Lockdown Fans: What Is Your Endgame Plan?

When there was no adequate testing protocol? When there was a shortage of testing equipment?

I have a feeling you don't understand why that was. It has more to do with Obama not replenishing and minding the PPE stockpile after he depleted it during the H1N1 pandemic. Obama decided after that pandemic to do NOTHING about revamping our dated testing protocols. That was the key time to act to prevent a disaster like this one. But he did nothing. So, did Obama do his job? Or did he neglect it in the same way you claim Trump has? You tell me.

But I digress. It is the middle of the night, I am going to bed.
No, that excuse ain't going t cut it. Obama had a pandemic response team in place so trump telling you that Obama left him nothing is a lie right then and there. Obama did his job, trump is looking to blame everybody but himself for what he has not done. Obama didn't create a pandemic response team and leave trump with no equipment. It's time to stop repeating trumps lies.
Do you know what a food bank is? You don't have them stateside?
If somebody is too proud to go to a foodbank or Salvation Army or local church to get a meal, that's on them. If they want to starve, that's on them.

When the economy has crashed so hard that even those who still have money for it can't buy food, how much do you think the food banks will get?
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
That will never happen

Not with our president.
Not with any president

Looks like South Korea, Singapore and other countries are flattening out that curve and reducing their numbers of active cases. Why can't Trump?
We have 300 million more citizens than So Korea has. And they are a small country that has much less international travel that we did at the time.

South Koreans don't travel? Uh, you sure about that?

I also compare per capita numbers, not raw so...yeah.

We probably should have closed our borders down completely much sooner than we did. But it is interesting that the Dems attacked Trump when he did first shut down the flights from China.

Who? Wasn't Biden, he only called Trump xenophobic for referring to COVID as the "Chinese virus" while hate crimes were being carried out against Asians.

NOW people say we should have done what other countries did, which was to totally cut off ALL international flights immediately. I wonder how that would have gone over ?

Probably a lot better than (paraphrasing) "We have 15 cases soon we'll be nearly at zero".What are we now? Over 1.2 million and not stopping?

A small country, with little diversity, can 'track' their citizens much easier and more effectively that a very large country with as many states as we have. I don't think it is a fair comparison.

We didn't even bother to put together a real testing regimen in until much later and we're still not testing enough. Not even close.

Other than our large urban centers, we have been doing pretty well, statistically.

We have? Ignore the retirement homes and meat packing industries that have been hard hit the latter of course is possibly going to strain our food resources.
YES, Biden did attack Trump for closing the border to incoming Chinese flights.

Feb 1st, the day after Trump closed border to Chinese flights:

Joe Biden

Feb 1

We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.


So did Bernie:

In March, another Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., conspicuously insisted at a Fox News town hall that he wouldn't consider closing the U.S. border to prevent the spread of coronavirus, before condemning what he called the president's xenophobia.

As to your claim that Trump called the virus a hoax:

In recent days, the Biden team and other Democrats have moved on to other lines of attack, including claiming that Trump once referred to the coronavirus as a "hoax." That claim has been refuted by numerous fact-checkers, including The Post's, which found that Trump was clearly referring to Democrats' efforts to blame him for the pandemic, not the virus itself.

In terms of putting together testing regimens, that was exactly what Trump was attempting to do. But the CDC Messed it up big time, by corrupting the first tests they produced. So we were behind the 8 ball...

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention admitted Saturday that it broke its own protocol when manufacturing the first coronavirus tests, leading to contamination that delayed the federal government’s efforts to control the outbreak, The New York Times reported. The agency sent tests that did not work to public health labs around the country in February. “It was just tragic,” Scott Becker, executive director of the Association of Public Health Laboratories, told the Times. “All that time when we were sitting there waiting, I really felt like, here we were at one of the most critical junctures in public health history, and the biggest tool in our toolbox was missing.”

I guess you can blame trump for the CDC's failure, as he is the man in charge. But I am not sure there was anything he could do about it at the time.

Trump set up the Task Force and began delegating responsibilities immediately.

Please keep in mind---what was Congress doing st this time? Were they all working away, trying to help their State's get ready for the coming pandemic?

NO, they were knee deep in their long, involved garbage impeachment scam. They were impairing the White House's efforts to control there virus by focusing ALL of the Congress and the nation's efforts towards trying to throw Trump out of office.

It really cracks me up when Nancy and her minions point fingers at Trump for not doing anything, when she herself was in Chinatown, asking the people of San Francisco to come and celebrate, there is no reason to feat CoronaVirus....

Nancy Pelosi Visits San Francisco’s Chinatown Amid Coronavirus Concerns
February 24th :
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco's Chinatown Monday to send a message. She said there's no reason tourists or locals should be staying away from the area because of coronavirus concerns.

"That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here," Pelosi said. "Come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation."

That's a lot of shit to not demonstrate that Biden was talking about the swiss cheese johnny come lately China travel ban that Trump imposed after 40 or so other countries had already done so.
How much after? How about a day or two.. Trump put that ban in place with a day or two of a dozen other countries. And it was before a majority of the other countries.
Do you know what a food bank is? You don't have them stateside?
If somebody is too proud to go to a foodbank or Salvation Army or local church to get a meal, that's on them. If they want to starve, that's on them.

When the economy has crashed so hard that even those who still have money for it can't buy food, how much do you think the food banks will get?
If it happens that is when the trial of souls becomes real. For this then would be nothing compared to the tribulations we will endure.
Do you know what a food bank is? You don't have them stateside?

Food banks can't give away food if there's nobody around to produce it, smartass. That requires you to actually, you know, go to work.

