Lock him up! Why is repeat offender Donald Trump still a free man?

All you have to do here is prove to me that the Trump Tower meeting WAS really about adoption. :) That's it. It's a pretty low bar. If you can't, then Trump's campaign sought the help of the Russians. And you should have paid attention to Part 2 of Mueller's report. Obstruction all over it. But, William Barr intercepted Mueller's report and let the air out of it. I mean, it's not like the cuck Republicans were going to have the spine to impeach him anyway. That's the reason Nancy said no after Mueller's report..even though a lot of her own party wanted to impeach him...BTW, did you send her a Thank You fruit basket for that?
I guess then what you must do is prove the Trump Tower meeting wasn't about adoption.
I wasn't there but no one seems able to make a serious viable case for this collusion stuff including you or
Robert Mueller, the disgraced savior of the party.

And, incidentally, the issue is FAR bigger that what happened in the Trump Towers, just so you know.
The spying, the fake Steele memo, setting up minor Trump underlings, etc. It's rancid what
the left tried to do to Trump. Absolutely putrid!

As for Nancy With the Lying Eyes (check the reference), if there was anything in Muelller's report
that could have gutted Trump you can bet your ass she would have jumped all over it.

Stating the right didn't have the spine to impeach Trump is bullshit because it implies there was a
viable case there to be made.

Schiff, Waters, Nadler, Schumer and all the other satanic creatures in the DNC were scared shitless of
Trump, so much so that they rolled the dice and stole the election and then set up a Beer Hall Putsch
style riot at the Capitol to make sure Trump would be doubly dead, politically speaking.
That will be revisited in the not so distant future and I will send Pelosi a fruit basket as soon
as I find a way to make sure it gives he diarrhea.

As far as Ukraine goes, Trump did that to himself. He was always his worst enemy. And please, politicians using their power to enrich family members or friends isn't news.
They ALL do it.
Well Biden has been doing it for forty years and he is the highest monkey in the tree and his illegal dealings
have been the most blatant and flagrant! But at least you admit he is as filthy and crooked as an auto salvage yard junker.
Yes. Trump was the source of many of his own problems merely by being incapable
of keeping his mouth shut. That's not an excuse however for what was done to him.

Except Trump did everything to himself. There was no prompting on the part of anyone for Trump to stick his leg in his mouth.
All he had to do was open his mouth. I mean, the man cost the Republican party TWO in the bag Senate seats. A person like that
surrounds himself with people that are just as corrupt as he is. Is it any wonder that his underlings ended up in hot water too?

No one stole anything. Trump lost. He blew the response to the pandemic. And people held him accountable for it. I understand what he
represented to you and why people were devastated at his loss. But this living in an alternate reality has GOT to stop at some point.
It isn't healthy.
First off, allow me to Thank you for ducking my questions which makes it obvious that you are either unwilling or unable to defend your own assertions, WELL DONE!

If you’ll read what I actually wrote instead of what the voices in your head are telling that I wrote you might actually grasp the obvious, the Nations that proceeded the formation of the United States where in large part Nations under the rule of MEN, specifically birth right Aristrocracies, as opposed to what our founders came up with. Of course those that have their heads so far up the “but it’s not fair!” Rear end of history will fail to recognize the contrast and thus cannot see the forest from the trees when it comes to the practicalities of the RULE OF LAW versus the RULE OF MEN.

Now , try again and this time make at least a half way honest attempt to support your own arguments, K?
The old saying is the US is governed by the Golden Rule because those with the gold make the rules.
And that's true, sadly, in too many cases because even if laws were perfect it's imperfect and corrupt men
who often administer those laws.

Still, we haven't become so jaded and corrupt that fairness is not the ideal we strive for and often
Greetings. Has anyone noticed large numbers of Progressive, liberal-minded citizens trashing Donald Trump....

Are the very same citizens choosing to trash and demonize independent minded citizens whose ONLY OFFENSE is choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for life liberty (love) and happiness?

I am not a doctor, yet when I witness citizens hating, bullying, antagonizing and demonizing citizens who have not committed any criminal or moral offense...

I have to believe some type of mental health issues are affecting hateful citizens.

During this interview peace loving citizen Bryan Sharpe, aka Hotep Jesus reveals "it stings, it hurts" when being demeaned as a C°°n:


Larry elder ProBlack.jpg
Except Trump did everything to himself. There was no prompting on the part of anyone for Trump to stick his leg in his mouth.
All he had to do was open his mouth. I mean, the man cost the Republican party TWO in the bag Senate seats. A person like that
surrounds himself with people that are just as corrupt as he is. Is it any wonder that his underlings ended up in hot water too?

No one stole anything. Trump lost. He blew the response to the pandemic. And people held him accountable for it. I understand what he
represented to you and why people were devastated at his loss. But this living in an alternate reality has GOT to stop at some point.
It isn't healthy.
I agree. When will you leave your bubble and see things as they are?

