Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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The main problem with the emails is that they reveal her attitude about conservative groups, and it was clearly hostile. She clearly had motive to persecute these groups. In a criminal trial, establishing motive is half the battle.
yes. she's hostile to people with a hard-on for the end of the united states. that particular group.

and guess what? she's right. that group is a bunch of assholes.

You know what? If Lois Lerner hates conservatives THAT much then more power to her...it's her view and she's entitled to it! WHAT SHE ISN'T ENTITLED TO DO, IS TO TAKE A HIGH LEVEL POSITION AT THE IRS (a non-political organization entrusted with fairly enforcing tax law) AND USE THAT POSITION TO UNFAIRLY TARGET CONSERVATIVES! If she did that...and the evidence that has slowly been wrung from the IRS surely points in that direction...then she needs to be held accountable.

why do you keep calling those people hunkered in their basements waiting for the collapse of the government while cleaning one of their dozens of firearms conservatives?

is hoping for the end of the united states a conservative value now?
Correct me if I'm wrong but since when did someone considering you an "asshole" make you eligible to be singled out for unlawful treatment? Is that what our government has devolved to? A bunch of "civil servants" protected by unions deciding that American citizens are "assholes" because of their political beliefs and therefore fair game for abuse? Is that where we now find ourselves?

Actually, she decided they were "assholes" because of shit they were saying on talk radio after they lost an election.

Now, if you had some proof she called them assholes when they applied for their fraudulent tax exemptions, you might be on to something.
yes. she's hostile to people with a hard-on for the end of the united states. that particular group.

and guess what? she's right. that group is a bunch of assholes.

You know what? If Lois Lerner hates conservatives THAT much then more power to her...it's her view and she's entitled to it! WHAT SHE ISN'T ENTITLED TO DO, IS TO TAKE A HIGH LEVEL POSITION AT THE IRS (a non-political organization entrusted with fairly enforcing tax law) AND USE THAT POSITION TO UNFAIRLY TARGET CONSERVATIVES! If she did that...and the evidence that has slowly been wrung from the IRS surely points in that direction...then she needs to be held accountable.

If she did that she needs to be held accountable.

We agree.

Did she do it?

Innocent people don't plead the fifth.
You know what? If Lois Lerner hates conservatives THAT much then more power to her...it's her view and she's entitled to it! WHAT SHE ISN'T ENTITLED TO DO, IS TO TAKE A HIGH LEVEL POSITION AT THE IRS (a non-political organization entrusted with fairly enforcing tax law) AND USE THAT POSITION TO UNFAIRLY TARGET CONSERVATIVES! If she did that...and the evidence that has slowly been wrung from the IRS surely points in that direction...then she needs to be held accountable.

If she did that she needs to be held accountable.

We agree.

Did she do it?

Innocent people don't plead the fifth.

Good point.....and she did it twice.
Correct me if I'm wrong but since when did someone considering you an "asshole" make you eligible to be singled out for unlawful treatment? Is that what our government has devolved to? A bunch of "civil servants" protected by unions deciding that American citizens are "assholes" because of their political beliefs and therefore fair game for abuse? Is that where we now find ourselves?

when did that happen?

Really? Now you're going to pretend that Lerner DIDN'T single out conservative groups? Even though she apologized for doing so before then denying that "she" broke any IRS rules and then taking the 5th?

Come on, Ogi...this denial of the obvious needs to stop. It makes a whole bunch of you look like head in the sand ostriches.
You know what? If Lois Lerner hates conservatives THAT much then more power to her...it's her view and she's entitled to it! WHAT SHE ISN'T ENTITLED TO DO, IS TO TAKE A HIGH LEVEL POSITION AT THE IRS (a non-political organization entrusted with fairly enforcing tax law) AND USE THAT POSITION TO UNFAIRLY TARGET CONSERVATIVES! If she did that...and the evidence that has slowly been wrung from the IRS surely points in that direction...then she needs to be held accountable.

If she did that she needs to be held accountable.

We agree.

Did she do it?

Innocent people don't plead the fifth.

lol. is that what you say when you want to get out of jury duty?
Correct me if I'm wrong but since when did someone considering you an "asshole" make you eligible to be singled out for unlawful treatment? Is that what our government has devolved to? A bunch of "civil servants" protected by unions deciding that American citizens are "assholes" because of their political beliefs and therefore fair game for abuse? Is that where we now find ourselves?

when did that happen?

Really? Now you're going to pretend that Lerner DIDN'T single out conservative groups? Even though she apologized for doing so before then denying that "she" broke any IRS rules and then taking the 5th?

