for YEARS is a good enough reason to provoke 911… No no, it was our Freedoms that really put them over the edge…
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Then quit making shit up =D

What the hell am I making up? I am completely lost

Well the first part would be where you think OBL lied about his reasons for attacking the US when he told his reasons to the world and what he had hoped his attacks would cause like you know, dragging the US into a war over seas and eventually bankrupting us... Then there is that annoying fact that OBL’s plan literally worked JUST as he described.

But it seems you have a whole other different answer for why OBL attacked the US, something like "they hate our freedoms" or some weird bat-shit crazy logic that leaves me wondering how you cannot have a pro war mentality when until they stop "hating us for our freedoms" they will always be a thread on the scale of 911.

Hell, I think it’s the Intel from the CIA that also helps prove RP’s position clearly but I guess all of that is void because some people don’t “feel” that bombing and killing their people for YEARS is a good enough reason to provoke 911… No no, it was our Freedoms that really put them over the edge…

I NEVER said UBL lied. I NEVER gave a reason why he did what he did. I SAID IT DOESNT MATTER. You again are putting words in my mouth to justify your position. I dunno why because I have no problem with you other than what you have said about me on the lest few pages.
What the hell am I making up? I am completely lost

Well the first part would be where you think OBL lied about his reasons for attacking the US when he told his reasons to the world and what he had hoped his attacks would cause like you know, dragging the US into a war over seas and eventually bankrupting us... Then there is that annoying fact that OBL’s plan literally worked JUST as he described.

But it seems you have a whole other different answer for why OBL attacked the US, something like "they hate our freedoms" or some weird bat-shit crazy logic that leaves me wondering how you cannot have a pro war mentality when until they stop "hating us for our freedoms" they will always be a thread on the scale of 911.

Hell, I think it’s the Intel from the CIA that also helps prove RP’s position clearly but I guess all of that is void because some people don’t “feel” that bombing and killing their people for YEARS is a good enough reason to provoke 911… No no, it was our Freedoms that really put them over the edge…

I NEVER said UBL lied. I NEVER gave a reason why he did what he did. I SAID IT DOESNT MATTER. You again are putting words in my mouth to justify your position. I dunno why because I have no problem with you other than what you have said about me on the lest few pages.

Ok, I'm not understanding... Why can't RP be President when he talks about OBL's reasosns for attacking America?
Well the first part would be where you think OBL lied about his reasons for attacking the US when he told his reasons to the world and what he had hoped his attacks would cause like you know, dragging the US into a war over seas and eventually bankrupting us... Then there is that annoying fact that OBL’s plan literally worked JUST as he described.

But it seems you have a whole other different answer for why OBL attacked the US, something like "they hate our freedoms" or some weird bat-shit crazy logic that leaves me wondering how you cannot have a pro war mentality when until they stop "hating us for our freedoms" they will always be a thread on the scale of 911.

Hell, I think it’s the Intel from the CIA that also helps prove RP’s position clearly but I guess all of that is void because some people don’t “feel” that bombing and killing their people for YEARS is a good enough reason to provoke 911… No no, it was our Freedoms that really put them over the edge…

I NEVER said UBL lied. I NEVER gave a reason why he did what he did. I SAID IT DOESNT MATTER. You again are putting words in my mouth to justify your position. I dunno why because I have no problem with you other than what you have said about me on the lest few pages.

Ok, I'm not understanding... Why can't RP be President when he talks about OBL's reasosns for attacking America?

IMO Ron Paul gives comfort to the enemy by making them think they were right. He fails to articulate his position correctly and it sounds as if he agrees. That is not my only reason for feeling the way I do but I dont sit on here and demand that everyone else explain themselves completely on their every thought and I would appreciate the same respect in return.
Well the first part would be where you think OBL lied about his reasons for attacking the US when he told his reasons to the world and what he had hoped his attacks would cause like you know, dragging the US into a war over seas and eventually bankrupting us... Then there is that annoying fact that OBL’s plan literally worked JUST as he described.

But it seems you have a whole other different answer for why OBL attacked the US, something like "they hate our freedoms" or some weird bat-shit crazy logic that leaves me wondering how you cannot have a pro war mentality when until they stop "hating us for our freedoms" they will always be a thread on the scale of 911.

Hell, I think it’s the Intel from the CIA that also helps prove RP’s position clearly but I guess all of that is void because some people don’t “feel” that bombing and killing their people for YEARS is a good enough reason to provoke 911… No no, it was our Freedoms that really put them over the edge…

I NEVER said UBL lied. I NEVER gave a reason why he did what he did. I SAID IT DOESNT MATTER. You again are putting words in my mouth to justify your position. I dunno why because I have no problem with you other than what you have said about me on the lest few pages.

Ok, I'm not understanding... Why can't RP be President when he talks about OBL's reasosns for attacking America?

