Lockdown Fans: What Is Your Endgame Plan?

So having a job and wanting to work to feed themselves and their families is tantamount to suicide, according to you.

My, such genius. I am utterly marveled by such a display of pure brilliance.

No. That's seriously pretty dumb, dude.

Do you know what a food bank is? You don't have them stateside?
If somebody is too proud to go to a foodbank or Salvation Army or local church to get a meal, that's on them. If they want to starve, that's on them.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
No one is a "lockdown fan". Everyone wants to get back to normal activities. Why is the Right wing the short-sighted and the knuckle dragging Trumpians trying so hard to make health and safety a wedge issue? Whose advise is more prudent during a pandemic: economists or epidemiologists? Science must dictate the wisdom.

The problem is "science" is frequently wrong. Witness the dozens of major errors regarding the corona virus. Remember when it couldn't be transmitted human to human? How about when it was supposed to have a 3.4% mortality rate. I could post many other examples. Scientist are wrong all the time.
Do you want then to rely on political leaders who said we have it under control, there are only 15 cases and soon it will be down to two, hydroxyclhoroquine is an effective treatment what have you got to lose, investigat injections of disinfectants? If reliability is your metric, think twice before you dismiss expertise in favor of happy talk.

The politicians have certainly been no more in error than the "scientists." The "scientists" such as Fauci were saying it wasn't a big deal just a few months ago. No one knew what this shit was. To pretend otherwise now is kinda foolish.
I suggest we follow science. In your warped mind, that means being locked down for 5 years.

Last time.

Scientists are saying these draconian measures should remain in place until the virus is eradicated.

According to epidemiological data, that could take anywhere between 2 and 5 years to do.

If we 'follow the science' as you suggest, America would be locked down for half a decade.


Some scientists are saying that. Just like some politicians (namely your blob) were saying we'd have zero cases. Your blob was off by over 1.2 Million shit brains.

Do you really believe that just because a scientist or a politician or an epidemiologist or a LEO says something that is the end of the discussion?

And, to quote your source, what the source said was that surveillance would continue until 2024; that doesn't mean lockdown.

I really wonder how you walk and chew bubblegum at the same time.
Hitler was a scientist? You're comparing a whole raft of scientists (who are not members of the National Socialist Party BTW), with Hitler? What do you do for an encore? Talk about Mother Theresa in the same breath as Pol Pot?

I love, how when you start losing a debate, you intentionally take my words out of context.

No, Hitler employed scientists to do supposed research supporting his genocidal tendencies. He suppressed scientific research that went against his agenda, and also twisted existing research to match his warped ideologies.

Dare we try this again?

Now these scientists are under political pressure?
Stop assuming shit. Either back it up with data/articles from reputable stories, or STFU. You don't get to create a narrative out of thin air and say it's the way things are. You don't get to go back 80+ years to a European dictatorship and compare it to the US today just because you feel like it. If you have some hard data and facts about scientists doing this stuff, have at it.
I suggest we follow science. In your warped mind, that means being locked down for 5 years.

Last time.

Scientists are saying these draconian measures should remain in place until the virus is eradicated.

According to epidemiological data, that could take anywhere between 2 and 5 years to do.

If we 'follow the science' as you suggest, America would be locked down for half a decade.


Some scientists are saying that. Just like some politicians (namely your blob) were saying we'd have zero cases. Your blob was off by over 1.2 Million shit brains.

Do you really believe that just because a scientist or a politician or an epidemiologist or a LEO says something that is the end of the discussion?

And, to quote your source, what the source said was that surveillance would continue until 2024; that doesn't mean lockdown.

I really wonder how you walk and chew bubblegum at the same time.

Candy still MAD!!!!



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People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
That will never happen

Not with our president.
Not with any president

Looks like South Korea, Singapore and other countries are flattening out that curve and reducing their numbers of active cases. Why can't Trump?
We have 300 million more citizens than So Korea has. And they are a small country that has much less international travel that we did at the time.

South Koreans don't travel? Uh, you sure about that?

I also compare per capita numbers, not raw so...yeah.

We probably should have closed our borders down completely much sooner than we did. But it is interesting that the Dems attacked Trump when he did first shut down the flights from China.