Food processing and manufacturing are considered essential in NZ and Australia and workers are exempt from lockdown. Not the same over there? Yet another Trump fuck up???
Then stay home...no one said you have to go out....stay home and cower in the corner....that's where cowards belong....we are going to get back to....making America great again....

Those who willingly choose to cower in place, should not expect handouts paid for with taxes taken from those who work.

This goes especially for those subhuman pieces of shit who openly advocate denying people who want to be productive the right to go to work. More than anyone else, they deserve to be left to starve in the streets, to suffer the fate that they are so eager to unjustly impose on others, just to cater to their own cowardice and laziness.

“He who will not work, neither shall he eat.”
And even more so, he who will not let others work.​

Wrong answer asshole. A subhuman doesn't care if people die or not And don't be a coward when you try calling me subhuman BY HIDING MY NAME IN A LINK because only a sub human puts money in front of human lives.

And don't misquote the bible in order to justify your satanic thinking.

Because you miss the verses spoken by the man whose teaching Paul was out trying to spread.

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[e]?

28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

The lord did not create work requirements. He doesn't care about an economy. You don't get to determine whether or not I eat. So you can go out there and die if you want, I will follow what the medical people say until we get tests and/or a vaccine.
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Do you know what a food bank is? You don't have them stateside?
If somebody is too proud to go to a foodbank or Salvation Army or local church to get a meal, that's on them. If they want to starve, that's on them.

When the economy has crashed so hard that even those who still have money for it can't buy food, how much do you think the food banks will get?

Dunno. Food waste is huge. I think you'll find there will be plenty. Will you be eating caviar and roasting hogs on a spit with all the trimmings? No. Yet more Chicken Little alarmist pap from neocon whackadoodles. Currently Australia produces enough food to feed 75-100 million people. It is a nation of 25 million. US has 40 per cent of the arable land in the world. I'm sure you will be fine.
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Do you know what a food bank is? You don't have them stateside?
If somebody is too proud to go to a foodbank or Salvation Army or local church to get a meal, that's on them. If they want to starve, that's on them.

When the economy has crashed so hard that even those who still have money for it can't buy food, how much do you think the food banks will get?
If it happens that is when the trial of souls becomes real. For this then would be nothing compared to the tribulations we will endure.

Wrong folder. This is the flying spaghetti monster - sorry religion - folder.
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"Other than our large urban centers, we have been doing pretty well, statistically."

Not so. Cases are increasing in rural areas.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!

When does that happen, 2023, 2026?
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
250 million people world wide are going to be starving if we don’t get our food supply flowing like it was before the lockdown. How long do you expect to keep grandparents away from their grandkids? This is no where near as simple as you claim it to be.
Looks like South Korea, Singapore and other countries are flattening out that curve and reducing their numbers of active cases. Why can't Trump?
Another liberal who wants our economy to tank.

Quite the contrary. I want out country to do what it needs to and get back on track. What the wingnuts are doing is just prolonging the the impacts of the virus.
What it needs to do is end this insane lockdown and get back to work. "Flattening the curve" by definition is prolonging the agony. It's better to let everyone get infected who is going to be infected and build up the herd immunity.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!

When does that happen, 2023, 2026?
No one is a fan of the lockdowns. Some people just love their mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and are not eager to sacrifice them to President Trump's reelection campaign.
250 million people world wide are going to be starving if we don’t get our food supply flowing like it was before the lockdown. How long do you expect to keep grandparents away from their grandkids? This is no where near as simple as you claim it to be.
The people who imagined we could bring the world economy to a screeching halt for a year are fucking morons. Now they have to defend their insanity or lose face.
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Wrong answer asshole. A subhuman doesn't care if people die or not…

Yes, I know. That's what makes it so easy for you to advocate and defend creating an economic disaster that will cost many, many, many more lives than this virus ever could have. You and your kind simply do not give a f••• about all the people that will suffer and die, just to pander to your laziness, cowardice, and stupidity.

That is what solidly qualifies you as a subhuman. For the sake of an evil political agenda, you are willing to condemn hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, to homelessness, poverty, starvation, and death.
He's obviously got a gaurenteed source of income. Only people in such a situation could be such utter douchebags.

he thinks he has a guaranteed income. If the economy crashes, I think he will find that his financial security was an illusion, and that he'll wind up homeless and starving just like everyone else.
He probably has a government pension of some kind. All these pro-shutdown morons are getting their income from the government in some form
Do you know what a food bank is? You don't have them stateside?
If somebody is too proud to go to a foodbank or Salvation Army or local church to get a meal, that's on them. If they want to starve, that's on them.

When the economy has crashed so hard that even those who still have money for it can't buy food, how much do you think the food banks will get?
These pro-shutown people are mentally retarded. They think money can buy things that haven't been produced.
People who want the lockdowns
Nobody wants them. Some of us just recognize their necessity. And the enormous peril of re-opening before we have certain protocols in place like the ability to test on a massive scale. Something the admin promised we would be able to do by now but failed again to come through.
We can't go another month with this lockdown or the economy will be destroyed.

Do you actually want another Great Depression?

We can go another month and human life is more important than the economy.
Humans need to eat, moron. They need food, cloths and a roof over their heads. To get that they need a fucking job.
He probably has a government pension of some kind. All these pro-shutdown morons are getting their income from the government in some form

And whatever form it takes, he thinks that he will continue to receive it, and continue to be able to use it to buy food and shelter and utilities and everything else that he needs to live, no matter how badly he and his kind crash the economy. He is truly ignorant and oblivious to how his own existence depends on the economy.

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