Lockheed Martin/Pumping Politicians with Money (all parties)F-35 Fighter Jet


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
Lockheed Martin and other Corporate Military Weapon Manufacturers are top donors to political parties today.

Lockheed Martin Contributions to Federal Candidates OpenSecrets

America was sold a Jet for $1.5 Trillion.......and it didn't work;

America Spent 1.5 Trillion On A Jet That Doesn t Work. How Many Schools Is That Do You Think

Currently America is "Gifting" F-16 Fighter Jets to Egypt....

Same situation happened with Tanks not long ago.

Give or Sell our old weapons to unstable regions and then find a reason to use our new ones...........Start a fire and sell water.

And the only thing you have to do to cover this up is ensure half of America justifies Iraq and the other half justifies Syria.........
Everyone cares about taxation until it's a jet and not a person................
They're called PACs, knumbskull. Marxist labor union PACs probably grease more palms than anyone else in the country...or in the world for that matter. They're LEGAL. The left makes sure of that. Any other civics classes you need?
Should we stop building jet fighters? Maybe we should go back to attaching bombs onto kites?
They're called PACs,

Actually, it's called "bribery", but PACs sounds far better.
The defence (What a misuse of the word) industry fill the right pockets with cash, the corrupt politicians buy their stuff, profits go through the roof - the dead hardly matter if you drive a really nice car and have a private jet.
They're called PACs,
Actually, it's called "bribery", but PACs sounds far better.
The defence (What a misuse of the word) industry fill the right pockets with cash, the corrupt politicians buy their stuff, profits go through the roof - the dead hardly matter if you drive a really nice car and have a private jet.

Well then you should be investing your grubstake in defense industries since you have such an inside line. Think of the money you could make! By the way genius, if the US hadn't invested in all that evil defense stuff, your nation's ingrate ass would have been even much worse off after the Indian Ocean Tsunami than it already was. But we're civilized human beings, unlike most Muslims on this planet. Helping is what civilized human beings do. I'd expect you to know as much about that as you do about American defense industries. And when are you going to pay back the $2.5 billion?
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They're called PACs,
Actually, it's called "bribery", but PACs sounds far better.
The defence (What a misuse of the word) industry fill the right pockets with cash, the corrupt politicians buy their stuff, profits go through the roof - the dead hardly matter if you drive a really nice car and have a private jet.

Well then you should be investing your grubstake in defense industries since you have such an inside line. Think of the money you could make! By the way genius, if the US hadn't invested in all that evil defense stuff, your nation's ingrate ass would have been even much worse off after the Indian Ocean Tsunami than it already was. But we're civilized human beings, unlike most Muslims on this planet. Helping is what civilized human beings do. I'd expect you to know as much about that as you do about American defense industries. And when are you going to pay back the $2.5 billion?

"Well then you should be investing your grubstake in defense industries since you have such an inside line." .....Seriously? If 1961 and the information after didn't give you an "inside line" then nothing can. Also I don't believe in profit over humanity.

Here was your warning..........

Or perhaps you missed the Republicans justifying certain wars and criticizing Democrats for others. Or you saw the Democrats justify certain wars and criticize the Republicans on theirs. As long as people are justifying whatever is needed for their party and they aren't individual thinkers, we will have issues like our massive debt.
We bombed Iraq on a lie. We overtook Libya on a lie. We openly planned to take Iran and then said they had Nukes on a lie......How much "Investment Opportunity" do you need to understand America is not the world police.........Unless of course the Left was correct all along and the Right only cares about profits, not people....

I invest in my own well being. I have received more than I've ever expected.
They're called PACs, knumbskull. Marxist labor union PACs probably grease more palms than anyone else in the country...or in the world for that matter. They're LEGAL. The left makes sure of that. Any other civics classes you need?

This is silly. Union participation has gone from 20% in 1983 to 11%.

Unions constituted only 6% of total lobbying in 2012. This in contrast to 31% from corporations and 20% from "Business Associations".

Turn off talk radio.
I've been saying this for a while.
The politicians invent reasons to go to war so them, and their 'defence' industry pals can make a fat sack of cash, but Americans and many others die for their corrupt greed.
We saw it in Iraq, we see it in Israel, and now these same corrupt bastards are pushing China as your new enemy - all for their profits - and fuck any Americans that die for them.

