Locked down forever.

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

All the progressives want to lock everything down forever. They'll site the 1918 and 1968 epidemics as reasons to fear that everyone is going to die!!! Contrary to popular progressive propaganda the 1918 and 1968 epidemics proved to be most fatal to the elderly and very young...

Let's think about that... How many old people such as grand parents and great grandparents lived at home with their children and grandchildren who went to work and school during both of those epidemics?

I'll bet it was a lot of them since nursing homes and other types of elderly care facilities were not as readily available during those time periods. Which in turn means that the death toll at that time would have been substantially much higher than a country where the elderly can be placed and isolated in nursing homes.

Is it any wonder when governors and mayors put people who test positive in the nursing homes that they are the ones experiencing the highest numbers of Covid deaths?

How many would have died if all of the governors and mayors had done so?

Right now the CDC says that the actual numbers for Covid deaths is only about six percent of what's actually being reported.

That makes the death rate no worse than the common flu.

Shall we close everything down for the common flu and pneumonia?

Sounds like it.


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View attachment 398059

All the progressives want to lock everything down forever. They'll site the 1918 and 1968 epidemics as reasons to fear the everyone is going to die!!! Contrary to popular progressive propaganda the 1918 and 1968 epidemics proved to be most fatal to the elderly and very young...

Let's think about that... How many old people such as grand parents and great grandparents lived at home with their children and grandchildren who went to work and school during both of those epidemics?

I'll bet it was a lot of them since nursing homes and other types of elderly care facilities were not as readily available during those time periods. Which in turn means that the death toll at that time would have been substantially much higher than a country where the elderly can be placed and isolated in nursing homes.

Is it any wonder when governors and mayors put people who test positive in the nursing homes that they are the ones experiencing the highest numbers of Covid deaths?

How many would have died if all of the governors and mayors had done so?

Right now the CDC says that the actual numbers for Covid deaths is only about six percent of what's actually being reported.

That makes the death rate no worse than the common flu.

Shall we close everything down for the common flu and pneumonia?

Sounds like it.



Still don't get it huh? Sigh..well, I never hold out too much hope for you true believers. There's just no talking to you. How many people would be alive if only Trump's administration had taken this seriously and offered anything beyond a limp response? I mean, jeez, it's all down in writing for you how they screwed this up. And the economic carnage belongs to him and him alone. It was up to governors, mayors (Republican and Democrat), and business leaders to make the tough calls when there was no direction coming from the reality TV show host's administration. Stop with the COVID vs flu comparison. How many times we gonna beat this dead horse? Read the last paragraph.

Still don't get it huh? Sigh..well, I never hold out too much hope for you true believers. There's just no talking to you. How many people would be alive if only Trump's administration had taken this seriously and offered anything beyond a limp response? I mean, jeez, it's all down in writing for you how they screwed this up. And the economic carnage belongs to him and him alone. It was up to governors, mayors (Republican and Democrat), and business leaders to make the tough calls when there was no direction coming from the reality TV show host's administration. Stop with the COVID vs flu comparison. How many times we gonna beat this dead horse? Read the last paragraph.


So you want Trump to be the last word.

What do we need governors, mayors, state legislators, and city councils, for then?

Let's cut some costs on the running of government and get rid of the unnecessary waste. After all Trump had to do that in Oregon where he took the Oregon governor and Portland mayor out of the picture when it comes to law enforcement. While Cuomo, Whitmer, and De Blasio, did a bang up job of raising the number of Covid deaths among the elderly by putting positive tested Covid's in the nursing homes like some Nazi death camp directors.


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Looks like pandemics over the common cold will be the new norm as we hide behind our masks and socially dance at a distance.



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