Lockdowns are the biggest transfer of wealth from the poor/middleclass to the rich in American history. And the democrats support it...

Don't you have respect for the plethora of knowledge he has displayed in the last few years?
A grunt here, a grunt there.
I bet he teaches in a Chicago University.

Candycorn is a he?

I was imagining something far different.

You probably made far less money in that case.
Nope. .I made more.

I own a small business and after paying my employees and overhead in general, the rest is income. I realize it is WAY beyond your ability to comprehend since you are so extremely limited, but even as my income went up, my taxes went down.
Meanwhile back in reality, the Trump tax cuts for the 1% are in effect still. Your pittance has been long gone and already spent on booze and tobacco.

I am not remotely close to the top 1% and I paid FAR less in taxes under Trump than I did Obama.

You probably made far less money in that case.
Laughable response.

The reality was the the economy was crushed during the Obama years.
The only thing that rivals it is the self imposed destruction of our economy by the left during covid.
I literally had a customer ask me to leave before the remodel was done because the msm put the fear of God Almighty into her when this bullshit started.

You probably made far less money in that case.
Nope. .I made more.

I own a small business and after paying my employees and overhead in general, the rest is income. I realize it is WAY beyond your ability to comprehend since you are so extremely limited, but even as my income went up, my taxes went down.
I think candy has a good income. I remember talking to him on a podcast about it. Don't remember his job but the dude is legit....outside the endless trolling on usmb that is

You probably made far less money in that case.
Nope. .I made more.

I own a small business and after paying my employees and overhead in general, the rest is income. I realize it is WAY beyond your ability to comprehend since you are so extremely limited, but even as my income went up, my taxes went down.

Amazing...your income supposedly went up during the lockdowns.

Both parties signed off on it and support it.
No, they don't. While you may find a supporter like Kasich who "claims" to be on the right, by and large the right DESPISES the lockdown mentality.

Besides that fact, you don't get a pass for your bullshit just because you can point at someone else who supports it.

You CAN NOT CLAIM to be for the working man while locking them down and offering them a piddly amount of money in return.

Much of this is because of the billions for the rich in the first Covid bill. Both parties passed that and Trump signed it.
Both parties signed off on it and support it.
No, they don't. While you may find a supporter like Kasich who "claims" to be on the right, by and large the right DESPISES the lockdown mentality.

Besides that fact, you don't get a pass for your bullshit just because you can point at someone else who supports it.

You CAN NOT CLAIM to be for the working man while locking them down and offering them a piddly amount of money in return.

Much of this is because of the billions for the rich in the first Covid bill. Both parties passed that and Trump signed it.
And the 2nd through umpteenth bill that Pelosi tried to scam the American people with was rejected BY THE GOP
Amazing...your income supposedly went up during the lockdowns.


I realize you are an amazingly stupid individual who doesn't file income taxes because Mom and Dad still allow you to hang out around the house doing nothing useful, but taxes on income from the year 2020 haven't been filed yet. There was no lockdown in 2019.

For fuck's sake, child, you only look utterly foolish saying what you say.
I think candy has a good income. I remember talking to him on a podcast about it. Don't remember his job but the dude is legit....outside the endless trolling on usmb that is

If that is true, the ONLY think that would explain it is Governmental employee.
I think candy has a good income. I remember talking to him on a podcast about it. Don't remember his job but the dude is legit....outside the endless trolling on usmb that is

If that is true, the ONLY think that would explain it is Governmental employee.
I don't think that was it but it's been years since that conversation.
Honestly the dude was pretty cool in person tbh. I still have him on ignore here tho lol.
While whining about the 1%

You idiots are literally lining their pockets with gold right now. No more can you whine about the 1% when they are the only ones you allow to conduct business.

Buy your Amazon stock now lemming.

The left isn't "lining their pockets with gold". The GOP did that. Trump and the Senate did that. They set up the rules for the stimulus package which saw all of the money go to the big corporations and multi-millionaires, leaving the people and the small businesses out in the cold.

