Liz Cheney mocks the idea of releasing all the January 6th Congress protest video

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

There is absolutely no legitimate objection to releasing all of the footage. It belongs to the American people and shows what happened in the people's house.

Here is the non legitimate objection: It shows what really happened, not carefully edited versions that Liz Chaney again released. Sorry liz! Your Trump derangement committee is over. Just as your career is over.

The January 6th protests were mostly peaceful. Hundreds of people who did not even go inside the capital have been investigated and incarcerated. Many for long stretches in solitary confinement. All that pretrial.

The hounding and harassment and search of bank records of everybody even close to the capital that day is an observed abuse of the FBI's power, as well as a huge waste of taxpayer dollars.

Given that a police officer stood flat-footed and shot to death an unarmed protester, the restraint the protesters showed is remarkable and deserves commendation.

There is only one person likely to do the work of dismantling the State security apparatus that has targeted the American voter.

What a blessing that that one person is the FrontRunner against a deteriorating president and a deteriorating economy. It's only too bad that we can't have a special election right now so Trump can get stated already.

But, at least by November of 2024 Trump will be far ahead and there will be few swing States with all the current swing States being solidly for trump. Democrats are great at cheating; they certainly succeeded in 2020. But they would have to increase it to levels so massive and so obvious to beat Trump in 2024 that it would almost certainly touch off an actual insurrection - not mostly peaceful protests as were seen on January 6th..

There is absolutely no legitimate objection to releasing all of the footage. It belongs to the American people and shows what happened in the people's house.

Here is the non legitimate objection: It shows what really happened, not carefully edited versions that Liz Chaney again released. Sorry liz! Your Trump derangement committee is over. Just as your career is over.

The January 6th protests were mostly peaceful. Hundreds of people who did not even go inside the capital have been investigated and incarcerated. Many for long stretches in solitary confinement. All that pretrial.

The hounding and harassment and search of bank records of everybody even close to the capital that day is an observed abuse of the FBI's power, as well as a huge waste of taxpayer dollars.

Given that a police officer stood flat-footed and shot to death an unarmed protester, the restraint the protesters showed is remarkable and deserves commendation.

There is only one person likely to do the work of dismantling the State security apparatus that has targeted the American voter.

What a blessing that that one person is the FrontRunner against a deteriorating president and a deteriorating economy. It's only too bad that we can't have a special election right now so Trump can get stated already.

But, at least by November of 2024 Trump will be far ahead and there will be few swing States with all the current swing States being solidly for trump. Democrats are great at cheating; they certainly succeeded in 2020. But they would have to increase it to levels so massive and so obvious to beat Trump in 2024 that it would almost certainly touch off an actual insurrection - not mostly peaceful protests as were seen on January 6th..
Of course there are two:

  • security of our nation's Capitol
  • The video being cherry picked to misrepresent the events of that day
So release any of it then? If security was the Committees concern why did they release any? Hell, we souldn't even be allowed to see the video of the JRK assassination or attempt on Reagans life of security was a concern. Are you a Repubic of the people or a Monarchy for Cheney et al?
We know what we're going to see:

"Wow! Look at that! They're just talking and laughing and nothing is happening! They're just smiling and so happy to be in the Capitol building! They didn't do anything!"

Trump has pulled the curtain back and exposed the political elite in both parties. There really is no difference. They're angry because they've been exposed. Game over. They can't stop Trump. This is America.
Liz Cheney isn't the sharpest tool in Pelosi's toolshed.

We know what we're going to see:

"Wow! Look at that! They're just talking and laughing and nothing is happening! They're just smiling and so happy to be in the Capitol building! They didn't do anything!"

Yup. These morons are as transparent as window panes.
We know what we're going to see:

"Wow! Look at that! They're just talking and laughing and nothing is happening! They're just smiling and so happy to be in the Capitol building! They didn't do anything!"

Yes, that is what we saw.

Your only response is a laugh emoticon.

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