About time you sent the lot to prison - starting with Bush.
Cornyn, John (R-TX) Senate $97,200
Thornberry, Mac (R-TX) House $75,900
Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ) House $73,350
Granger, Kay (R-TX) House $73,350
Udall, Mark (D-CO) Senate $16,625
Moran, Jim (D-VA) House $16,000
Williams, Roger (R-TX) House $15,750
Booker, Cory (D-NJ) Senate $15,000
Kingston, Jack (R-GA) House $15,000
Perlmutter, Edwin G (D-CO) House $14,100
Coffman, Mike (R-CO) House $13,500
Cole, Tom (R-OK) House $13,500
Cochran, Thad (R-MS) Senate $13,000
Connolly, Gerry (D-VA) House $13,000
Cummings, Elijah E (D-MD) House $13,000
Wittman, Rob (R-VA) House $12,800
Smith, Adam (D-WA) House $12,750
Ryan, Paul (R-WI) House $12,600
Simpson, Mike (R-ID) House $12,600
Olson, Pete (R-TX) House $12,000
Stewart, Chris (R-UT) House $12,000
Westmoreland, Lynn A (R-GA) House $12,000
Tiberi, Patrick J (R-OH) House $11,500
Bishop, Sanford (D-GA) House $11,000
Brooks, Mo (R-AL) House $11,000
Edwards, Donna (D-MD) House $11,000
Forbes, Randy (R-VA) House $11,000
Issa, Darrell (R-CA) House $11,000
Johnson, Hank (D-GA) House $11,000
Johnson, Sam (R-TX) House $11,000
Kaptur, Marcy (D-OH) House $11,000
Meeks, Gregory W (D-NY) House $11,000
Miller, Jeff (R-FL) House $11,000
Nunes, Devin (R-CA) House $11,000
Owens, Bill (D-NY) House $11,000
Price, Tom (R-GA) House $11,000
Reed, Tom (R-NY) House $11,000
Sessions, Pete (R-TX) House $11,000
Smith, Lamar (R-TX) House $11,000
Upton, Fred (R-MI) House $11,000
Veasey, Marc (D-TX) House $11,000
Boehner, John (R-OH) House $10,751
Southerland, Steve (R-FL) House $10,750
Warner, Mark (D-VA) Senate $10,750
Landrieu, Mary L (D-LA) Senate $10,600
Maffei, Dan (D-NY) House $10,500
Hensarling, Jeb (R-TX) House $10,250
LoBiondo, Frank A (R-NJ) House $10,250
Aderholt, Robert B (R-AL) House $10,000
Barton, Joe (R-TX) House $10,000
Bishop, Rob (R-UT) House $10,000
Burgess, Michael (R-TX) House $10,000
Calvert, Ken (R-CA) House $10,000
Cantor, Eric (R-VA) House $10,000
Carter, John (R-TX) House $10,000
Clyburn, James E (D-SC) House $10,000
Courtney, Joe (D-CT) House $10,000
Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL) House $10,000
Culberson, John (R-TX) House $10,000
DeLauro, Rosa L (D-CT) House $10,000
Fattah, Chaka (D-PA) House $10,000
Franks, Trent (R-AZ) House $10,000
Gabbard, Tulsi (D-HI) House $10,000
Hall, Ralph (R-TX) House $10,000
Heck, Joe (R-NV) House $10,000
Hoyer, Steny H (D-MD) House $10,000
Israel, Steve (D-NY) House $10,000
King, Pete (R-NY) House $10,000
Kline, John (R-MN) House $10,000
Lamborn, Douglas L (R-CO) House $10,000
Langevin, Jim (D-RI) House $10,000
Larson, John B (D-CT) House $10,000
Lowey, Nita M (D-NY) House $10,000
Marino, Tom (R-PA) House $10,000
McCarthy, Kevin (R-CA) House $10,000
McCaul, Michael (R-TX) House $10,000
Meehan, Patrick (R-PA) House $10,000
Neugebauer, Randy (R-TX) House $10,000
Nugent, Richard (R-FL) House $10,000
Palazzo, Steven (R-MS) House $10,000
Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA) House $10,000
Pompeo, Mike (R-KS) House $10,000
Pryor, Mark (D-AR) Senate $10,000
Reed, Jack (D-RI) Senate $10,000
Ribble, Reid (R-WI) House $10,000
Rigell, Scott (R-VA) House $10,000
Roby, Martha (R-AL) House $10,000
Rogers, Hal (R-KY) House $10,000
Rogers, Mike D (R-AL) House $10,000
Rooney, Tom (R-FL) House $10,000
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL) House $10,000
Roskam, Peter (R-IL) House $10,000
Royce, Ed (R-CA) House $10,000
Ruppersberger, Dutch (D-MD) House $10,000
Sanchez, Loretta (D-CA) House $10,000
Scalise, Steve (R-LA) House $10,000
Schiff, Adam (D-CA) House $10,000
Scott, David (D-GA) House $10,000
Scott, Tim (R-SC) Senate $10,000
Slaughter, Louise M (D-NY) House $10,000
I've been saying this for a while.
The politicians invent reasons to go to war so them, and their 'defence' industry pals can make a fat sack of cash, but Americans and many others die for their corrupt greed.
We saw it in Iraq, we see it in Israel, and now these same corrupt bastards are pushing China as your new enemy - all for their profits - and fuck any Americans that die for them.

About time you sent the lot to prison - starting with Bush.

