Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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Between her and a colleague at work. Her position, particularly as division head, gave her the responsibility to be neutral among fellow federal workers and anyone outside the government she dealt with in the course of federal business.

you are mistaken. the emails were between her and a "personal associate who did not work at the IRS."

she should not, generally speaking, have used a work account to send personal messages, but that's about the only real complaint someone can have about these emails.

The main problem with the emails is that they reveal her attitude about conservative groups, and it was clearly hostile. She clearly had motive to persecute these groups. In a criminal trial, establishing motive is half the battle.

Nope. It reveals her attitude about RW nutjobs. That has nothing to do with conservative groups and whether of not they qualify for tax exempt status.

I really don't think liberals realize how serious this is, but if the next republican president decides to use this new power. I hope he sicks the irs on the liberal media outlets, for giving us obama. All the Looney leftist groups. Finally get the unpaid billions Soros owes in unpaid taxes. Audit all abortion doctors, and the women that get them. Since the irs can see our medical records, because of Obama care. All that should be okay with the liberals, I mean since under Obama there is nothing wrong with it.

You say that as if Obama has done anything at all regarding this matter. I wonder why you are saying it like that? Could it be that you are full of shit and don't even know it?
you are mistaken. the emails were between her and a "personal associate who did not work at the IRS."

she should not, generally speaking, have used a work account to send personal messages, but that's about the only real complaint someone can have about these emails.

I don't think the emails (as work account emails) are the issue at all, it is the content of those emails that are the issue, which exposed her true feelings toward the republicans and may very well show that she did indeed use her bias to thwart the applications.

so all republicans are running around talking about and welcoming the end of the united states, hoarding food and ammo in preparation for it?

Comprehension isn't your friend, son. :eusa_whistle:
I really don't think liberals realize how serious this is, but if the next republican president decides to use this new power. I hope he sicks the irs on the liberal media outlets, for giving us obama. All the Looney leftist groups. Finally get the unpaid billions Soros owes in unpaid taxes. Audit all abortion doctors, and the women that get them. Since the irs can see our medical records, because of Obama care. All that should be okay with the liberals, I mean since under Obama there is nothing wrong with it.

You say that as if Obama has done anything at all regarding this matter. I wonder why you are saying it like that? Could it be that you are full of shit and don't even know it?

Blaa, blaa, blaa I know, Obama found about what was going on under his watch. At the exact time I did, on the news.
you are mistaken. the emails were between her and a "personal associate who did not work at the IRS."

she should not, generally speaking, have used a work account to send personal messages, but that's about the only real complaint someone can have about these emails.

The main problem with the emails is that they reveal her attitude about conservative groups, and it was clearly hostile. She clearly had motive to persecute these groups. In a criminal trial, establishing motive is half the battle.

Nope. It reveals her attitude about RW nutjobs. That has nothing to do with conservative groups and whether of not they qualify for tax exempt status.


The definition of "right wing nut job" that you and Lerner both subscribe to is "anyone who criticized Obama or the government."
The main problem with the emails is that they reveal her attitude about conservative groups, and it was clearly hostile. She clearly had motive to persecute these groups. In a criminal trial, establishing motive is half the battle.

Nope. It reveals her attitude about RW nutjobs. That has nothing to do with conservative groups and whether of not they qualify for tax exempt status.


The definition of "right wing nut job" that you and Lerner both subscribe to is "anyone who criticized Obama or the government."

Nope. I criticize Obama and the government all the time.

More fail.
you are mistaken. the emails were between her and a "personal associate who did not work at the IRS."

she should not, generally speaking, have used a work account to send personal messages, but that's about the only real complaint someone can have about these emails.

The main problem with the emails is that they reveal her attitude about conservative groups, and it was clearly hostile. She clearly had motive to persecute these groups. In a criminal trial, establishing motive is half the battle.
yes. she's hostile to people with a hard-on for the end of the united states. that particular group.

and guess what? she's right. that group is a bunch of assholes.