Who? Wasn't Biden, he only called Trump xenophobic for referring to COVID as the "Chinese virus" while hate crimes were being carried out against Asians.

NOW people say we should have done what other countries did, which was to totally cut off ALL international flights immediately. I wonder how that would have gone over ?

Probably a lot better than (paraphrasing) "We have 15 cases soon we'll be nearly at zero".What are we now? Over 1.2 million and not stopping?

A small country, with little diversity, can 'track' their citizens much easier and more effectively that a very large country with as many states as we have. I don't think it is a fair comparison.

We didn't even bother to put together a real testing regimen in until much later and we're still not testing enough. Not even close.

Other than our large urban centers, we have been doing pretty well, statistically.

We have? Ignore the retirement homes and meat packing industries that have been hard hit the latter of course is possibly going to strain our food resources.
YES, Biden did attack Trump for closing the border to incoming Chinese flights.

Feb 1st, the day after Trump closed border to Chinese flights:

Joe Biden


Feb 1

We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.


So did Bernie:

In March, another Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., conspicuously insisted at a Fox News town hall that he wouldn't consider closing the U.S. border to prevent the spread of coronavirus, before condemning what he called the president's xenophobia.

As to your claim that Trump called the virus a hoax:

In recent days, the Biden team and other Democrats have moved on to other lines of attack, including claiming that Trump once referred to the coronavirus as a "hoax." That claim has been refuted by numerous fact-checkers, including The Post's, which found that Trump was clearly referring to Democrats' efforts to blame him for the pandemic, not the virus itself.

In terms of putting together testing regimens, that was exactly what Trump was attempting to do. But the CDC Messed it up big time, by corrupting the first tests they produced. So we were behind the 8 ball...

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention admitted Saturday that it broke its own protocol when manufacturing the first coronavirus tests, leading to contamination that delayed the federal government’s efforts to control the outbreak, The New York Times reported. The agency sent tests that did not work to public health labs around the country in February. “It was just tragic,” Scott Becker, executive director of the Association of Public Health Laboratories, told the Times. “All that time when we were sitting there waiting, I really felt like, here we were at one of the most critical junctures in public health history, and the biggest tool in our toolbox was missing.”

I guess you can blame trump for the CDC's failure, as he is the man in charge. But I am not sure there was anything he could do about it at the time.

Trump set up the Task Force and began delegating responsibilities immediately.

Please keep in mind---what was Congress doing st this time? Were they all working away, trying to help their State's get ready for the coming pandemic?

NO, they were knee deep in their long, involved garbage impeachment scam. They were impairing the White House's efforts to control there virus by focusing ALL of the Congress and the nation's efforts towards trying to throw Trump out of office.

It really cracks me up when Nancy and her minions point fingers at Trump for not doing anything, when she herself was in Chinatown, asking the people of San Francisco to come and celebrate, there is no reason to feat CoronaVirus....

Nancy Pelosi Visits San Francisco’s Chinatown Amid Coronavirus Concerns
February 24th :
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco's Chinatown Monday to send a message. She said there's no reason tourists or locals should be staying away from the area because of coronavirus concerns.

"That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here," Pelosi said. "Come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation."

Unlike Trump, South Korea took this disease seriously from the beginning, and began a massive testing program while Trump went golfing and held rallies for six weeks and called this all a hoax.

Why lie?

Published February 1, 2020
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'

By Joe McDonald, Sam McNeil | Associated Press
On Friday, the United States declared a public health emergency and President Donald Trump and an order barring entry to foreign nationals, other than immediate family of American citizens and permanent residents, who visited China within the last 14 days, which scientists say is the virus’s longest incubation period.

'Unfriendly comments'
China criticized the U.S. controls, which it said contradicted the WHO’s appeal to avoid travel bans, and “unfriendly comments” that Beijing was failing to cooperate.

“Just as the WHO recommended against travel restrictions, the U.S. rushed to go in the opposite way. Certainly not a gesture of goodwill,” said foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva that despite the emergency declaration, there is “no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.”
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'

China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'



1 hour ago [03/17/20]
Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran
By Yael Halon | Fox News

Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson praised President Trump Monday night after he announced a list of guidelines that he and the White House coronavirus task force hoped will slow the spread of the pandemic within 15 days.

