Lock him up! Why is repeat offender Donald Trump still a free man?

When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?
The Georgia AG is looking into that call, Dumbass.

Everything Trump did has been investigated.
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.

Tommy knows everything about everything, just ask him
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?

Wow, a lot of Democrats agree with you. What a shocker since you are one, LOL.

As for educated, Democrats are educated by government, it's pretty worthless, it involves a lot of government worship, racism and fascism. Your comfort zone
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?
The Georgia AG is looking into that call, Dumbass.

Everything Trump did has been investigated.
What about the fraud that New York is investigating ? The evidence for that came from his own friend.

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.
What law did he break?
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?
The Georgia AG is looking into that call, Dumbass.

Everything Trump did has been investigated.
What about the fraud that New York is investigating ? The evidence for that came from his own friend.
They are investigating nothing. They are searching for a crime. That's typical of a witch hunt.
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?
The Georgia AG is looking into that call, Dumbass.

Everything Trump did has been investigated.
What about the fraud that New York is investigating ? The evidence for that came from his own friend.
What about it? Where are the charges? Convictions?

You claim he is a "repeat offender" that needs to be locked up, yet you have no crimes.

Seriously, STFU and go curtsy your Queen.
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?
The Georgia AG is looking into that call, Dumbass.

Everything Trump did has been investigated.
What about the fraud that New York is investigating ? The evidence for that came from his own friend.
They are investigating nothing. They are searching for a crime. That's typical of a witch hunt.
The Russia investigation was a supposed waste of time but a load of trump trash went to jail.
Tommy Tainant said:

Lock him up! Why is repeat offender Donald Trump still a free man?​

Mobs screeching that a political opponent be incarcerated without the required indictment, trial, conviction, and sentencing is a tawdry spectacle, antithetical to American values.

The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small.

Conscientious criminal and civil investigations are well underway, and the wheels of justice are relentlessly turning.
(Ignore that squeaking. It's only the protestations of the malcontents who fear the truth.)
They are investigating nothing. Hillary is obviously a criminal. I can't believe Trump didn't prosecute her. He obviously didn't understand the maxim "never give a Democrat an even break."
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?
The Georgia AG is looking into that call, Dumbass.

Everything Trump did has been investigated.
What about the fraud that New York is investigating ? The evidence for that came from his own friend.

New York has been investigating for years and still can't fabricate a crime out of Trump's tax returns. It's time for you fascist Nazis to give that one up
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?
The Georgia AG is looking into that call, Dumbass.

Everything Trump did has been investigated.
What about the fraud that New York is investigating ? The evidence for that came from his own friend.
What about it? Where are the charges? Convictions?

You claim he is a "repeat offender" that needs to be locked up, yet you have no crimes.

Seriously, STFU and go curtsy your Queen.
Why was the Trump foundation closed down ? The one where they were stealing from sick kids ?
It isn't a crime to be the leader of the Loyal Opposition here in America, we aren't North Fucking Korea after all.

Its also not a tradition in this country to imprison or execute deposed Presidents.

I suppose the author of this piece could see to really punish the tens of millions of little Trumpsters, but that kind of move would really dampen interest in future elections. Further, the possibility of the opposition rising and retaliating is something that has to be considered as well.
lets see the first uninformed thing you said was the leader of this loyal opposition party ... you for get this so-called loyal leader said lets all go down to the capitol and take back the government ... in any legal worlding thats incitement to riot ... so no we aren't North Korea this has nothing to do with what north korea does ... thats you just grand standing....

Nixon was going to go to jail if it wasn't for Ford ... Nixon committed a many crimes ... Trump has committed so many violations of law and we are speaking of American law, not Korea law ...trump has violated so many laws its not funny any more ... trump doesn't care about the rule of law he never has ... we can't help that tens of millions of trumpsters are this ignorant of rule of law ... so if they violate it cause trump said it was its ok to ... if the opposition starts retaliating, because they have been dupe by a lying president trump, then when they are shot and killed by people who represent the rule of law, don't come crying to us about how horrible Dems/liberals are ... when you Are this stupid and you follow a stupid president Trump, don't be surprised if you get killed for being stupid ...
What law did he break?
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?
The Georgia AG is looking into that call, Dumbass.

Everything Trump did has been investigated.
What about the fraud that New York is investigating ? The evidence for that came from his own friend.
They are investigating nothing. They are searching for a crime. That's typical of a witch hunt.
The Russia investigation was a supposed waste of time but a load of trump trash went to jail.
None of it was related to Russia collusion, Dumbass.

