Liz Cheney accused of destroying evidence

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

By they way, dipshit, one of them was trampled to death by her fellow tard herd.

Another died from a heart attack. Another died from a stroke.

They were NOT killed by the police. They died from Darwinian evolution.

Only one was killed by a cop, and justifiably so.

All of their blood is on Trump's hands. Diaper Don sat on his ass, gleefully watching the insurrection as people were dying.

His family begged him to do something. His lickspittles in Congress were begging him to do something. His MAGA media whores were begging him to do something. His staff were begging him to do something.


Their blood is on his hands.
The usual TDS afflicted leftard. ^^^

20 murders and 2 billion dollars worth of vandalism and property damage are on YOUR hands, leftard.


If you can blame Trump, I can blame you.
The usual TDS afflicted leftard. ^^^

20 murders and 2 billion dollars worth of vandalism and property damage are on YOUR hands, leftard.


If you can blame Trump, I can blame you.
Um...retard? Trump had the power to stop the terrorists. “We’ll put them down very quickly if they do that."

I do not have the power to stop whatever delusions you are talking about.

Mm-kay, idiot?
Much of what the investigators for 1/6etc gathered, I had already read about in the news as it was being found out...
accept they weren't transparent and hid videos. why? Why won't the FBI director answer no to was there any fbi plants in the capital on that day? All he has to say is no. He won't because he'd perjure himself. that's called evidence the fbi is complicit.
The usual TDS afflicted leftard. ^^^

20 murders and 2 billion dollars worth of vandalism and property damage are on YOUR hands, leftard.


If you can blame Trump, I can blame you.
dude, I was watching the WGN local news this morning and they were reviewing the Epstein list and reported Clinton on the list I believe over a hundred times and trump on it two, then just showed Trump's face on seven shots and few on clinton implying trump the bad guy. fking TDS is all over the nation. it is truly amazing how infected the demofk's disease is.
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BTW, you do understand McCarthy chose those particular reps knowing it was likely Pelosi would correctly reject them, don't you? So he could try to de-legitimize the committee's findings. See how it works?
no he didn't, you're very biased in your demofkism.
If a Repub Speaker were to refuse to seat Dems on an investigatory committee because they were material witnesses to the matter being investigated you'd hear no complaints from me. BTW, you do understand McCarthy chose those particular reps knowing it was likely Pelosi would correctly reject them, don't you? So he could try to de-legitimize the committee's findings. See how it works?
200+ years - no speaker ever refused the minority their choices. Unprecedented ridiculous partisanship. Biting them in the ass now.
It was a bunch of people who took an oath to support and defend the Constitution, NOT a Man, A Man of Lawlessness, at that...., and they had the Profiles in Courage, without fear or favor, to investigate the 1/6 insurrection stand up and honor their sworn oath to the constitution, willing to take the thuggery and vicious attacks against them, coworkers and family that Trumpers took against them, for that Oath to the Constitution.

Applause and standing ovation is what they should get! Especially Liz Cheney, who was willing to give up her leadership position in the Republican party, and willing to give up her seat and career in the U.S. Congress, for the truth to be known, so her oath and country, could be honored.

God Bless Liz Cheney!

(Her dad is still Darth Vader) 😁
Hahaha, led by Nancy Pelosi, you are so full of shit I'm going to have to go delouse and decontaminate my phone,
shit I might have to throw it away after that diatribe of garbage LOL I'll give it to you you can spew the propaganda!


Hahaha, led by Nancy Pelosi, you are so full of shit I'm going to have to go delouse and decontaminate my phone,
shit I might have to throw it away after that diatribe of garbage LOL I'll give it to you you can spew the propaganda!

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View attachment 883313
Ahhhhhhhhh, so you are a child who likes posting comic pictures..... okee dokie, it all makes sense now! ;)
Ahhhhhhhhh, so you are a child who likes posting comic pictures..... okee dokie, it all makes sense now! ;)
Eeeeeeew must have hit a nerve! This from someone who has to use an emoji to think that he proves a point. It must be tough to be a propagandist and have to endure scrutiny from people like me. Those memes are realistic pictures of your incompetence.

Fox News hosts urged Meadows to have Trump stop Jan. 6 violence, texts show

“Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home,” Fox News prime-time star Laura Ingraham texted Mark Meadows. “This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy.”

Kilmeade, who co-hosts the morning show “Fox & Friends,” urged Meadows in a text message to “please get him on TV.” He said that the riot was “destroying everything you have accomplished.”

Hannity asked Meadows if Trump could “make a statement” and “ask people to leave the Capitol.”
There's a clueless fucktard born every minute.
Um...retard? Trump had the power to stop the terrorists. “We’ll put them down very quickly if they do that."

I do not have the power to stop whatever delusions you are talking about.

Mm-kay, idiot?
Screw you.

You will be held financially responsible for every penny of damage the leftards caused in the BLM riots and the AntiFa insurrections.

Those riots would not have occurred AT ALL without DNC funding.

Your game, your rules. You will hate it.
Invoking names is purely a demofk thingy. Take pride in your narratives.
You’re the Trump dependent minions with your brains filled with his little quips and no facts…..
loser, loser, loser.
True I didn't watch the Sham. I know that it was just a bunch of trump haters getting together and jacking each other off. Why would I waste my time?
Trump haters ? Do you actually think sane people should fall in love with a traitor ? You have Trump in your brain.

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