Liz Cheney Suggests a New Political Party May Be Needed

yea you saying you are an independent and vote for one of the 2 parties .... yea rubbish....
The classical definition of "Independent" is that one is ideologically "free" to vote for whomever they wish...

In my case, my mix-and-match of Left, Center and Right -leaning political stances fuel my various votes across the spectrum...

Your inability to digest or process or accept that is not my cross to bear...


MAGAtts have infested the Republican Party... it remains to be seen whether Sane Leadership can be reestablished within...

And, if not, perhaps America will see that Third Party, after all... although, based on past history, I'm not placing any bets on it.
The classical definition of "Independent" is that one is ideologically "free" to vote for whomever they wish...

In my case, my mix-and-match of Left, Center and Right -leaning political stances fuel my various votes across the spectrum...

Your inability to digest or process or accept that is not my cross to bear...
why are you a so called independent?...why are you not with one of the parties? assuming you have a problem with them right?..but yet you would throw that aside to back a party person....if so you are voting with that persons party and are backing their policies...for that election anyway aint no independent....
why are you a so called independent?...why are you not with one of the parties? assuming you have a problem with them right?..but yet you would throw that aside to back a party person....if so you are voting with that persons party and are backing their policies...for that election anyway aint no independent....
The classical definition of "Independent" is that one is ideologically "free" to vote for whomever they wish...

In my case, my mix-and-match of Left, Center and Right -leaning political stances fuel my various votes across the spectrum...

Your inability to digest or process or accept that is not my cross to bear...


MAGAtts have infested the Republican Party... it remains to be seen whether Sane Leadership can be reestablished within...

And, if not, perhaps America will see that Third Party, after all... although, based on past history, I'm not placing any bets on it.
You seem to e to the left of Chairman Mao. There are no center and right-wing democrats that make a difference and any who are just left are not left enough.
Your response is a rehash of the same talking points you of the TDS mindset have been spouting since 2016 they are no more relevant today than they were then. Perhaps you on the left would be taken seriously if YOU EVER held anyone on your side to the same standard you insist the right do. When you only demand those you don't agree with or like be held accountable you don't care about accountability at all.

Um, let's review.

Al Franken was caught playing grabass with a USO Stripper. Even though this happened before he was a Senator, he resigned.
Andrew Cuomo was caught engaging in harassing behavior. Even though his record as Governor was pretty good, he resigned.
Joe Biden was a pretty good president, given the shitshow he inherited from Trump that you all blocked out of your minds. But when it was clear he couldn't stand up the rigors of the job for another four years, he stepped aside.

I'd say that the Democrats are fairly good at holding their own to accountability.

Meanwhile, Trump has been a convicted felon, and adjudicated rapist, has been indicted for insurrection and mishandling classified documents, has been found guilty of fraud multiple times, and, oh, yeah, unleashed an angry mob on Congress. Yet the vast majority of GOP Congressmen didn't have the courage to stand up to him, and the few who did - Cheney, Romney, and Kizinger, have been forced out.

Your party has no moral courage. Hopefully you'll all find it after Trump is defeated again.

You are on the side of mega global corporations and the weapons manufacturers.... enjoy WW3....

It's fun to watch the Party of War act like they are a bunch of hippies now, because the military has nothing but contempt for Trump.
It's almost as much fun as watching the the "Party of Family Values" defend why it's perfectly okay to pay off a porn star your guy had sex with.

Liz needs a new party because she couldn't get elected Dogcatcher in Wyoming as a Republican! People know exactly what Cheney was doing on that January 6th Committee and conservatives have no respect for her at all. That smear job she helped perpetrate was political suicide. You only like her because she hates Trump. There's not a policy that she's in favor of that would make a progressive like her so you ONLY like her because she hates Trump!

I think you are a tad confused here, buddy. You see, before Trump, we could disagree without being disagreeable. Sure we have our differences, but we are all Americans at the end of the day.

But then somehow, your party decided that fealty to one man's bottomless ego was more important than even basic civility or any kind of principle.

We'll never have good government until our 95% corrupt media starts holding our 95% corrupt politicians accountable. Unfortunately, politics and the media are saturated with low grade, corrupt and immoral people.

Right. Everyone but Trump is corrupt, even though he's been indicted and convicted and found liable for various illicit, illegal, or immoral schemes. And he was sent by God.

yea you saying you are an independent and vote for one of the 2 parties .... yea rubbish....