And in America you don't get locked up because an employee broke the law a decade before you hired him.
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?
The Georgia AG is looking into that call, Dumbass.

Everything Trump did has been investigated.
What about the fraud that New York is investigating ? The evidence for that came from his own friend.
What about it? Where are the charges? Convictions?

You claim he is a "repeat offender" that needs to be locked up, yet you have no crimes.

Seriously, STFU and go curtsy your Queen.
Why was the Trump foundation closed down ? The one where they were stealing from sick kids ?
Where are the criminal charges? Keep digging, Fuckwit.
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?
The Georgia AG is looking into that call, Dumbass.

Everything Trump did has been investigated.
What about the fraud that New York is investigating ? The evidence for that came from his own friend.
They are investigating nothing. They are searching for a crime. That's typical of a witch hunt.
The Russia investigation was a supposed waste of time but a load of trump trash went to jail.

All on fabricated charges and perjury traps. Fascists loved it. Or in your native language, Heil Hitler

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.
its like the Fred Floyd case we all said what the hell takes so long to get the case started ... in Trumps case they have need his tax returns to prove their case ... every time a court order was produced to have him give up his taxes, he had a rebuttal for the court why they shouldn't give up his taxes ... well this last month was attempt to stop his taxers from being released ... from my understanding they are finding all kinds of illegal things he has done in his taxes to prove their case ... trump has committed so many crimes now that they are officially seenig his taxes ... now they are starting to have reason to charge him with a crime ... but like all prosecutors they want to have all of their ducks in a row ... like they did in the Floyd case ... he will soon be sweating large orange drops dow the side of his face when he confronts the press
What a load.
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?
The Georgia AG is looking into that call, Dumbass.

Everything Trump did has been investigated.
What about the fraud that New York is investigating ? The evidence for that came from his own friend.
What about it? Where are the charges? Convictions?

You claim he is a "repeat offender" that needs to be locked up, yet you have no crimes.

Seriously, STFU and go curtsy your Queen.
Why was the Trump foundation closed down ? The one where they were stealing from sick kids ?
Where are the criminal charges? Keep digging, Fuckwit.

New York has proven what they found, nothing. How can one person's taxes be the target of an investigation for that many years and they still can't even fabricate any tax fraud?
Probably something to do with the fact that he hasn't been convicted of any criminal offense in a court of law
I wouldn't count on it, whatever he's done, he's a Former President and there is no precedent for prosecuting one of those.

Heck we didn't even seriously contemplate prosecuting Nixon for the crimes he committed while in office and that was back when a majority of the country still respected the rule of law.
True on presidents, primarily because Ford pardoned Nixon before his indictment, so he could not be charged with crimes.

But his vice president, Spiro Agnew had charges of tax evasion....while in office, and after he resigned, I believe.
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?
The Georgia AG is looking into that call, Dumbass.

Everything Trump did has been investigated.
What about the fraud that New York is investigating ? The evidence for that came from his own friend.
They are investigating nothing. They are searching for a crime. That's typical of a witch hunt.
The Russia investigation was a supposed waste of time but a load of trump trash went to jail.
None of it was related to Russia collusion, Dumbass.

And in America you don't get locked up because an employee broke the law a decade before you hired him.
I'll bet if they investigated everyone who worked in the Obama administration for three years they would find plenty of crimes.
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?
The Georgia AG is looking into that call, Dumbass.

Everything Trump did has been investigated.
What about the fraud that New York is investigating ? The evidence for that came from his own friend.
What about it? Where are the charges? Convictions?

You claim he is a "repeat offender" that needs to be locked up, yet you have no crimes.

Seriously, STFU and go curtsy your Queen.
Why was the Trump foundation closed down ? The one where they were stealing from sick kids ?

From the guy who supports the party that kept shipping Covid patents into retirement homes. Suddenly you can fake morality
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?
The Georgia AG is looking into that call, Dumbass.

Everything Trump did has been investigated.
What about the fraud that New York is investigating ? The evidence for that came from his own friend.
What about it? Where are the charges? Convictions?

You claim he is a "repeat offender" that needs to be locked up, yet you have no crimes.

Seriously, STFU and go curtsy your Queen.
Why was the Trump foundation closed down ? The one where they were stealing from sick kids ?
Where are the criminal indictments?
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