Lockdown Fans: What Is Your Endgame Plan?

Again, to try to stay remotely on topic; I think we should listen to science...

Here I have quoted science to you twice. You chose to ignore it.

Keep trying to take the high ground. Mine will always be higher.

I'm sure you're quite high at the moment. Booze or narcotics...I'm not sure which.

You have been reduced to ad hominem and namecalling.

By all means, continue embarrassing yourself.
You went there first. I debate in the manner in which I'm debated.

No, you don't. You chose to ignore the fact you advocated for perpetual lockdowns.

"Follow the science"

Make all the excuses you wish. You still lose.

Again... in no way shape or form did I ever suggest anything remotely similar.

"On this board people mean different things from what they actually say."
Wow...you are a moron. Do you enjoy not knowing simple definitions and contradicting yourself as much as you enjoy lying?

I know simple definitions.

I also know that words and actions can be one of two things:

1. Be the same.
2. Be different.

The latter seems to be your case. How much more do I have to simplify this for you?

"On this board people mean different things from what they actually say."

Apparently words can mean anything to you. Again...you seem to have a problem with basic definitions.

You have nothing else. Time for you to exit this thread now.
Nope. But Hitler tried to use science (albeit flawed) to justify his genocide of 6 million people.

So, what if a scientist says that data suggests we open this country back up. Is his opinion 'qualified' or stupid?

Duplicity at it's finest.

Hitler was a scientist? You're comparing a whole raft of scientists (who are not members of the National Socialist Party BTW), with Hitler? What do you do for an encore? Talk about Mother Theresa in the same breath as Pol Pot?

The scientist is looking at the data and giving an opinion. If modelling says it should open up and it's a qualified opinion with consensus, go ahead. Open up.
How many Americans will die in abject poverty and starvation when they lose their jobs due to the draconian lockdowns you wish to impose?

None. Unless they choose to.

So having a job and wanting to work to feed themselves and their families is tantamount to suicide, according to you.

My, such genius. I am utterly marveled by such a display of pure brilliance.

No. That's seriously pretty dumb, dude.
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Hitler was a scientist? You're comparing a whole raft of scientists (who are not members of the National Socialist Party BTW), with Hitler? What do you do for an encore? Talk about Mother Theresa in the same breath as Pol Pot?

I love, how when you start losing a debate, you intentionally take my words out of context.

No, Hitler employed scientists to do supposed research supporting his genocidal tendencies. He suppressed scientific research that went against his agenda, and also twisted existing research to match his warped ideologies.

Dare we try this again?
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
IOW, you're stupid enough to think that the virus will just die if we hide long enough.

Whatta fucking retard.
Hey dumbshit: South Korea Reports No New Domestic Coronavirus Cases

Unlike Trump, South Korea took this disease seriously from the beginning, and began a massive testing program while Trump went golfing and held rallies for six weeks and called this all a hoax.

Notice that this happened in South Korea in the span of a few months. What you're suggesting we do with America will take at minimum a couple of years, even with all the bureaucracy shoved out of the way.

Stop being childish.
It doesn't have to take a couple of years. It could have been in place and going on right now had it not been for presidential idiocy.


It won't be because of Trump, or any other president. The red tape and bureaucracy is what will make it take two years.

You're too eager to blame one president or another for something negative that happens to you.
This could have been avoided so I do blame the president for not doing his job because he could have reduced this dramatically.

No. You blame him because you hate him, not for want of him doing his job.

Don't lie. Please.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
That will never happen

Not with our president.
Not with any president

Looks like South Korea, Singapore and other countries are flattening out that curve and reducing their numbers of active cases. Why can't Trump?
We have 300 million more citizens than So Korea has. And they are a small country that has much less international travel that we did at the time.

South Koreans don't travel? Uh, you sure about that?

I also compare per capita numbers, not raw so...yeah.

We probably should have closed our borders down completely much sooner than we did. But it is interesting that the Dems attacked Trump when he did first shut down the flights from China.

Who? Wasn't Biden, he only called Trump xenophobic for referring to COVID as the "Chinese virus" while hate crimes were being carried out against Asians.

NOW people say we should have done what other countries did, which was to totally cut off ALL international flights immediately. I wonder how that would have gone over ?

Probably a lot better than (paraphrasing) "We have 15 cases soon we'll be nearly at zero".What are we now? Over 1.2 million and not stopping?

A small country, with little diversity, can 'track' their citizens much easier and more effectively that a very large country with as many states as we have. I don't think it is a fair comparison.

We didn't even bother to put together a real testing regimen in until much later and we're still not testing enough. Not even close.

Other than our large urban centers, we have been doing pretty well, statistically.

We have? Ignore the retirement homes and meat packing industries that have been hard hit the latter of course is possibly going to strain our food resources.
Do you advocate abandoning science? In favor of what?

Nope. I advocate science. I simply don't advocate it being used as a weapon to curtail our basic freedoms like both of you do.

If you support using science to do just that, never lecture me on 'freedom' or 'the right to choose' again. Ever.
Epidemiology is not a political cabal to deny you or me of freedom! It is designed to understand the dynamics of public health issues. And as this pandemic is a public health issue, let us employ the accumulated knowledge of the medical community to keep us safe. Science is there just when we need it.
People who want the lockdowns to continue spend a lot of time shouting slogans and congratulating themselves on how they're "the only ones who care about saving lives", but I have yet to hear any of them tell us what their actual plan is for an endgame, or how they envision the future going forward if we were to cave in to their demands.