Americans don't know a thing about foreign policy. It's our weakest subject. But ask us about Football and we know every player, their stats, their injuries, their history, their patterns, and we even follow up on their home life......
How much has your pal Soros donated to his pet groups over the years? Oh yeah....several BILLION dollars. Please note I despise the F-35 and think it is a total waste of taxpayer dollars, but your outrage at Lockheed's donations, while ignoring Soros and his orders of magnitude greater donations reeks of intellectual dishonesty. But you're a progressive so that's merely par for the course isn't it.
How much has your pal Soros donated to his pet groups over the years? Oh yeah....several BILLION dollars. Please note I despise the F-35 and think it is a total waste of taxpayer dollars, but your outrage at Lockheed's donations, while ignoring Soros and his orders of magnitude greater donations reeks of intellectual dishonesty. But you're a progressive so that's merely par for the course isn't it.

Your post is funny because it solidifies my own yet you call say "Your pal Soros". My guess is as an opened minded individual I stood against something you are in favor for and on that principle alone you think I'm in a "party"

Your post is also, off topic. Typical.

Since I subscribe and listen to all media your post reminds me of something I saw today. The WolfPAC is showing signs of "progress and change" thanks to Conservatives that think.

Cenk notates what I have believed all along. We all want the same thing and once the Democracy (the people) are allowed to vote directly on subjects, changes happen.

See, I don't believe in the Republic. I don't believe we should cast our votes to someone who represents us. To me, THAT is "Big Gov". I believe big issues should be voted for directly by the people. The Government officials that represent the people have proven they are puppets. Put major topic decisions on a ballot and get the American people fired up about politics again.

That is a Democracy but that doesn't mean I'm a Democrat. I know you have a hard time with politics in general so I thought I would elaborate. Everyone has to start somewhere.
The entire point was that corruption is in all parties yet this "MOD" comes in and acts like he's correcting me assuming I'm in a party when my name is "Anti-Party".

He claims that I support donations from Soros. If this "MOD" had done enough reading up to his post he would notice that Lockheed Martin donates to both parties also.

This "MOD" is off topic and clearly bias.
If you ask certain politicians how much the military should sacrifice for their country... the worst of them will answer more, more, more!
If you ask certain politicians how much the military should sacrifice for their country... the worst of them will answer more, more, more!

Corporations want to get taxation $$$. It's easy to price gouge when it's Insurance but it's even easier to price gouge when it's taxation. The Republicans use to be the only ones that fixated on Military Contractor donations. Today they still take more from the source, but we saw since they started donating to the Democrats, Obama started singing the same tune as Bush (close, not exactly).

Protecting our people is what everyone wants. Some see it as health, some see it as war.

Unnecessary war does not protect anyone. It does the exact opposite. Cost of National Security Counting How Much the U.S. Spends Per Hour

Diplomacy and Education is the key to avoid war...........As you have noticed, a select few scream "WAR!" right off the bat on many circumstances and it's by design.
They're called PACs,

Actually, it's called "bribery", but PACs sounds far better.
The defence (What a misuse of the word) industry fill the right pockets with cash, the corrupt politicians buy their stuff, profits go through the roof - the dead hardly matter if you drive a really nice car and have a private jet.

Frankly, your ignorance is offensive ... you know nothing about what you are saying. You clearly have listened to others, accepted it as truth, and then turned an spewed this garbage.

Next time, please wait until there is a subject you actually know something about .... I suspect, though, it will be a long wait.
If you ask certain politicians how much the military should sacrifice for their country... the worst of them will answer more, more, more!

Corporations want to get taxation $$$. It's easy to price gouge when it's Insurance but it's even easier to price gouge when it's taxation. The Republicans use to be the only ones that fixated on Military Contractor donations. Today they still take more from the source, but we saw since they started donating to the Democrats, Obama started singing the same tune as Bush (close, not exactly).

Protecting our people is what everyone wants. Some see it as health, some see it as war.

Unnecessary war does not protect anyone. It does the exact opposite. Cost of National Security Counting How Much the U.S. Spends Per Hour

Diplomacy and Education is the key to avoid war...........As you have noticed, a select few scream "WAR!" right off the bat on many circumstances and it's by design.

Where I come from, we call this spreading shit around and see what grows ... you, of course, have no justification for your accusations, but you don't let a little thing like the truth get in your way.

You ought to be ashamed of your intellectual dishonesty.
They're called PACs,

Actually, it's called "bribery", but PACs sounds far better.
The defence (What a misuse of the word) industry fill the right pockets with cash, the corrupt politicians buy their stuff, profits go through the roof - the dead hardly matter if you drive a really nice car and have a private jet.

Frankly, your ignorance is offensive ... you know nothing about what you are saying. You clearly have listened to others, accepted it as truth, and then turned an spewed this garbage.

Next time, please wait until there is a subject you actually know something about .... I suspect, though, it will be a long wait.
^The irony of no substance in the debate and stating the other person has a lack of information..........tsk tsk

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