You know what? If Lois Lerner hates conservatives THAT much then more power to her...it's her view and she's entitled to it! WHAT SHE ISN'T ENTITLED TO DO, IS TO TAKE A HIGH LEVEL POSITION AT THE IRS (a non-political organization entrusted with fairly enforcing tax law) AND USE THAT POSITION TO UNFAIRLY TARGET CONSERVATIVES! If she did that...and the evidence that has slowly been wrung from the IRS surely points in that direction...then she needs to be held accountable.
The main problem with the emails is that they reveal her attitude about conservative groups, and it was clearly hostile. She clearly had motive to persecute these groups. In a criminal trial, establishing motive is half the battle.
yes. she's hostile to people with a hard-on for the end of the united states. that particular group.

and guess what? she's right. that group is a bunch of assholes.

You know what? If Lois Lerner hates conservatives THAT much then more power to her...it's her view and she's entitled to it! WHAT SHE ISN'T ENTITLED TO DO, IS TO TAKE A HIGH LEVEL POSITION AT THE IRS (a non-political organization entrusted with fairly enforcing tax law) AND USE THAT POSITION TO UNFAIRLY TARGET CONSERVATIVES! If she did that...and the evidence that has slowly been wrung from the IRS surely points in that direction...then she needs to be held accountable.

If she did that she needs to be held accountable.

We agree.

Did she do it?
Where are all the free speech RWnuts who leap to the defense of any conservative who says something controversial?

If badmouthing the right is a disqualification for employment, wouldn't that make badmouthing the left the same disqualification?

In case, 99.9% of the RWnuts on USMB couldn't hold a job.

So you're saying that there were conservatives at the IRS doing the same thing to liberals that Lerner did to conservatives? Is THAT your excuse for what Lois did? Pray tell, Carbineer...share with us who these dastardly conservatives are!

You know back in the Nixon days...when Tricky Dick tried to get the IRS Commissioner to target liberals...the Commissioner refused even though he was a Republican. Too bad we don't have that sort of integrity in the IRS today!
yes. she's hostile to people with a hard-on for the end of the united states. that particular group.

and guess what? she's right. that group is a bunch of assholes.

You know what? If Lois Lerner hates conservatives THAT much then more power to her...it's her view and she's entitled to it! WHAT SHE ISN'T ENTITLED TO DO, IS TO TAKE A HIGH LEVEL POSITION AT THE IRS (a non-political organization entrusted with fairly enforcing tax law) AND USE THAT POSITION TO UNFAIRLY TARGET CONSERVATIVES! If she did that...and the evidence that has slowly been wrung from the IRS surely points in that direction...then she needs to be held accountable.

If she did that she needs to be held accountable.

We agree.

Did she do it?

I don't know because the IRS is stonewalling the ever loving hell out of this and Lois has taken the 5th! I assume since you agree that if she's guilty she needs to be held accountable that you're also in agreement that the logical thing to do would be to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the case thoroughly?
Correct me if I'm wrong but since when did someone considering you an "asshole" make you eligible to be singled out for unlawful treatment? Is that what our government has devolved to? A bunch of "civil servants" protected by unions deciding that American citizens are "assholes" because of their political beliefs and therefore fair game for abuse? Is that where we now find ourselves?
Correct me if I'm wrong but since when did someone considering you an "asshole" make you eligible to be singled out for unlawful treatment? Is that what our government has devolved to? A bunch of "civil servants" protected by unions deciding that American citizens are "assholes" because of their political beliefs and therefore fair game for abuse? Is that where we now find ourselves?

when did that happen?
You act like Democrats didn't control Congress when it happened.


doesn't matter. The GOP ran the SEC, the FDIC, Freddie, Fanny, and all the other agencies.

Here's the thing. You guys got everything you wanted.

You got deregulation
you got to bust the unions
you got right to work and at will employment
you got free trade
you got tax cuts for the rich and reductions in the capital gains tax and the elimination of the estate tax.

What you didn't get was... the prosperity you fuckheads kept promising us if we gave you those things.

INstead, we got... like the opposite of that.

Sure, once Democrats were in charge.

Notice how the bubble burst right around the time they took over those agencies. They talked about how bad the economy was when it was roaring, then they crashed it as soon as they took over in 2007.

Guy, they didn't take over those agencies.

And if you had any sense of what was going on in the macro economy, the problems were showing up as early as 2006 before the democrats won congress. The industry I worked at was linked to the housing market, and our sales PLUMMETED in 2006 when the bubble started to burst.

Man, it must be nice to live in your own alternative universe.
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