So I'd really like to know: if you could convince all the governors to continue the lockdowns, what do you think that looks like? How long do you want it to last, and/or what is your metric for ending it? And then what happens? What's your plan going forward from there? Do you have one?
A good place to start is when there are no new cases.

You couldn't figure that out all by yourself? Wow!
IOW, you're stupid enough to think that the virus will just die if we hide long enough.

Whatta fucking retard.
Hey dumbshit: South Korea Reports No New Domestic Coronavirus Cases

Unlike Trump, South Korea took this disease seriously from the beginning, and began a massive testing program while Trump went golfing and held rallies for six weeks and called this all a hoax.

Notice that this happened in South Korea in the span of a few months. What you're suggesting we do with America will take at minimum a couple of years, even with all the bureaucracy shoved out of the way.

Stop being childish.
It doesn't have to take a couple of years. It could have been in place and going on right now had it not been for presidential idiocy.


It won't be because of Trump, or any other president. The red tape and bureaucracy is what will make it take two years.

You're too eager to blame one president or another for something negative that happens to you.
This could have been avoided so I do blame the president for not doing his job because he could have reduced this dramatically.

No. You blame him because you hate him, not for want of him doing his job.

Don't lie. Please.
You would be right had Trump done his job. Why didn't he do it in February when there was a shortage of PPE? When there was no adequate testing protocol? When there was a shortage of testing equipment? When there was a dire need to adequately warn and prepare the American people for what laid in store for them? Trump weighed political considerations and public health in two different scales.
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Epidemiology is not a political cabal to deny you or me of freedom!
I never said it was. Once again, you, taking my words out of context. The ever loving of science Democrats are.

There's real science, and then there is politicized science.

Let's not confuse the two.

It is designed to understand the dynamics of public health issues.

Yes, I know. And? When will people not being able to take care of themselves due to insufficient income or lack thereof become a public health issue?

And as this pandemic is a public health issue, let us employ the accumulated knowledge of the medical community to keep us safe.
So, do we not trust people to exercise common sense?

Science is there just when we need it.
Boy, that is a colossal understatement, Nosmo.
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Wow...you are a moron. Do you enjoy not knowing simple definitions and contradicting yourself as much as you enjoy lying?

I know simple definitions.

I also know that words and actions can be one of two things:

1. Be the same.
2. Be different.

The latter seems to be your case. How much more do I have to simplify this for you?

"On this board people mean different things from what they actually say."

Apparently words can mean anything to you. Again...you seem to have a problem with basic definitions.

You have nothing else. Time for you to exit this thread now.

Besides lying about what I stated, you haven't contributed anything. I suggest we follow science. In your warped mind, that means being locked down for 5 years.
I don't know from where you draw this moronic conclusion and I really don't care.
When there was no adequate testing protocol? When there was a shortage of testing equipment?

I have a feeling you don't understand why that was. It has more to do with Obama not replenishing and minding the PPE stockpile after he depleted it during the H1N1 pandemic. Obama decided after that pandemic to do NOTHING about revamping our dated testing protocols. That was the key time to act to prevent a disaster like this one. But he did nothing. So, did Obama do his job? Or did he neglect it in the same way you claim Trump has? You tell me.

But I digress. It is the middle of the night, I am going to bed.
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You would be right had Trump done his job.

Trump never does his job... according to you and those in your political circles.

There is no pleasing you. Ever.

He's been really bad at his job since he's gotten it. Thank goodness that the Democrats got the House back in the 2018 election (something he called "close to a total victory") and derailed the blob's legislative agenda.
I suggest we follow science. In your warped mind, that means being locked down for 5 years.

Last time.

Scientists are saying these draconian measures should remain in place until the virus is eradicated.

According to epidemiological data, that could take anywhere between 2 and 5 years to do.

If we 'follow the science' as you suggest, America would be locked down for half a decade.

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Epidemiology is not a political cabal to deny you or me of freedom!
I never said it was. Once again, you, taking my words out of context. The ever loving of science Democrats are.

There's real science, and then there is politicized science.

Let's not confuse the two.

It is designed to understand the dynamics of public health issues.

Yes, I know. And?

And as this pandemic is a public health issue, let us employ the accumulated knowledge of the medical community to keep us safe.
So, do we not trust people to exercise common sense?

Science is there just when we need it.
Boy, that is a colossal understatement, Nosmo.
Not when 'common sense' does not consider all the ramifications! I am a retired engineer. Common sense might advocate just filling up a hole because people are familiar with just filling up holes. But they rarely think about compaction and drainage and soil composition. Then, after a few seasons, their foundation cracks and fails.

There are people who understand how pandemics work. Let's listen to them.
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Common sense might advocate just filling up a hole because people are familiar with just filling up holes. But they rarely think about compaction and drainage and soil composition. Then, after a few seasons, their foundation cracks and fails.

Common sense dictates that if you had a paying job before this lockdown, and you were locked down, you would like to resume the flow of income as soon as feasibly possible to avoid not being able to sustain yourself and your family.

Can you do that whilst huddling in perpetual fear? No.

Using your analogy, you're filling the hole (keeping people in their homes), not considering the damage it will do the surrounding area around and underneath it (those who have/had paying jobs).

The fix can't more of a problem than the problem itself is. Or... the cure cannot be worse than the disease you are trying to treat.
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