Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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You again. Weren't you dispatched here?

You keep claiming victory over me, but that's all you do. You never address what I actually say. I show up, you soil yourself and babble about the "statist" voices in your head.

If you're not actually the wuss you appear to be, try to discuss some of the things you keep running from. For starters, explain why you believe "womanish" is an insult.




•suitable to or characteristic of a woman.

"He confused introspection with womanish indecision."

•(of a man) effeminate; unmanly.

"Rawlings thought him a weak womanish fool."

synonyms: effeminate, girlish, girly, unmanly, unmasculine, epicene. . . .

"Andrew's first stage role was that of a womanish baker from Brooklyn"

Okay, pumpkin?
Interesting they can find those e-mails but not the missing two years worth.

these were from her government blackberry. totally different system.

But here's the point.

It's November 12th, 2014. Mrs. Lerner is in England for business. Her friend texts her about how people on talk radio are truly losing their shit a week after Obama won a second term. She uses a few invectives to describe the extremists.

Wow. Crime of the century here.

The point is Lerner is a corrupt asshole who abused her power for political reasons and those who blindly support the actions of the I.R.S. because they were going after those you disagree with have helped set the precedent for future administrations to continue and expand on this type of abuse. When the next Republican administration tries to use the I.R.S. against liberal groups in the same way good luck trying to get any action taken against them or anyone held accountable you will though hear the words phony scandal a lot.

But we're talking about lefty here. He can't wrap his mind around the idea that one might be outraged by abusive behavior on the part of government officials regardless of their party affiliation. Lefty doesn't put any real stock in the Bill of Rights, certainly not in any sense that matters with regard to individual liberty. Lefty's a collectivist. To him all that talk about natural rights or inalienable rights endowed by God. . . . That's the preoccupation of the benighted, the recalcitrant, the myth bearer. The classical liberal must be put down or put way . . . for his own good and the good of the collective. The march toward that utopian pie in the sky is paramount.
Dude, Lois Lerner isn't supposed to let her personal viewpoints interfere with her job performance.

This is textbook discrimination.

She was calling the Tea Party terrorists before it became popular. The Tea Party is basically average Americans who were worried about government spending. For that they were called terrorists.

So you're admitting the Tea Party is a political interest group. Therefore political groups formed under the Tea Party mantle shouldn't be getting tax breaks reserved for non-political groups.

Case closed.

Lois should be in trouble for approving these groups as tax exempt.

Though to think that government workers, after listening to groups like the Tea Party, telling these workers how worthless they are and how they don't deserve their pay and on and on about how government workers suck, to think that government workers aren't aware of that and resent it, well the Tea Party just don't know much about human behavior.

Government workers don't like Tea partiers for the same reason lots of Americans don't like Tea partiers; they have their heads up their ass.

See what I mean?
We're going to take back the Senate in November and get our pound of flesh.
You're going to take back the Senate like you took back the White House in 2012. If I recall correctly romney was an absolute lock for the White House. How did that work out for you? Not so well if I remember correctly.
If I were you I would stop looking at fox and right wing websites and start looking at real news outlets. There are a hell of a lot of pissed off Americans who see a gop absolutely refusing to do the job they were elected to do. Think about this, the republican House is off for the entire month of August. Further, there are about 128 working days (M - Fri) between now and the end of the year. The House has only scheduled itself to work 27 of those days. Why would I or anyone want to send people to the Senate who plan on being paid for doing NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!

How'd that work out for me? I wouldn't give Romney my worst day.

Fox news? Right-wing websites?

Fire your writing staff and get a new routine. That one's as old as Methuselah and just as dead.

"The House has only scheduled itself to work 27 of those days. Why would I or anyone want to send people to the Senate who plan on being paid for doing NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!"


Dude, put down the crack pipe and step away from the implement.
Fuck you muddy. You stupidity is showing again. Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?
Don't you ever read anything that isn't Republican propaganda?

That should be "your stupidity," not "you stupidity."

Good to see that you can get something right. Like spelling "your" and "you". Nice job. You learn that recently?