"The president has done everything he needed to do in this case," Jackson told "Hannity". "He’s acted quickly and decisively. He did what he always has done ... he went with his instincts."

"He put together a top-notch team and he was criticized.... despite that, he carried on and did what he needed to do for our country. He put the [China] travel ban in place," he added.

Jackson said he does not expect the virus to spread at the rate that it has in places like Italy and Iran due to the president's "quick and decisive actions," notably his decision to restrict travel into the U.S. from China in late January.

Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran


Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus


As an aside, as you know, South Korea has huge plants that manufactured the test. Plus, their population is but a small fraction of our own.
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People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

I think most of them simply are accepting and believing the lies they are being told, and not even trying to think about the consequences of the policies they they are foolishly being deceived into supporting.

Most are profoundly ignorant, it seems, of basic and what-should-be-obvious principles of mathematics and economics, such that they cannot understand, and in some cases, are willfully fighting against understanding, what the consequences will be of destroying the economy. They pat themselves on the back, and feel good about the lives that they think they are saving from this overhyped disease, with no grasp at all of the lives that will be lost or destroyed because of the economic disaster that they are helping to create.

You would be right had Trump done his job.

Trump never does his job... according to you and those in your political circles.

There is no pleasing you. Ever.

He's been really bad at his job since he's gotten it. Thank goodness that the Democrats got the House back in the 2018 election (something he called "close to a total victory") and derailed the blob's legislative agenda.
Oh yah, Thank Goodness. What has been the main objective of the House since the Dems took it over?

While the pandemic was looming in Jan and February, what was the House busy with? Were they advising the State's to begin gathering their medical equipment and helping them procure more hospital beds?

Hmmmm....I wonder what they were up to during that time. I bet it was something really important and helpful to the nation ....*cough* Impeachment...*cough
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

There will be no such point. The virus is in the wild, now, and it's never going away. Nearly everyone will develop immunity to it, but there will always be new people being born who are not yet immune until they've been exposed, and have produced antibodies to it, in some cases, developing and recovering from the disease in the process. A few will even continue to die from it, once in a while. There is nothing that we can do to prevent this, and it is certainly not worth destroying our economy in a vain attempt to do so.
You would be right had Trump done his job.

Trump never does his job... according to you and those in your political circles.

There is no pleasing you. Ever.

He's been really bad at his job since he's gotten it. Thank goodness that the Democrats got the House back in the 2018 election (something he called "close to a total victory") and derailed the blob's legislative agenda.
Oh yah, Thank Goodness. What has been the main objective of the House since the Dems took it over?
Derailing the blob's legislative agenda was enough. The rest of their actions? Lousy.

While the pandemic was looming in Jan and February, what was the House busy with? Were they advising the State's to begin gathering their medical equipment and helping them procure more hospital beds?
No they were probably wondering why your blob's State Department was sending supplies to China instead of procuring them for use in the US:

Hmmmm....I wonder what they were up to during that time. I bet it was something really important and helpful to the nation ....*cough* Impeachment...*cough

That your blob was impeached was fine. He was able to go campaigning and golfing instead of leading. It's what he's done since taking office.
Okay, so I'll take you [HappyJoy] and G-5000 as two votes for "I don't care if the world burns if I can get Trump!!!"

That's what this whole lockdown thing has been about, from the beginning. Make people suffer economically,make them suffer from fear and isolation, and hope to put the blame for this on Trump, so that the Democrats can gain an advantage in the next election cycle. The Democraps are counting on the people to be unbelievably blind and stupid.

It's going to backfire, big time.

I think the vast majority of people now see that the lockdowns were never about protecting us from the disease, and that it is not Trump, nor anyone aligned with him, who is responsible for the social and economic disaster that is being brought down on us.
We can go another month and human life is more important than the economy[./QUOTE]

Human life depends on the economy. Destroy the economy, and you're destroying the means to produce and distribute food, and other essentials for life. People will starve, people will suffer, people will die, from a destroyed economy; in far greater numbers than ever would have died from this virus.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
That will never happen

Not with our president.
Not with any president

Looks like South Korea, Singapore and other countries are flattening out that curve and reducing their numbers of active cases. Why can't Trump?
We have 300 million more citizens than So Korea has. And they are a small country that has much less international travel that we did at the time.