Sure it is. Sometimes I vote Republican, sometimes I vote Democrat. Prior to 2008, before the crazies took over the GOP, I voted for Reagan, both Bushes, Dole, and McCain. After 2008, I voted for Obama (because I hate Mormons), Clinton, Biden and now Harris (Because Trump is a threat to Democracy) But even that wasn't cut and dried, because I would occasionally deviate for other offices. I often voted for Bill Lipinski for Congress when I lived in his district, because his family were members of our parish growing up. I voted for Rauner in 2014 after I was otherwise through with Republicans because Pat Quinn wasn't up to the job.

What I didn't do is piss away my vote on a third party, because those guys never win, and most of them are loons.
why are you a so called independent?...why are you not with one of the parties? assuming you have a problem with them right?..but yet you would throw that aside to back a party person....if so you are voting with that persons party and are backing their policies...for that election anyway aint no independent....
This automatic gainsay is getting us nowhere...

I have no loyalty to any particular political party...

I vote on a macro -level issue-by-issue or on a candidate-by-candidate or circumstance-by-circumstance basis...

I have voted Democrat more than I have voted Republican but it's a very close comparison over several decades...

Independents have no particular political party "home"... they vote for whom they please, as seems best at the time...

Your inability to accept that definition is your problem to deal with, not mine...

This exchange is over.
Um, let's review.

Al Franken was caught playing grabass with a USO Stripper. Even though this happened before he was a Senator, he resigned.
Andrew Cuomo was caught engaging in harassing behavior. Even though his record as Governor was pretty good, he resigned.
Joe Biden was a pretty good president, given the shitshow he inherited from Trump that you all blocked out of your minds. But when it was clear he couldn't stand up the rigors of the job for another four years, he stepped aside.

I'd say that the Democrats are fairly good at holding their own to accountability.

Meanwhile, Trump has been a convicted felon, and adjudicated rapist, has been indicted for insurrection and mishandling classified documents, has been found guilty of fraud multiple times, and, oh, yeah, unleashed an angry mob on Congress. Yet the vast majority of GOP Congressmen didn't have the courage to stand up to him, and the few who did - Cheney, Romney, and Kizinger, have been forced out.

Your party has no moral courage. Hopefully you'll all find it after Trump is defeated again.

It's fun to watch the Party of War act like they are a bunch of hippies now, because the military has nothing but contempt for Trump.
It's almost as much fun as watching the the "Party of Family Values" defend why it's perfectly okay to pay off a porn star your guy had sex with.

I think you are a tad confused here, buddy. You see, before Trump, we could disagree without being disagreeable. Sure we have our differences, but we are all Americans at the end of the day.

But then somehow, your party decided that fealty to one man's bottomless ego was more important than even basic civility or any kind of principle.

Right. Everyone but Trump is corrupt, even though he's been indicted and convicted and found liable for various illicit, illegal, or immoral schemes. And he was sent by God.

Sure it is. Sometimes I vote Republican, sometimes I vote Democrat. Prior to 2008, before the crazies took over the GOP, I voted for Reagan, both Bushes, Dole, and McCain. After 2008, I voted for Obama (because I hate Mormons), Clinton, Biden and now Harris (Because Trump is a threat to Democracy) But even that wasn't cut and dried, because I would occasionally deviate for other offices. I often voted for Bill Lipinski for Congress when I lived in his district, because his family were members of our parish growing up. I voted for Rauner in 2014 after I was otherwise through with Republicans because Pat Quinn wasn't up to the job.

What I didn't do is piss away my vote on a third party, because those guys never win, and most of them are loons.
Impressive! How long until you have to say it all over again? I’m tired of it all and have given up arguing with those who won’t be serious, hence…

This automatic gainsay is getting us nowhere...

I have no loyalty to any particular political party...

I vote on a macro -level issue-by-issue or on a candidate-by-candidate or circumstance-by-circumstance basis...

I have voted Democrat more than I have voted Republican but it's a very close comparison over several decades...

Independents have no particular political party "home"... they vote for whom they please, as seems best at the time...

Your inability to accept that definition is your problem to deal with, not mine...

This exchange is over.
in other words im aint no REAL independent...
You seem to e to the left of Chairman Mao.
With me supporting a very hard line on border control, national sovereignty, purging Illegal Aliens, standing up to China, resurrecting American manufacturing capacity, bolstering national defense, low taxes, etc., and I'm to the left of Mao?

Yeah.,. sure I am...