Come on, Ogi...this denial of the obvious needs to stop. It makes a whole bunch of you look like head in the sand ostriches.

you linked the two. you said she thought people were assholes, and because of that belief she targeted them.

can you prove that? can anyone?
in fact, so far you can't prove that anyone was politically motivated when tea party groups were scrutinized.

Yeah...because Ds never get us into wars...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Another illogical, partisan, and foolish post by you.

When will you ever learn?

You have to go back 50 years before you'd find a Democrat who got us into a real big war. You know, one with thousands of boys coming home in body bags.

When I was growing up, my Mom used to say "Democrats give us wars, Republicans give us Recessions".

Now Republicans give us both.
yes. she's hostile to people with a hard-on for the end of the united states. that particular group.

and guess what? she's right. that group is a bunch of assholes.

You know what? If Lois Lerner hates conservatives THAT much then more power to her...it's her view and she's entitled to it! WHAT SHE ISN'T ENTITLED TO DO, IS TO TAKE A HIGH LEVEL POSITION AT THE IRS (a non-political organization entrusted with fairly enforcing tax law) AND USE THAT POSITION TO UNFAIRLY TARGET CONSERVATIVES! If she did that...and the evidence that has slowly been wrung from the IRS surely points in that direction...then she needs to be held accountable.

why do you keep calling those people hunkered in their basements waiting for the collapse of the government while cleaning one of their dozens of firearms conservatives?

is hoping for the end of the united states a conservative value now?

Gee, Ogi...make up your mind! One minute you progressives are saying that all us conservatives are racist, bible thumping, gun nuts...and now you're saying that THOSE people aren't conservatives...THEY'RE THE CRAZY PEOPLE!!!
Actually, they were called terrorists for shit like this


Exercising a constitutional right makes one a terrorist?

I guess that makes you a terrorist too.

It appears JoeB realized how stupid his statement was.

No, they don't look like a "Well-Regulated Militia" to me.
when did that happen?

Really? Now you're going to pretend that Lerner DIDN'T single out conservative groups? Even though she apologized for doing so before then denying that "she" broke any IRS rules and then taking the 5th?

Come on, Ogi...this denial of the obvious needs to stop. It makes a whole bunch of you look like head in the sand ostriches.

you linked the two. you said she thought people were assholes, and because of that belief she targeted them.

can you prove that? can anyone?
in fact, so far you can't prove that anyone was politically motivated when tea party groups were scrutinized.

There's an investigation going on. That's how we found out about this. Innocent people don't plead the fifth.

Yeah...because Ds never get us into wars...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Another illogical, partisan, and foolish post by you.

When will you ever learn?

You have to go back 50 years before you'd find a Democrat who got us into a real big war. You know, one with thousands of boys coming home in body bags.

When I was growing up, my Mom used to say "Democrats give us wars, Republicans give us Recessions".

Now Republicans give us both.

Did you nap through the Vietnam war, Joe? It was on all the news channels! Happened over in Southeast Asia? Lots of Americans got killed?
lol. is that what you say when you want to get out of jury duty?

Nope. That's what I say to ignorant leftist trash. I've been the foreman on a jury.

you shouldn't have been. not if that's your view of our constitution.

Oh, go piss up a rope. The fifth amendment protects a citizen from self incrimination. In other words, you're going to have to prove my guilt without my help. Idiot.
when did that happen?

Really? Now you're going to pretend that Lerner DIDN'T single out conservative groups? Even though she apologized for doing so before then denying that "she" broke any IRS rules and then taking the 5th?

Come on, Ogi...this denial of the obvious needs to stop. It makes a whole bunch of you look like head in the sand ostriches.

you linked the two. you said she thought people were assholes, and because of that belief she targeted them.

can you prove that? can anyone?
in fact, so far you can't prove that anyone was politically motivated when tea party groups were scrutinized.

Well we know that Lerner's group targeted conservatives and now we know that Lerner thought conservatives were assholes. Is it that big a leap of logic to conclude that she probably targeted conservatives BECAUSE she thought they were assholes?

You know what? If Lois Lerner hates conservatives THAT much then more power to her...it's her view and she's entitled to it! WHAT SHE ISN'T ENTITLED TO DO, IS TO TAKE A HIGH LEVEL POSITION AT THE IRS (a non-political organization entrusted with fairly enforcing tax law) AND USE THAT POSITION TO UNFAIRLY TARGET CONSERVATIVES! If she did that...and the evidence that has slowly been wrung from the IRS surely points in that direction...then she needs to be held accountable.

But you have no evidence she did that.

The groups that were applying for 501(C)4 status were committing fraud if they were claiming to be social welfare agencies and they intended to do political activity.

Just like all the churches that endorse candidates are committing tax fraud.

You sound like the guy who got pulled over for speeding because everyone else was doing 75 in a 40, too.
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