Living hell...


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2015
A fucked up concept...


Democratic chairman begins prep work for legislation to enact 'single payer' healthcare
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What a mistake that would be.

What kind of idiot wants the Federal Government in charge of HC for 300 million Americans??

All you will get is red tape up the ass, paperwork up the ass and long waits.

Just take a look at how the VA operates.

Of course it would never make it through the Senate. Thank God.
Taxes to preserve human life via fire, military & police are mandatory. I don’t see you complaining there.

Apparently this one way of safety with human life offends you greatly. :lmao:

Article 1, Section 8. And if the GOP was smart looking forward to 2020, they might nudge a few of their own to put their John Hancock on this one. The concept of not bankrupting the middle class with health premiums equivalent to a second mortgage ( dem originated immediate massive financial relief to the middle voters) is going to win the left equally massive votes.

Spare the hype parade too. Cash strapped middle voters will turn not just a deaf ear but also pure outrage to these manufactured semantics & tired scare tactics.

Sales taxes on sugar goops, booze & tobacco across the nation will go a long way to fund the program. Shortfalls will be more than made up for by the spur to the economy. From more hiring potential from former health funds to a freeing of disposable income to purchase goods & housing.
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