Logic like this makes me want to quit reading the news

I love it, the dumb bitch just demonstrated to her fellow senators how insane she truly is. I don't see her bill ever coming for a vote now.
Yes, the conservatives on this thread really are that dumb for not figuring out that they're raging about a joke post on a conservative satire site. Same as all of the conservative commenting on that article. Not a single one of them had the smarts to understand it was all made up. Most conservatives are seriously satire-challenged.

It's kind of not their fault, given their self-inflicted mindset. After all, fact-checking and skepticism are a sign of the dirty socialist liberal. Any good conservative is way far out in lalaland concerning their whackaloon stereotypes about liberals. If a nutball story reinforces their crazy beliefs about liberals, then they believe that bizarre story instantly, without question, no matter how stupid it is.

Now, conservatives. Say it. Say "Well, it's not my fault the story could have been true!". You know you want to. And it's all you've got left after humiliating yourselves.
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Logic like this makes me want to quit reading the news
www.palookavillepost.com palookavillepost.com

surely all liberals can't be "this" dumb.

Posts like this makes me want to quit reading the threads

from the link: "said a Senate communications intern."

surely all right wing imbeciles can't be "this" dumb? or can they?

This is not a political thread, it is a conspiracy thread
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