There are no center and right-wing democrats that make a difference and any who are just left are not left enough.
Good thing for me then that I'm no Democrat, in a practical sense... I vote across the spectrum on a regular basis...


But what does any of that have to do with the premise of this thread?

Either MAGAtts are purged from the Republican Party once Trump is gone or a third-party is going to become a Reality...
why are you a so called independent?...why are you not with one of the parties? assuming you have a problem with them right?..but yet you would throw that aside to back a party person....if so you are voting with that persons party and are backing their policies...for that election anyway aint no independent....

That's an easy one. Because at the end of the day, as an independent, I vote for the person over the party.

I was kind of done with the GOP after 2008 when they wrecked the economy AND got us into an unnecessary war, and their response was, "Hey, we didn't act Religious crazy enough; let's nominate the guy who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear."

That said, when IL had a gubernatorial election the next year, I was given a choice between Pat Quinn (a reformer who fell ass-backward into the job after the legislature voted unanimously to remove Rod Blagojevich.) and Bruce Rauner, who actually sounded pretty reasonable on a lot of issues.

At no point did I consider Chad Grimm (Libertardian), Mike Oberline (Constitution) or Scott Summers (the Green Party Candidate, not the X-Man)

Quinn's problem was that he really didn't have the chops to govern. His main role in IL Poltiics since the 1970's was to be a pain in the ass, by advocating reforms no one really asked for. (His biggest accomplishment was eliminating Cumulative Voting for the House of Representatives, which allowed for Republican representation in the City and Democratic representation in the Rural areas. This system had been in place since 1870 and worked well. Since then, the GOP has been on the decline, only really representing the Rural districts no one actually lives in.

So I voted for Rauner.

Was I happy with Rauner? Not really. The guy only seem to have one setting, which was "I want to get rid of the Unions!!!" and kept harping on that even after the Legislature told him "No".

So in 2018, I voted for J. B. Pritzker, who has only occasionally disappointed me.
That's an easy one. Because at the end of the day, as an independent, I vote for the person over the party.

I was kind of done with the GOP after 2008 when they wrecked the economy AND got us into an unnecessary war, and their response was, "Hey, we didn't act Religious crazy enough; let's nominate the guy who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear."

That said, when IL had a gubernatorial election the next year, I was given a choice between Pat Quinn (a reformer who fell ass-backward into the job after the legislature voted unanimously to remove Rod Blagojevich.) and Bruce Rauner, who actually sounded pretty reasonable on a lot of issues.

At no point did I consider Chad Grimm (Libertardian), Mike Oberline (Constitution) or Scott Summers (the Green Party Candidate, not the X-Man)

Quinn's problem was that he really didn't have the chops to govern. His main role in IL Poltiics since the 1970's was to be a pain in the ass, by advocating reforms no one really asked for. (His biggest accomplishment was eliminating Cumulative Voting for the House of Representatives, which allowed for Republican representation in the City and Democratic representation in the Rural areas. This system had been in place since 1870 and worked well. Since then, the GOP has been on the decline, only really representing the Rural districts no one actually lives in.

So I voted for Rauner.

Was I happy with Rauner? Not really. The guy only seem to have one setting, which was "I want to get rid of the Unions!!!" and kept harping on that even after the Legislature told him "No".

So in 2018, I voted for J. B. Pritzker, who has only occasionally disappointed me.
I vote for the person over the party.
even though that person represents that party and will likely try and carry out what the party wants?...your voting and supporting the party joe.....
I vote for the person over the party.
even though that person represents that party and will likely try and carry out what the party wants?...your voting and supporting the party joe.....

Wow, I guess we can't all be special retards like you and vote for third party candidates who won't win because they are loons.

Agreed. Liz Cheney AND Adam Kinzinger are BOTH true American Heroes...

Congressional Gold Medal candidates... once hyper-MAGAtts have been phased out of the House...

The Party of Lincoln is on life-support... having become the analogy of the Whig Know-Nothings of the 19th century...

It remains to be seen whether it can recover from its present toxic-sepsis condition; infested with MAGAtts as it is...
They're both exactly the kind of warmongering controlled opposition faggots, who made Trump look like a better deal.

Before you pile on the "MAGAtts", best you go take a good long look in the mirror and ask what you did to make them possible.

They're both exactly the kind of warmongering controlled opposition faggots, who made Trump look like a better deal.

Before you pile on the "MAGAtts", best you go take a good long look in the mirror and ask what you did to make them possible.

You are possibly on to something, but not what you think.

