Liz Cheney Goes Down In Flames

The most important thing is Liz Cheney lost & lost by almost 40 points. Her days are literally numbered in DC as Wyoming's rep.

Buh-bye, Lizzie.

Since I read of her defeat, the song Ding -Dong The Witch is Dead from the classic move The Wizard of Oz rang in my head all day long.
No, what you were saying is that it's only because of Trump. What I'm saying is that they voted her out like they would if she were spending all her time on any anti-conservative agenda or politician. Trump just happens to be her anti-conservative obsession. But her defeat would have been the same if her obsession was with guns, weak border, anti-fossil fuels, anything.
She wasn’t spending all her time on any other anti-conservative agenda. She wasn’t against guns, she wasn‘t for a weak border or against fossil fuels. Just Trump. That was her anti-conservative agenda. That’s why she got canned.

She got canned entirely because of her stance on Trump.
Refusing to do something is 'passive'. Cheney actively went out of her way to join the TDS-suffering Democrats in their 6+year-continuing crusade to 'Get Trump' and to attack fellow Republicans whe ignoring Wyoming and her constituents.
For her failure to do her job - represent the people and interests of Wyoming - they handed her ass an almost 40 point loss.

THAT is what it was about.

So what specifically about Wyoming did she specifically ignore?

This was about failure to be unswervingly loyal to Trump. Period. Full stop.
'This was about failure to be unswervingly loyal to Trump. Period. Full stop.'

'U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney joined the majority in the House on Friday in voting for the most wide-ranging gun control legislation approved in nearly 30 years.

Whatever Liz Cheney is doing with our only House seat, she certainly isn’t using it to represent the views and values of the people of Wyoming,” Hageman said in a press release.

“The lawful possession of firearms for hunting and self-defense is an integral part of our DNA in this state, and we don’t want our constitutional rights negotiated away. We all agree that mental health is an important issue that needs to be addressed, but we should not limit the rights of law-abiding citizens,” Hageman said

You made the claim, not me.

If you need to do hours of research on your own claim, maybe it’s because you just made it up.

No, it's because I watch evil right-wing television shows (Laura, Hannity, Tucker) and they have Republican guests on all the time. It would take me a considerable amount of time to find those clips and post them because I don't know every Republican Congress persons name. But if you give me a Communist bill that was voted on, I'll be glad to look up the vote count as that only takes a few minutes to do and I'll show you how Republicans were against the bill and voted that way outside of the gun legislation that the sissy Republicans caved into. Let me show you:

The plan, called the Inflation Reduction Act, cleared the upper chamber by a vote of 51 to 50 along party lines, with Vice President Kamala Harris providing the tie-breaking vote in the evenly divided Senate.

She wasn’t spending all her time on any other anti-conservative agenda. She wasn’t against guns, she wasn‘t for a weak border or against fossil fuels. Just Trump. That was her anti-conservative agenda. That’s why she got canned.

She got canned entirely because of her stance on Trump.

Yes, because Trump is a right-wing concern. Those of us on the right realize he was the best President we had since Reagan, and some would argue the best President in our lifetime. The TDS Republicans, not so much. But if not for Trump she would have been voted out going against a number of major right-wing issues.
Loyalty. That's one of their values, and one of mine. Best prez in a long time, and Liz was a traitor to him. She has no concept of decent loyalty. She went straight over to the enemies, the Democrats.

Let her run for prez as a Dem.

I wonder if she will? She could change parties. The Dems do have a little problem about their bench: they've only got Biden, Karamel Harris, and a bunch of sex perverts and known liars. Maybe they'd welcome Liz Cheney.

I wrote somewhere else that was very possible.

They have to somehow get around biden and harris.

Using Cheney to do that would make some sense.

40% of the country will vote for whoever has the D by their name.
No, it's because I watch evil right-wing television shows (Laura, Hannity, Tucker) and they have Republican guests on all the time. It would take me a considerable amount of time to find those clips and post them because I don't know every Republican Congress persons name. But if you give me a Communist bill that was voted on, I'll be glad to look up the vote count as that only takes a few minutes to do and I'll show you how Republicans were against the bill and voted that way outside of the gun legislation that the sissy Republicans caved into. Let me show you:

The plan, called the Inflation Reduction Act, cleared the upper chamber by a vote of 51 to 50 along party lines, with Vice President Kamala Harris providing the tie-breaking vote in the evenly divided Senate.

You made the claim. You should be able to back it up. You have a tendency to make things up as you go and this looks like yet another example of that.

Cheney voted against the inflation reduction act.

Yes, because Trump is a right-wing concern. Those of us on the right realize he was the best President we had since Reagan, and some would argue the best President in our lifetime. The TDS Republicans, not so much. But if not for Trump she would have been voted out going against a number of major right-wing issues.
She didn’t go against any of those other major right-wing issues. She went against Trump and that’s why she was canned.

We’re saying the same thing.
Why is that wrong?

The voters in her state support trump and she doesent

Why not vote her out of office?

Because you guys act like a cult that does not welcome anyone who thinks negatively of Trump. Anyone who goes against Trump is a “RINO”. You guys are less about policy and more about blind adoration for a single person.

Cheney’s opponent figured this out. She used to criticize Trump but then got in line to kiss Trump’s ass along with all of the other loyal sheep in your party. I’m sure there are plenty Republicans in the party who hate Trump but need to kiss his ass in order to get votes.
She didn’t go against any of those other major right-wing issues. She went against Trump and that’s why she was canned.

We’re saying the same thing.

I didn't say she did go against anything else, I said if she did and Trump wasn't even in the picture, they still would have voted her out.
I wrote somewhere else that was very possible.

They have to somehow get around biden and harris.

Using Cheney to do that would make some sense.

40% of the country will vote for whoever has the D by their name.

The commies got Liz involved so they can lie to the public saying this was a bipartisan effort and investigation. Of course those of us informed on the subject know it's complete BS. That's why they refused to let Republicans pick their representatives like Jordan and Banks.
Right. So she attacked Trump and the cult turned on her entirely due to that.

Please explain that to hadit. He doesn’t understand obvious things like that.
Post the polls that support your argument. Apparently, you don't grasp that's the best way to do that. You believe (apparently because you bought the super-duper deluxe foil helmet that cost 25 cents more) that you know what the voters were thinking. Show us why, and when it comes down to you quoting headlines from your favorite hate sites, expect to be mocked for it.

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