LMAO....so much for "global warming"!!!!

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Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Im laughing..........been saying for over 20 years, this climate change business is the biggest hoax ever perpetuated upon Americans ( and the world for that matter ).:spinner:

Top story on DRUDGE right now........ Is a mini ICE AGE on the way Scientists warn the sun will go to sleep in 2020 Daily Mail Online

Screw investing in that solar panel s0ns......best start stocking up on wood, gasoline for generators and plenty of winter parka's. And buy stock in some of these northeastern ski resorts ftw!!!:rock::rock:
The Planet is not Recovering from the LIA
To sum up, with the exception of the human population, the factors which contributed to the LIA cannot account for the global warming of the past 50-100 years. Further, it is not physically accurate to claim that the planet is simply "recovering" from the LIA. This argument is akin to saying that when you drop a ball off a cliff, it falls because it used to be higher. There is a physical mechanism for these changes. In the case of the ball, it falls because of the gravitational pull at the Earth's surface. In the case of the global temperature, it is warming from the increased greenhouse effect due to human activities.

.........periods of diminished solar activity were likely significant contributors to the LIA cooling. And solar activity has increased since the end of the Dalton Minimum to the current 'Modern Maximum'. However, solar activity has not increased on average since the mid-20th century...........

Increased Volcanic Activity
The Earth experienced heightened volcanic activity throughout the LIA. Volcanic eruptions release aerosols into the atmosphere which diffuse sunlight, causing global dimming and cooling. According to Crowley et al. (2000),

"over the interval 1400–1850, the volcanic contribution [to the decadal-scale variance in global temperatures] increases to 41 to 49% (P < 0.01), thereby indicating a very important role for volcanism during the Little Ice Age."

However, volcanic activity has had a net negative forcing (cooling effect) over the past century, particularly since 1950, and thus cannot explain the global warming over this period
What ended the Little Ice Age
Oh....evidently, computer models of sun cycles has become highly predictable.:up:

Climate change predictions?

Not so much..........in fact, inaccurate much of the time!!!!:oops-28:

Who's not winning?:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
The wing nut Octopus of misinformation is just throwing out ink....its not humans its the sun cycle...because as you pointed out "only certain models are accurate"
For an unproven hypothesis, you would ignore what is happening right now with the temperatures and extreme weather? Maybe there will be a Dalton Minimum, maybe not. But even if there is, will it be enough to match the effect of the increased GHGs?
also if its the top story on Drudge well then buster that cancels out any other source of information...because wing nuts will wing nut....
LOL.....figured the AGW crowd would begin the mental meltdown pretty quickly after seeing this gem go up!!:2up:

The whole point is, nobody knows shit about shit about what the climate will be 10 years from now or 50 years from now. Nobody.

And lets face it......only on community boards like this is the "consensus" science resonating.....ummm.......its a fucking hobby!!! :coffee: Other than that it is not mattering in the real world. Not one climate k00k can post up a single link in here showing us where the "97%" is having any impact in the real world.:rock:

But Im the wingnut!!!!:spinner:


You mean like the polar ice cap that every AGW nutter said would be long gone by now back in 2001?:ack-1:

You mean like the people who said Cat 5 hurricanes would be occurring multiple times each hurricane season?:eek-52:

You mean like the whole AGW community that said in 2001 that by now we'd never see snow anymore?:bye1:

Oh.....you mean the same k00ks who said 10 years ago that Miami would be under water by 2016?:gay:
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