The GOP has always been the party of the investor class. The problem is that the Investor Class is not enough to win elections.

So, the way to break the 40-year hold the Democrats had on electoral politics was to get working-class whites to vote against their own economic interests by appealing to their racial, religious, and sexual fears. And, of course, make sure they hate the government because the government is the main thing keeping the investor class from totally bludgeoning the working class into submission.

Donald Trump is not so much a result of how Washington has failed but more the monster the GOP has managed to create and unleash upon the countryside.

Instead of using a dog whistle, he used a bullhorn.
With me supporting a very hard line on border control, national sovereignty, purging Illegal Aliens, standing up to China, resurrecting American manufacturing capacity, bolstering national defense, low taxes, etc., and I'm to the left of Mao?

Yeah.,. sure I am...

Good thing for me then that I'm no Democrat, in a practical sense... I vote across the spectrum on a regular basis...


But what does any of that have to do with the premise of this thread?

Either MAGAtts are purged from the Republican Party once Trump is gone or a third-party is going to become a Reality...
And we go back to the RINOS/NEO CONS. The Republican elites made sure after Reagan we got George Sr., Dole, George W., McCain and Romney. The Republican voters slowly steaming. The Tea Party was a warning as the Republicans did not listen to their voters. Of course, the Tea Party was eventually corrupted from outside and many of those in it destroyed and shills were inserted also.
You are possibly on to something, but not what you think.

The GOP has always been the party of the investor class. The problem is that the Investor Class is not enough to win elections.

So, the way to break the 40-year hold the Democrats had on electoral politics was to get working-class whites to vote against their own economic interests by appealing to their racial, religious, and sexual fears. And, of course, make sure they hate the government because the government is the main thing keeping the investor class from totally bludgeoning the working class into submission.

Donald Trump is not so much a result of how Washington has failed but more the monster the GOP has managed to create and unleash upon the countryside.

Instead of using a dog whistle, he used a bullhorn.
Who the fuck are you to determine what is "in the best interests" of people you don't even know?

Pious, twaddling assholes like you "on the other side" have failed the nation every bit as much, as the republicans who campaign like libertarians then govern like shitlibs....If y'all hadn't, then you would look like the better choice and people would be flocking to your side.

But you're not...You're every bit as shitty a choice as Trump, and have zero self-awareness to recognize the fact.
Ms. Cheney, a longtime Republican, said that the G.O.P. “has rejected the Constitution in the name of supporting Trump” and that Mike Johnson should not be speaker.

“Whether it’s organizing a new party — look, it’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party, given what it has done, can make the argument convincingly or credibly that people ought to vote for Republican candidates until it really recognizes what it’s done,” Ms. Cheney said at the Cap Times Idea Fest in Madison, Wis.

By chance, Ms. Cheney was speaking at the same time that Ms. Harris was also in Madison, holding a rally across town. Ms. Cheney said she had spoken with the vice president since announcing her support and hinted that she might participate in the campaign in some way.

This lady has guts. Not to mention principles. And, I say that as someone who couldn't stand her or her dad.

Going head-to-head against Trump, fully aware that she could lose her seat, is a true profile in courage. Bravo to her! I hope she successfully establishes a new party that embodies the old principles of the party that once represented Lincoln.
Any political party organized by the likes of her I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.
It's fun to watch the Party of War act like they are a bunch of hippies now, because the military has nothing but contempt for Trump.
It's almost as much fun as watching the the "Party of Family Values" defend why it's perfectly okay to pay off a porn star your guy had sex with.
We haven't changed we are still America first and the American people first... you are neither of those things... you people have attracted the Cheney's because you have changed so much...
Pro war... pro killing... and anti constitutional America...
And Biden inherited a repairing economy and a diminishing virus and he couldn't help himself his TDS took over and he undid all the good Trump did even the way we deal with covid and thousands died...
Um, I just see Trump for what he is: a con artist who looked at you guys as marks.

You see, here's the thing. If people voted PURELY on economic issues, only the top 20% would vote Republican.

So how did the Republicans get people who aren't in the top 20 to vote for them? By playing on their racial, religious, and sexual fears.

Trump just traded in the Dogwhistles for a bullhorn, which is why many of those mainstream Republicans are mortified, as they should be.

Trump is not fucking Jesus; he's just someone who has figured out to press your buttons.
A con artist?... the con man is Biden... he coned you into thinking he wasn't senile for 3.5 years.... so either he is a really good con man or you are a push over.... and now you are willingly being coned by Kamala....

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