But even though my fingers missed the "r", you knew what word I intended to use.

That is even more progress.

When you're calling someone "stupid," you better get it right, or you look like a fool. Furthermore, harping on technical gaffs is a favored libturd debate technique.
So does it bug you ODS kooks, the way all of your phony conspiracy scandals keep cratering? You think you'd learn after the twentieth time, but we all know the one definition of insanity. If ODSers were capable of reason, they wouldn't have fallen prey to the ODS cult.

I suggest moving away from the corpse of this phony conspiracy, being how it stinks so badly. ODSers, check with your cult leaders. I'm sure they've got some brand new phony conspiracies for you to parrot. They might even involve those mysterious all-powerful "statists", which will cheer up MD immensely.
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We're going to take back the Senate in November and get our pound of flesh.
You're going to take back the Senate like you took back the White House in 2012. If I recall correctly romney was an absolute lock for the White House. How did that work out for you? Not so well if I remember correctly.
If I were you I would stop looking at fox and right wing websites and start looking at real news outlets. There are a hell of a lot of pissed off Americans who see a gop absolutely refusing to do the job they were elected to do. Think about this, the republican House is off for the entire month of August. Further, there are about 128 working days (M - Fri) between now and the end of the year. The House has only scheduled itself to work 27 of those days. Why would I or anyone want to send people to the Senate who plan on being paid for doing NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!

How'd that work out for me? I wouldn't give Romney my worst day.

Fox news? Right-wing websites?

Fire your writing staff and get a new routine. That one's as old as Methuselah and just as dead.

"The House has only scheduled itself to work 27 of those days. Why would I or anyone want to send people to the Senate who plan on being paid for doing NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!"


Dude, put down the crack pipe and step away from the implement.

You see, assholes like him (the hopelessly brainwashed left wing anti-semites) have no clue that our congress is not just suppose to agree with everything the president wants to pass. I think a cocksucker like a ron or any of the other blow hards think the congress is there to support all of the presidents policies. Just sign here and here and let him carry out his agenda. No matter how much they disagree, they are suppose to just sign off.

They are such deranged, ignorant, hopelessly brainwashed hacks who think capitlaism and the American right winger is to blame for everything that is wrong in the world.
So, how many 501(c)(4) apps from the Tea Baggers did she deny, anyway?

How many did she approve?

Answer, zero, because it wasn't her job to approve, or not approve, them, yet she inserted herself into the process anyway.

No, she was in charge of exempt organizations. It was her job to approve or not approve.

The real crime was that so many of them got exemptions they didn't deserve.

It was not her job.
With emails like this floating around the IRS offices, why would anyone think there's any pro-liberal bias there?

It's a real boner, I say.

personal email sent from her irs account. not intra-office.

Between her and a colleague at work. Her position, particularly as division head, gave her the responsibility to be neutral among fellow federal workers and anyone outside the government she dealt with in the course of federal business.
So does it bug you ODS kooks, the way all of your phony conspiracy scandals keep cratering? You think you'd learn after the twentieth time, but we all know the one definition of insanity. If ODSers were capable of reason, they wouldn't have fallen prey to the ODS cult.

I suggest moving away from the corpse of this phony conspiracy, being how it stinks so badly. ODSers, check with your cult leaders. I'm sure they've got some brand new phony conspiracies for you to parrot. They might even involve those mysterious all-powerful "statists", which will cheer up MD immensely.

I fail to see how any of the ongoing Obama scandals have "cratered", Mamooth. One has been supplanted by another and then that one is supplanted by yet another...but none of them have been addressed. You see the main stream media's reporting moving from (albeit, reluctantly!) one scandal to the next...from one crisis to the next...and somehow come to the conclusion that because you're not hearing about Fast & Furious, or Benghazi, or the Justice Department labeling James Rosen a criminal so they could tap his phone and email accounts, or Bowe Bergdahl being exchanged for five terrorist leaders...that those scandals have gone away! They haven't. What's happened is there are so many scandals that each new one diverts attention from the old ones. None of these things are "phoney" conspiracies...what they ARE...are examples of a glaring lack of transparency by this Administration and a staggering level of either incompetence or corruption.
With emails like this floating around the IRS offices, why would anyone think there's any pro-liberal bias there?