I don't see how Trump is responsible for senate losses in Georgia, but maybe you have some special insights
as to how Trump should have overcome deeply embedded changes to Georgia voting laws designed
purposely to make voting fraud easy and impossible to stop.
Leftist cover girl for voting fraud in Georgia (Stacy Abrahms) was letting everyone know (no shyness about
fraudulent Georgia voting laws) that people could temporarily move to Georgia, renting a room ect,,
vote for the two far leftist democrats, and the leave the state afterwards, and it was all fair and legal under
current state law. And it was, amazingly!
I won't argue with you over the election being stolen or not. The evidence speaks for me.

Lunatic Lin Wood told people NOT to vote against Warnock and Ossoff because the fix was in (it was)
and their votes would be meaningless, at the same time Trump was in Georgia encouraging
people to save the senate from democrats. When has it ever been smart to cut off your nose
to spite your face?
This is not Donald Trump's fault. It's simply idiotic to pretend otherwise.

As far as the pandemic Donald Trump paved the way for the development and deployment
of vaccines in record time. For this he should be blamed?

Your world view is harmful and counterproductive and I'm happy to realize you are stuck
with it...not me.

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.
Because he's not been convicted of any crime. Unlike in (apparently) your island nation, in the United States you don't get put in prison because a bunch of people irrationally hate you.

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.

So fascism is rampant in Britain like here too, huh fascist.

We still don't lock up people who are in the "wrong" party. Democrats are trying to change that. I see you're with them

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.

I can’t believe the credit card companies are still allowing him access to peoples’ bank accounts after the campaign was forced to repay $122 million in fraud claims by campaign donors.

I’ve seen VISA walk into stores and remove all credit card equipment after a single fraud claim on the vendor. And Trump is telling people not to donate to the Republican Party, just give their money directly to him.

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.

So fascism is rampant in Britain like here too, huh fascist.

We still don't lock up people who are in the "wrong" party. Democrats are trying to change that. I see you're with them

Democrats aren’t the people who’ve been chanting “Lock her up” for the past 6 years. But the guys who lead those chants - General Flynn and Rudy Gulliani have both been in serious legal trouble, as is Donald Trump.

Trump was in the middle of a massive fraud trial when he was elected. And not for the first time either.

Are you seriously suggesting this lifelong criminal now be allowed to go free because you clowns were stupid enough to elect him President?

In any other country in the world he would have been shot by firing squad on January 7th, and deservedly so.

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.

So fascism is rampant in Britain like here too, huh fascist.

We still don't lock up people who are in the "wrong" party. Democrats are trying to change that. I see you're with them

Democrats aren’t the people who’ve been chanting “Lock her up” for the past 6 years. But the guys who lead those chants - General Flynn and Rudy Gulliani have both been in serious legal trouble, as is Donald Trump.

Trump was in the middle of a massive fraud trial when he was elected. And not for the first time either.

Are you seriously suggesting this lifelong criminal now be allowed to go free because you clowns were stupid enough to elect him President?

In any other country in the world he would have been shot by firing squad on January 7th, and deservedly so.
Lifelong criminal?

Link us up to all his convictions, or admit once again you are a lying sack of KKKanadian shit.
Greetings. Has anyone noticed large numbers of Progressive, liberal-minded citizens trashing Donald Trump....

Are the very same citizens choosing to trash and demonize independent minded citizens whose ONLY OFFENSE is choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for life liberty (love) and happiness?

I am not a doctor, yet when I witness citizens hating, bullying, antagonizing and demonizing citizens who have not committed any criminal or moral offense...

I have to believe some type of mental health issues are affecting hateful citizens.

During this interview peace loving citizen Bryan Sharpe, aka Hotep Jesus reveals "it stings, it hurts" when being demeaned as a C°°n:


View attachment 492694View attachment 492695View attachment 492696

Oh Lord, Im sorry.

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.

So fascism is rampant in Britain like here too, huh fascist.

We still don't lock up people who are in the "wrong" party. Democrats are trying to change that. I see you're with them

Democrats aren’t the people who’ve been chanting “Lock her up” for the past 6 years. But the guys who lead those chants - General Flynn and Rudy Gulliani have both been in serious legal trouble, as is Donald Trump.

Trump was in the middle of a massive fraud trial when he was elected. And not for the first time either.

Are you seriously suggesting this lifelong criminal now be allowed to go free because you clowns were stupid enough to elect him President?

In any other country in the world he would have been shot by firing squad on January 7th, and deservedly so.

So some Republicans saying to "lock her up" while no one did anything about it justifies Democrats actually rounding up and putting your opposition in jail. Of course it does ... not. You are a fascist. You keep proving that Democrats are Nazis. You're also racists

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.

The lies you believe, or tell yourself are not illegal.


It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.

Worry about your own filthy, degenerate shithole of a country.

Nearly all of what you think you “know” about my country is pure bullshit, and you have no standing in this country, anyway. My ancestors fought two wars, more than two centuries ago, against your ancestors, to establish this fact—that you British filth have no say whatsoever in how we Americans run our country.

Should it become necessary for us to fight a third war to reinforce this point, the likely result would be the complete end of your country's existence as a sovereign nation.

