Liz Cheney Goes Down In Flames

I didn't say she did go against anything else, I said if she did and Trump wasn't even in the picture, they still would have voted her out.
You keep bringing up the same hypothetical and I’m not even disputing it.

Yes, if Cheney went against guns then Republicans would vote her out. I agree.

Yes, if Cheney went against securing the border then Republicans would vote her out. I agree.

Are we all good on that? Can we move on from these hypotheticals?

What I’m saying is not a hypothetical but what actually happened. She went against Trump and she lost because of that.
Post the polls that support your argument. Apparently, you don't grasp that's the best way to do that. You believe (apparently because you bought the super-duper deluxe foil helmet that cost 25 cents more) that you know what the voters were thinking. Show us why, and when it comes down to you quoting headlines from your favorite hate sites, expect to be mocked for it.
I already told you I don’t have a poll for this.

What I have shown you are a few examples of even your fellow Republicans agreeing with me.
You keep bringing up the same hypothetical and I’m not even disputing it.

Yes, if Cheney went against guns then Republicans would vote her out. I agree.

Yes, if Cheney went against securing the border then Republicans would vote her out. I agree.

Are we all good on that? Can we move on from these hypotheticals?

What I’m saying is not a hypothetical but what actually happened. She went against Trump and she lost because of that.

Correct, we can agree on that. My point is that they voted her out not because Trump is Trump, but because he's a historic member of the Republican party and pretty much holds conservative values.

If I had a Republican Senator that voted against any conservative issue, I'm not voting for them the next primary be it Trump, guns, border, IRS agents. That person is a back stabber IMO and I don't want them representing me. I want somebody that's going to represent my values. If she loved Trump but voted for this phony inflation bill, they still would have voted her out.
Correct, we can agree on that. My point is that they voted her out not because Trump is Trump, but because he's a historic member of the Republican party and pretty much holds conservative values.
It has nothing to do with ”conservative values”. Cheney could have criticized any other Republican with “conservative values” and she wouldn’t get this kind of backlash.

She got canned because she attacked Trump. Period.
If I had a Republican Senator that voted against any conservative issue, I'm not voting for them the next primary be it Trump, guns, border, IRS agents.
Good. We agree.

You would vote against anyone who goes against Trump. Like I’ve been saying from the beginning.
So we agree on what I’ve been saying this entire time.

No because what you're saying is that she lost only because Trump is Trump and people support him like a cult. It has nothing to do with it. They voted against her because she stabbed her constituents in the back by not supporting what they support like all the other things I mentioned. As the article Easy65 posted, she also supported more gun legislation. That alone would have lost her the race.
No because what you're saying is that she lost only because Trump is Trump and people support him like a cult. It has nothing to do with it. They voted against her because she stabbed her constituents in the back by not supporting what they support like all the other things I mentioned. As the article Easy65 posted, she also supported more gun legislation. That alone would have lost her the race.
Trolls will troll, it's what they do. Sadly, they actually believe there's some kind of a cult going on. Hey, maybe they're just upset because they think it's there and they didn't get invited.
The commies got Liz involved so they can lie to the public saying this was a bipartisan effort and investigation. Of course those of us informed on the subject know it's complete BS. That's why they refused to let Republicans pick their representatives like Jordan and Banks.

Of course -

Its an infomercial -

Doesn't mean that the Dems won't try to capitalize on an opportunity.

They have to get past biden and harris

They cleared the field for Biden -

Clearing the field for Cheney is an option, they can't bypass Harris without looking bad, unless they go with Hillar or Cheney.
I’m allowed to express my opinions whether you like it or not.
Of course you are. You can sound as crazy as you want to sound. I'm also expressing my opinion that you are projecting yours on everyone else. It would be nice if you were to stop doing that, but only the thread is still open, so go ahead, keep doing it. Just be aware that we know that's what you're doing, and we will react accordingly.
Because you guys act like a cult that does not welcome anyone who thinks negatively of Trump. Anyone who goes against Trump is a “RINO”. You guys are less about policy and more about blind adoration for a single person.

Cheney’s opponent figured this out. She used to criticize Trump but then got in line to kiss Trump’s ass along with all of the other loyal sheep in your party. I’m sure there are plenty Republicans in the party who hate Trump but need to kiss his ass in order to get votes.

I know from past experience - that you simply won't except, understand or believe this.
The adoration is for THE POLICY and THE RESULTS OF THOSE POLICIES - not the peron.
Of course you are. You can sound as crazy as you want to sound. I'm also expressing my opinion that you are projecting yours on everyone else. It would be nice if you were to stop doing that, but only the thread is still open, so go ahead, keep doing it. Just be aware that we know that's what you're doing, and we will react accordingly.
I disagree with you. You’re welcome to continue whining at me.

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