Lloyd Austin is a disgrace to America…

I said from the beginning they would not be able to get everyone out and then they would claim oh but they did not want to leave.

You cannot believe anything that comes from this biden regime.

We cannot believe anything you say. Trump supporters are the biggest liars.
Defend Trump from what?

What lies? Of course they surrendered....hahah airlifted everyone that wants to go? who told you that?

hahah Xiden even left his own former aid behind who was begging for help: WSJ News Exclusive | Afghan Interpreter Who Helped Rescue Biden in 2008 Left Behind After U.S. Exit

Mohammed, stranded in Afghanistan and hiding from the Taliban, makes a White House appeal: ‘Don’t forget me here’​

Donald Trump signed the document of surrender. There is no evidence that there is any American who wants to leave who didn't get a chance to. Why didn't Trump get Mohammed out? Because Stephen Miller blocked it.
Defend Trump from what?

What lies? Of course they surrendered....hahah airlifted everyone that wants to go? who told you that?

hahah Xiden even left his own former aid behind who was begging for help: WSJ News Exclusive | Afghan Interpreter Who Helped Rescue Biden in 2008 Left Behind After U.S. Exit

Mohammed, stranded in Afghanistan and hiding from the Taliban, makes a White House appeal: ‘Don’t forget me here’​

He made a deal with the taliban. Enough said, and he instilled the insurrection, enough said, he is a two timer, woman assaulter and rapist, and a crook, and the republicans love him. So much for Christianity.
Why didn't everyone pack up and leave sometime between Trump's Doha deal with the Taliban in early 2020 and roughly July 4, 2021? I'm agreeing with those who say Biden and his advisors should have known the Afghan army would fold faster than a nomad tent, but Surada has a decent question .... how did these 200 or so people with dual Afghan US citizenship miss that boat?

Imo that could be seen as "on them" but then again imo the US govt does have a duty to say ..... you're on your own as of [date]. And that's on Biden. imo

My family didn't evacuate during the Suez crisis.. Many families did, or the wives and children left and dad stayed behind. My family didn't evacuate during the Six Day War but my mother had gone to Rome for dental work and couldn't get back home.
This was the greatest military defeat in the history of the US. You can hang that one on biden for his incompetence in evacuation. It was time to leave 18 years ago.

Trump signed the document of surrender.

“Our secretary of state signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban,” McMaster said. “This collapse goes back to the capitulation agreement of 2020. The Taliban didn’t defeat us. We defeated ourselves.”
Donald Trump signed the document of surrender. There is no evidence that there is any American who wants to leave who didn't get a chance to. Why didn't Trump get Mohammed out? Because Stephen Miller blocked it.
provide the document? provide it

why would trump get anyone out when he didn’t leave?

why are you asking a former president to clean up the mess the current president created?

do you even listen to yourself?
He made a deal with the taliban. Enough said, and he instilled the insurrection, enough said, he is a two timer, woman assaulter and rapist, and a crook, and the republicans love him. So much for Christianity.
cool. so what?

Xiden surrendered to them…

hahah now it’s trump’s fault because he cheated on his wife? wow…the cult is strong it seems…
I'm not sure why the thread is about Austin. Congress waived the requirement for his lengthy of time for separation from the military. He was confirmed with 93 yeas. I have no idea if he's a good sec of defense, nor does anyone else on the board. Whatever he would like to have done concerning the withdrawl, it's clear Biden limited troop levels, and that limited what the US had the capacity to do. Same goes for Miley.

At some point, the Taliban will let everyone go, or not. We'll see. the 200 figure seems to be about right, according to the NYT, but I'm not sure who knows, really. The Taliban need intl support to govern, and Afghan seems unlikely to feed itself.

Biden didn't foresee the Afghan Army folding so fast. Neither did the Taliban. Biden doesn't appear to have issued any warning to people to get out by a certain date, and he owns that.

That is what Trump did. He dropped troop levels to 2,500 just before he left office. Biden's mistake was following through on Trump's plan rather than starting over.
That is what Trump did. He dropped troop levels to 2,500 just before he left office. Biden's mistake was following through on Trump's plan rather than starting over.
haha even xiden debunked the myth he followed trumps plan. why do you cultist keep repeating debunked lies? did msdnc not play the ABC interview where he admitted this? is that it?
I think the Suez Crisis caught Eisenhower unawares, but I was too young to notice. LOL My only personal recollection of the 6 day war was some Jewish acquaintences wanting to go TO Israel. One of the few times I liked Nixon's actions. It's a pity the Palestinians didn't make their peace while they still had the opportunity.
That is what Trump did. He dropped troop levels to 2,500 just before he left office. Biden's mistake was following through on Trump's plan rather than starting over.

I agree with what you are saying to a point, but IMO it was time to leave Afghanistan.
To begin with his appointment was a violation of our long standing tradition of civilian control of the military.

The worst thing about him is that he has focused on racial politics instead of doing his best as secretary of defense to defend America.

I read his record....he has nothing in it that would ever warrant his rank.....
cool. so what?

Xiden surrendered to them…

hahah now it’s trump’s fault because he cheated on his wife? wow…the cult is strong it seems…
Biden is a brave man, tramps failed as president and he is also a failed businessman.
I think the Suez Crisis caught Eisenhower unawares, but I was too young to notice. LOL My only personal recollection of the 6 day war was some Jewish acquaintences wanting to go TO Israel. One of the few times I liked Nixon's actions. It's a pity the Palestinians didn't make their peace while they still had the opportunity.

1967 was a landgrab they planned since the 1950s. Read Moshe Dayan.

Nasser nationalized the Suez and agreed to buy out the French and British. Israel had already attacked.

They were hell bent to cause a rift between the US and Egypt with the Lavon Affair bombings of Americans in Cairo. Eisenhower didn't know and pulled out of our agreement to finance construction of the Aswan Dam. The Soviets were waiting with open arms.. Of course Eisenhower was furious when he learned he been so deceived and manipulated.
That is what Trump did. He dropped troop levels to 2,500 just before he left office. Biden's mistake was following through on Trump's plan rather than starting over.
Well, Biden did give Austin the go ahead for more troops when things went ... chaotic. It could be worse. We and the Taliban didn't start shooting at each other again. And since we didn't have air support or "big guns" that would have been very bad. Some people say Biden should have held onto Bagram, but Austin or Miley said 2500 was not enough for that, and I'm honestly not sure how civilians could get to Bagram if they couldn't even get to Karzai Airport.

I don't have any gripes about Trump's deal, other than Trumpots acting like it didn't happen, and neocons like McConnell and Brave Brave Sir Lindsey who opposed it even back then. Tom Cotton approved of it ... then, but he's changed his mind now.

I don't really have much gripe about Biden. The Afghan Fold caught everyone by surprise. But Biden approved enough troops to hold onto the airport (even though the Taliban weren't trying to take it), and the deaths and injuries were blessedly not as many as they could have been. My guess, and it's just a guess, is the Taliban will eventually let us have most everyone we want, save for a few who they think hurt them, and if they don't give us everyone who has US citizenship, I hope we have leverage.
provide the document? provide it

why would trump get anyone out when he didn’t leave?

why are you asking a former president to clean up the mess the current president created?

do you even listen to yourself?

You prove it. You are saying Americans were left behind. There is no evidence of that.

He signed the surrender document in Feb 2020. He withdrew troops but never started evacuating anyone who wanted to leave.

Trump created the mess. Biden's failure was not recognizing this and throwing out Trump's agreement.

You need to start listening to yourself. More Trump officials agree that Trump's agreement was a disaster.

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