You tempt me to wish that we would attack the UK, militarily, conquer it, colonize it, and oppress the native British filth the way that you once tried to oppress us.

It’s truly strange that in a land of laws, Trump still walks free, strutting around his fancy-pants golf course, holding $250,000 a head fundraisers, evading justice, encouraging sedition, and daily blogging divisive bile about a stolen election. The Big Kahuna peddles the Big Lie. What other self-respecting country would allow it?

The dismaying answer may be that to lock him up – the fate he wished on Hillary Clinton – would be to risk another insurrection. That’s the last thing Joe Biden and America’s wobbly democracy needs. But letting him get away with it harms democracy, too. In office, Trump ruled by lawlessness and fear. In exile, fear keeps him beyond the reach of the law.

Its a real puzzle isnt it ? I am guessing the answer is in the final paragraph. Why poke the snake. He will not be around for long anyway.

I think that attitude is wrong. At some point an intelligent version of Trump will show up. He needs to be able to see that there are consequences for criminal behaviour or that will be the end of the US.

Worry about your own filthy, degenerate shithole of a country.

Nearly all of what you think you “know” about my country is pure bullshit, and you have no standing in this country, anyway. My ancestors fought two wars, more than two centuries ago, against your ancestors, to establish this fact—that you British filth have no say whatsoever in how we Americans run our country.

Should it become necessary for us to fight a third war to reinforce this point, the likely result would be the complete end of your country's existence as a sovereign nation.

You tempt me to wish that we would attack the UK, militarily, conquer it, colonize it, and oppress the native British filth the way that you once tried to oppress us.

Yes, Tommy is a British snob, that's why I keep calling him that.

Tommy's a British Cliff Clavin

When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
All you have to do here is prove to me that the Trump Tower meeting WAS really about adoption. :) That's it. It's a pretty low bar. If you can't, then Trump's campaign sought the help of the Russians. And you should have paid attention to Part 2 of Mueller's report. Obstruction all over it. But, William Barr intercepted Mueller's report and let the air out of it. I mean, it's not like the cuck Republicans were going to have the spine to impeach him anyway. That's the reason Nancy said no after Mueller's report..even though a lot of her own party wanted to impeach him...BTW, did you send her a Thank You fruit basket for that?
I guess then what you must do is prove the Trump Tower meeting wasn't about adoption.
I wasn't there but no one seems able to make a serious viable case for this collusion stuff including you or
Robert Mueller, the disgraced savior of the party.

And, incidentally, the issue is FAR bigger that what happened in the Trump Towers, just so you know.
The spying, the fake Steele memo, setting up minor Trump underlings, etc. It's rancid what
the left tried to do to Trump. Absolutely putrid!

As for Nancy With the Lying Eyes (check the reference), if there was anything in Muelller's report
that could have gutted Trump you can bet your ass she would have jumped all over it.

Stating the right didn't have the spine to impeach Trump is bullshit because it implies there was a
viable case there to be made.

Schiff, Waters, Nadler, Schumer and all the other satanic creatures in the DNC were scared shitless of
Trump, so much so that they rolled the dice and stole the election and then set up a Beer Hall Putsch
style riot at the Capitol to make sure Trump would be doubly dead, politically speaking.
That will be revisited in the not so distant future and I will send Pelosi a fruit basket as soon
as I find a way to make sure it gives he diarrhea.

As far as Ukraine goes, Trump did that to himself. He was always his worst enemy. And please, politicians using their power to enrich family members or friends isn't news.
They ALL do it.
Well Biden has been doing it for forty years and he is the highest monkey in the tree and his illegal dealings
have been the most blatant and flagrant! But at least you admit he is as filthy and crooked as an auto salvage yard junker.
Yes. Trump was the source of many of his own problems merely by being incapable
of keeping his mouth shut. That's not an excuse however for what was done to him.

Except Trump did everything to himself. There was no prompting on the part of anyone for Trump to stick his leg in his mouth.
All he had to do was open his mouth. I mean, the man cost the Republican party TWO in the bag Senate seats. A person like that
surrounds himself with people that are just as corrupt as he is. Is it any wonder that his underlings ended up in hot water too?

No one stole anything. Trump lost. He blew the response to the pandemic. And people held him accountable for it. I understand what he
represented to you and why people were devastated at his loss. But this living in an alternate reality has GOT to stop at some point.
It isn't healthy.
The Biden's and the Clinton's and other lifetime politicians have sold out our nation and the citizens. If and when foreign troops and weapons are used on us, they and others will have their fingerprints on it.
When you lack the intellignce [sic] to discuss a subject…

In your case, I guess what you do is to pick the subject about which you are most ignorant and deceived, in which you have the least standing, which is the least of your business; and then proceed to pontificate on it as if you actually know anything about it, and as if you have any standing to dictate anything to those of us who do have standing.

Go fuck yourself.
A lot of people on here agree with me Bob. They tend to be from the educated class so perhaps you are not familiar with them.
When you look at the various accusations against donny do you not think that maybe there should be an investigation? Just look at the Georgia phone calls. Where do they fit in to the democratic process ? Find me 11000 votes ? Really ?

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