The second stimulus went entirely to billionaires. Mitch McConnell thinks that if you give the people who are lining up for food banks and are about to be evicted money, they won't bother going back to work. McConnell is an idiot.
Meanwhile back in reality, the Trump tax cuts for the 1% are in effect still. Your pittance has been long gone and already spent on booze and tobacco.

I am not remotely close to the top 1% and I paid FAR less in taxes under Trump than I did Obama.

You probably made far less money in that case.
Laughable response.

The reality was the the economy was crushed during the Obama years.
The only thing that rivals it is the self imposed destruction of our economy by the left during covid.
I literally had a customer ask me to leave before the remodel was done because the msm put the fear of God Almighty into her when this bullshit started.

Didn't you say once that your business did pretty well under Obama?

The DJIA climbed 149% over his two terms. The blob didn't come anywhere near that over his one measly term.
While whining about the 1%

You idiots are literally lining their pockets with gold right now. No more can you whine about the 1% when they are the only ones you allow to conduct business.

Buy your Amazon stock now lemming.
This is a lie.

Democrats support no such thing.

Indeed, Democrats have sought to enact legislation to help Americans who have lost their jobs and income the consequence of the pandemic – legislation blocked by obstructionist Republicans.
Bullshit, Clayton! The GOP passed legislation that targeted people who lost their jobs and businesses that were in danger but Nancy Pelosi demanded a pork laden House bill be used instead and refused to compromise in any way!

Go read again... GOP pushed for corporate payouts....

While whining about the 1%

You idiots are literally lining their pockets with gold right now. No more can you whine about the 1% when they are the only ones you allow to conduct business.

Buy your Amazon stock now lemming.

The left isn't "lining their pockets with gold". The GOP did that. Trump and the Senate did that. They set up the rules for the stimulus package which saw all of the money go to the big corporations and multi-millionaires, leaving the people and the small businesses out in the cold.

The second stimulus went entirely to billionaires. Mitch McConnell thinks that if you give the people who are lining up for food banks and are about to be evicted money, they won't bother going back to work. McConnell is an idiot.
The Left also did it but you're too mentally ill to face that fact.
While whining about the 1%

You idiots are literally lining their pockets with gold right now. No more can you whine about the 1% when they are the only ones you allow to conduct business.

Buy your Amazon stock now lemming.
This is a lie.

Democrats support no such thing.

Indeed, Democrats have sought to enact legislation to help Americans who have lost their jobs and income the consequence of the pandemic – legislation blocked by obstructionist Republicans.
Bullshit, Clayton! The GOP passed legislation that targeted people who lost their jobs and businesses that were in danger but Nancy Pelosi demanded a pork laden House bill be used instead and refused to compromise in any way!

Go read again... GOP pushed for corporate payouts....

And the left loved it
While whining about the 1%

You idiots are literally lining their pockets with gold right now. No more can you whine about the 1% when they are the only ones you allow to conduct business.

Buy your Amazon stock now lemming.
This is a lie.

Democrats support no such thing.

Indeed, Democrats have sought to enact legislation to help Americans who have lost their jobs and income the consequence of the pandemic – legislation blocked by obstructionist Republicans.

Actually, the D's opposed President Trump's stimulus because they thought it would help him in the campaign.
While whining about the 1%

You idiots are literally lining their pockets with gold right now. No more can you whine about the 1% when they are the only ones you allow to conduct business.

Buy your Amazon stock now lemming.

Marxist Democrats are imposing the lockdowns.

The 1st set of lockdowns eliminated in this country reportedly 46% of all black-owned small businesses, 34% of all Latino-owned small businesses, 31% of all Asian-owned & 25% of all women-owned small businesses.

Trump helped millions of Americans escape the Democrats' 'plantation', getting off dependency on welfare, food stamps, unemployment....the policies of 'economic slavery'...

The Democrats are imposing round two in order to finish off a lot more...'correcting' the 'problem' Trump created & returning the 'runaways' back to the 'plantation'.

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