Lloyd Austin is a disgrace to America…

haha even xiden debunked the myth he followed trumps plan. why do you cultist keep repeating debunked lies? did msdnc not play the ABC interview where he admitted this? is that it?

He followed Trump's pln. He did not re-negotiate Trump's surrender document.
Trump signed the document of surrender.

“Our secretary of state signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban,” McMaster said. “This collapse goes back to the capitulation agreement of 2020. The Taliban didn’t defeat us. We defeated ourselves.”
The current reprobate in charge delayed the date. Make no mistake, he is your man and you are a partisan hack.
Biden is a brave man, tramps failed as president and he is also a failed businessman.
surrendering isn't brave. Bravery would be having the courage to tell the American people we can't leave yet, or the terrorist will take over.
You prove it. You are saying Americans were left behind. There is no evidence of that.

He signed the surrender document in Feb 2020. He withdrew troops but never started evacuating anyone who wanted to leave.

Trump created the mess. Biden's failure was not recognizing this and throwing out Trump's agreement.

You need to start listening to yourself. More Trump officials agree that Trump's agreement was a disaster.

Trump created the mess? hahaha just go back two months ago, there was no mess...no Americans being killed, no people left behind, the Taliban wasn't in charge.....geez...he was handed a gift and blew it
He followed Trump's pln. He did not re-negotiate Trump's surrender document.
haha he ignored all of the plan....he didn't follow any of it.

Show me where in Trump's "plan" that we were going to pull the military in the middle of the night, without telling our allies, or pull out any of our civilians first? Show me.
He followed Trump's pln. He did not re-negotiate Trump's surrender document.
Biden says that the Afghanistan disaster was a resounding success. The greatest in history. Trump's plan must have been the greatest in history.
Biden says that the Afghanistan disaster was a resounding success. The greatest in history. Trump's plan must have been the greatest in history.
haha right? this is when the dembot cultist false narratives start to fall on themselves with basic logic
To begin with his appointment was a violation of our long standing tradition of civilian control of the military.

The worst thing about him is that he has focused on racial politics instead of doing his best as secretary of defense to defend America.

Nice link shitferbrains

And you folks complain about C&L and Huffpo LOL
blacks have an average i.q. of 85 so when you see one of them so over-promoted you know they do not deserve to be where they are.
Blatant racism has become common place on this forum...
Maybe they shoulda made plans to leave after one of the 19 warnings they received from the State Department prior to August 31st, then.

Maybe the government shouldn't have stranded them instead you ignorant twat.
Blatant racism has become common place on this forum...
The truth cannot be denied---everyone is waycist even little babies.

Science says even babies are waycist

Babies a little bit racist

How young does racism start? New research suggests you might see signs in your 6- to 9-month-old baby.
The research, from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, shows infants of this age are biased in favor of people of their own race and against those of other races based on two studies.
most of his courses were probably of a 'basket weaving' nature if you git mah drift? The same type of courses designed for football players so they can stay in college and play football.

blacks have an average i.q. of 85 so when you see one of them so over-promoted you know they do not deserve to be where they are.

In some areas political appointees do not make much of a difference but to put a low i.q. affirmative action product into the office of secretary of defense that is a major,major blunder.
I'm sorry! Can you explain why you are a racist bastard?

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