South Koreans don't travel? Uh, you sure about that?

I also compare per capita numbers, not raw so...yeah.

We probably should have closed our borders down completely much sooner than we did. But it is interesting that the Dems attacked Trump when he did first shut down the flights from China.

Who? Wasn't Biden, he only called Trump xenophobic for referring to COVID as the "Chinese virus" while hate crimes were being carried out against Asians.

NOW people say we should have done what other countries did, which was to totally cut off ALL international flights immediately. I wonder how that would have gone over ?

Probably a lot better than (paraphrasing) "We have 15 cases soon we'll be nearly at zero".What are we now? Over 1.2 million and not stopping?

A small country, with little diversity, can 'track' their citizens much easier and more effectively that a very large country with as many states as we have. I don't think it is a fair comparison.

We didn't even bother to put together a real testing regimen in until much later and we're still not testing enough. Not even close.

Other than our large urban centers, we have been doing pretty well, statistically.

We have? Ignore the retirement homes and meat packing industries that have been hard hit the latter of course is possibly going to strain our food resources.
YES, Biden did attack Trump for closing the border to incoming Chinese flights.

Feb 1st, the day after Trump closed border to Chinese flights:

Joe Biden

Feb 1

We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.


So did Bernie:

In March, another Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., conspicuously insisted at a Fox News town hall that he wouldn't consider closing the U.S. border to prevent the spread of coronavirus, before condemning what he called the president's xenophobia.

As to your claim that Trump called the virus a hoax:

In recent days, the Biden team and other Democrats have moved on to other lines of attack, including claiming that Trump once referred to the coronavirus as a "hoax." That claim has been refuted by numerous fact-checkers, including The Post's, which found that Trump was clearly referring to Democrats' efforts to blame him for the pandemic, not the virus itself.

In terms of putting together testing regimens, that was exactly what Trump was attempting to do. But the CDC Messed it up big time, by corrupting the first tests they produced. So we were behind the 8 ball...

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention admitted Saturday that it broke its own protocol when manufacturing the first coronavirus tests, leading to contamination that delayed the federal government’s efforts to control the outbreak, The New York Times reported. The agency sent tests that did not work to public health labs around the country in February. “It was just tragic,” Scott Becker, executive director of the Association of Public Health Laboratories, told the Times. “All that time when we were sitting there waiting, I really felt like, here we were at one of the most critical junctures in public health history, and the biggest tool in our toolbox was missing.”

I guess you can blame trump for the CDC's failure, as he is the man in charge. But I am not sure there was anything he could do about it at the time.

Trump set up the Task Force and began delegating responsibilities immediately.

Please keep in mind---what was Congress doing st this time? Were they all working away, trying to help their State's get ready for the coming pandemic?

NO, they were knee deep in their long, involved garbage impeachment scam. They were impairing the White House's efforts to control there virus by focusing ALL of the Congress and the nation's efforts towards trying to throw Trump out of office.

It really cracks me up when Nancy and her minions point fingers at Trump for not doing anything, when she herself was in Chinatown, asking the people of San Francisco to come and celebrate, there is no reason to feat CoronaVirus....

Nancy Pelosi Visits San Francisco’s Chinatown Amid Coronavirus Concerns
February 24th :
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco's Chinatown Monday to send a message. She said there's no reason tourists or locals should be staying away from the area because of coronavirus concerns.

"That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here," Pelosi said. "Come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation."

That's a lot of shit to not demonstrate that Biden was talking about the swiss cheese johnny come lately China travel ban that Trump imposed after 40 or so other countries had already done so.
Then stay home...no one said you have to go out....stay home and cower in the corner....that's where cowards belong....we are going to get back to....making America great again....

Those who willingly choose to cower in place, should not expect handouts paid for with taxes taken from those who work.

This goes especially for those subhuman pieces of shit who openly advocate denying people who want to be productive the right to go to work. More than anyone else, they deserve to be left to starve in the streets, to suffer the fate that they are so eager to unjustly impose on others, just to cater to their own cowardice and laziness.

“He who will not work, neither shall he eat.”
And even more so, he who will not let others work, neither shall he eat.​
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