Ron Paul is a pacifist. He is like Neville Chamberlain was.
Perry looked like he was above the fray. He was the most presidential, but he continues to walk a fine line with his rhetoric on SS.

Romney, to me comes off like he's trying to hard to be president, and kind of has an undesirable generic quality. I like Perry more.

Herman Cain is as charming as anyone in politics, but doesn't have a real chance, but I'd vote for him if he did.

Ron Paul made me sick. He's a traitor POS.

The election is Perry's to lose.
I NEVER said UBL lied. I NEVER gave a reason why he did what he did. I SAID IT DOESNT MATTER. You again are putting words in my mouth to justify your position. I dunno why because I have no problem with you other than what you have said about me on the lest few pages.

Ok, I'm not understanding... Why can't RP be President when he talks about OBL's reasosns for attacking America?

IMO Ron Paul gives comfort to the enemy by making them think they were right. He fails to articulate his position correctly and it sounds as if he agrees. That is not my only reason for feeling the way I do but I dont sit on here and demand that everyone else explain themselves completely on their every thought and I would appreciate the same respect in return.
So it's better to lie to Americans than let al Qaeda think that they were right?
Bachmann and Santorum were the clear winners tonight.

I think Bachmann gained back some ground--she really tore into Perry over the executive order forcing 12 year old girls to get an injection to prevent cervical cancer. He apologizes for it--but let's face it he did it.

Santorium--way too far right on social issues to attract independents.

New Gingrich hit some home runs tonight also.

This is a really tough field of candidates--it's really hard to say what is going to happen--and who's going to eventually win the nomination.
Perry looked like he was above the fray. He was the most presidential, but he continues to walk a fine line with his rhetoric on SS.

Romney, to me comes off like he's trying to hard to be president, and kind of has an undesirable generic quality. I like Perry more.

Herman Cain is as charming as anyone in politics, but doesn't have a real chance, but I'd vote for him if he did.

Ron Paul made me sick. He's a traitor POS.

The election is Perry's to lose.

Perry has got a problem with that executive order--and he was really called out on it tonight. And I am opposite of you--Romney looks and acts more presidential than Perry--Perry talks way too much about Texas. Plus I haven't heard a real solution to anything out of him yet.
Some basic thoughts after watching tonight (mostly on the media coverage and the political "game," not really on any policy issues):

The media hyped up the showdown on Social Security and CNN continued to talk about it after, but Perry managed to deflect most of the blows. It helped that he was playing to a Tea Party crowd, but even general Republican primary voters aren't really upset at what Perry said. So Romney tried to hit him on that, Perry tried to counter, but got his quote wrong, so in the end, it looked like two people bickering and no one cared.

I was really surprised how hard Perry got hit on the vaccinations. Bachmann was aggressive (whatever that means) and, between Bachmann and Paul, attacked Perry from the right (a flank that looked solid). That was a bit brutal. I actually liked Perry's honesty in the answer and I don't disagree with what he did. Ron Paul also attacked Perry for taxes and the size of government - something Romney obviously can't do.

I was impressed when Romney talked about a consumption tax. People have always talked about the economic benefits of it without saying why. Romney spelled out not only why it's a good idea, but why it's a bad idea right now. He needs to start doing more of this. Huntsman is trying to present himself as the intelligent guy, but it isn't working. Romney is the business guy, so he should be explaining why some things work and some things don't. He should be saying, "I have a jobs plan, this is x, y, z and has been proven to do a, b, c. Huntsman's plan won't work because of blah, blah, blah. Perry doesn't even have a plan." I don't agree with Romney's plan, but that's what I want to see and I'm sure others feel the same.

Whenever someone's record was attacked, all candidates simply deflected by, "hey look at Obama." Perry was the biggest culprit of this, but he was attacked the most. Bachmann keeps talking about her record of doing nothing (she talks about how she fought against stuff, but it was passed anyway). Gingrich had his one-liner over Obama scaring people on Social Security (which overshadowed the serious point he wanted to make, which I've forgotten). If we're just talking about theater, that worked well.

In the end, there are too many people in these debates. I hope we'll get debates when there are less candidates.
O.K., let's face it Romney's gonna win...but he needs a Tea party VP....who'd ya think it's gonna be?

Santorium? Bockmann? Palin?

I have a feeling that Romney hates all of those people.

Someone in this thread threw out Rubio. That seems like the perfect "check the right boxes" candidate. Not only is he much more popular with the Tea Party than Romney, but there are probably some Hispanic voters who remember that Rubio is Hispanic. Oh, also, Florida. The one negative - some people are claiming he's not a natural born citizen because his parents weren't citizens at the time of his birth. They also want a birth certificate, but that's a lesser issue. I haven't heard if these were the same as the Obama birthers or people who want payback for that whole mess.

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