It's a real boner, I say.

personal email sent from her irs account. not intra-office.

Between her and a colleague at work. Her position, particularly as division head, gave her the responsibility to be neutral among fellow federal workers and anyone outside the government she dealt with in the course of federal business.

you are mistaken. the emails were between her and a "personal associate who did not work at the IRS."

she should not, generally speaking, have used a work account to send personal messages, but that's about the only real complaint someone can have about these emails.
personal email sent from her irs account. not intra-office.

Between her and a colleague at work. Her position, particularly as division head, gave her the responsibility to be neutral among fellow federal workers and anyone outside the government she dealt with in the course of federal business.

you are mistaken. the emails were between her and a "personal associate who did not work at the IRS."

she should not, generally speaking, have used a work account to send personal messages, but that's about the only real complaint someone can have about these emails.

I don't think the emails (as work account emails) are the issue at all, it is the content of those emails that are the issue, which exposed her true feelings toward the republicans and may very well show that she did indeed use her bias to thwart the applications.
personal email sent from her irs account. not intra-office.

Between her and a colleague at work. Her position, particularly as division head, gave her the responsibility to be neutral among fellow federal workers and anyone outside the government she dealt with in the course of federal business.

you are mistaken. the emails were between her and a "personal associate who did not work at the IRS."

she should not, generally speaking, have used a work account to send personal messages, but that's about the only real complaint someone can have about these emails.

The main problem with the emails is that they reveal her attitude about conservative groups, and it was clearly hostile. She clearly had motive to persecute these groups. In a criminal trial, establishing motive is half the battle.
I really don't think liberals realize how serious this is, but if the next republican president decides to use this new power. I hope he sicks the irs on the liberal media outlets, for giving us obama. All the Looney leftist groups. Finally get the unpaid billions Soros owes in unpaid taxes. Audit all abortion doctors, and the women that get them. Since the irs can see our medical records, because of Obama care. All that should be okay with the liberals, I mean since under Obama there is nothing wrong with it.
Between her and a colleague at work. Her position, particularly as division head, gave her the responsibility to be neutral among fellow federal workers and anyone outside the government she dealt with in the course of federal business.

you are mistaken. the emails were between her and a "personal associate who did not work at the IRS."

she should not, generally speaking, have used a work account to send personal messages, but that's about the only real complaint someone can have about these emails.

The main problem with the emails is that they reveal her attitude about conservative groups, and it was clearly hostile. She clearly had motive to persecute these groups. In a criminal trial, establishing motive is half the battle.
yes. she's hostile to people with a hard-on for the end of the united states. that particular group.

and guess what? she's right. that group is a bunch of assholes.
Between her and a colleague at work. Her position, particularly as division head, gave her the responsibility to be neutral among fellow federal workers and anyone outside the government she dealt with in the course of federal business.

you are mistaken. the emails were between her and a "personal associate who did not work at the IRS."

she should not, generally speaking, have used a work account to send personal messages, but that's about the only real complaint someone can have about these emails.

I don't think the emails (as work account emails) are the issue at all, it is the content of those emails that are the issue, which exposed her true feelings toward the republicans and may very well show that she did indeed use her bias to thwart the applications.

so all republicans are running around talking about and welcoming the end of the united states, hoarding food and ammo in preparation for it?
you are mistaken. the emails were between her and a "personal associate who did not work at the IRS."

she should not, generally speaking, have used a work account to send personal messages, but that's about the only real complaint someone can have about these emails.

I don't think the emails (as work account emails) are the issue at all, it is the content of those emails that are the issue, which exposed her true feelings toward the republicans and may very well show that she did indeed use her bias to thwart the applications.

so all republicans are running around talking about and welcoming the end of the united states, hoarding food and ammo in preparation for it?

No, actually we want to preserve the United states as it was founded, and protect it from assholes like yourself.
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