Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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Oh, okay.

Um, the GOP was at the wheel when the economy got wrecked... i know you aren't paying attention to this.

You act like Democrats didn't control Congress when it happened.


Fuck you muddy. You stupidity is showing again. Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?
Don't you ever read anything that isn't Republican propaganda?

That should be "your stupidity," not "you stupidity."
You like corrupt gov't as long as it's working for you, huh.

Hey dude, if you think government workers are not aware of the opinion of them held by Republicans and SOME will take offense to that opinion and fuck with people like you every chance they get, then YOU don't know much about people.

I think Lois took offense at the Tea Parties hatred of government and let it be known.
Oh well.

Not corrupt govt. Pissed off government workers though. You all should of thought of that before you Repubs started trash talking them so bad.

Dude, Lois Lerner isn't supposed to let her personal viewpoints interfere with her job performance.

This is textbook discrimination.

She was calling the Tea Party terrorists before it became popular. The Tea Party is basically average Americans who were worried about government spending. For that they were called terrorists.
i must have missed where she called tea party members terrorists. she did call the end of america doomsdayers crazies and said they'd take us down, but i'm not sure that equates to tea party or even terrorists.
You act like Democrats didn't control Congress when it happened.


Fuck you muddy. You stupidity is showing again. Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?
Don't you ever read anything that isn't Republican propaganda?

That should be "your stupidity," not "you stupidity."

Good to see that you can get something right. Like spelling "your" and "you". Nice job. You learn that recently?

But even though my fingers missed the "r", you knew what word I intended to use.

That is even more progress.
Hey dude, if you think government workers are not aware of the opinion of them held by Republicans and SOME will take offense to that opinion and fuck with people like you every chance they get, then YOU don't know much about people.

I think Lois took offense at the Tea Parties hatred of government and let it be known.
Oh well.

Not corrupt govt. Pissed off government workers though. You all should of thought of that before you Repubs started trash talking them so bad.

Dude, Lois Lerner isn't supposed to let her personal viewpoints interfere with her job performance.

This is textbook discrimination.

She was calling the Tea Party terrorists before it became popular. The Tea Party is basically average Americans who were worried about government spending. For that they were called terrorists.

So you're admitting the Tea Party is a political interest group. Therefore political groups formed under the Tea Party mantle shouldn't be getting tax breaks reserved for non-political groups.

Case closed.

Lois should be in trouble for approving these groups as tax exempt.

Though to think that government workers, after listening to groups like the Tea Party, telling these workers how worthless they are and how they don't deserve their pay and on and on about how government workers suck, to think that government workers aren't aware of that and resent it, well the Tea Party just don't know much about human behavior.

Government workers don't like Tea partiers for the same reason lots of Americans don't like Tea partiers; they have their heads up their ass.
Oh, okay.

Um, the GOP was at the wheel when the economy got wrecked... i know you aren't paying attention to this.

You act like Democrats didn't control Congress when it happened.


doesn't matter. The GOP ran the SEC, the FDIC, Freddie, Fanny, and all the other agencies.

Here's the thing. You guys got everything you wanted.

You got deregulation
you got to bust the unions
you got right to work and at will employment
you got free trade
you got tax cuts for the rich and reductions in the capital gains tax and the elimination of the estate tax.

What you didn't get was... the prosperity you fuckheads kept promising us if we gave you those things.

INstead, we got... like the opposite of that.

Sure, once Democrats were in charge.

Notice how the bubble burst right around the time they took over those agencies. They talked about how bad the economy was when it was roaring, then they crashed it as soon as they took over in 2007.
Hey dude, if you think government workers are not aware of the opinion of them held by Republicans and SOME will take offense to that opinion and fuck with people like you every chance they get, then YOU don't know much about people.

I think Lois took offense at the Tea Parties hatred of government and let it be known.
Oh well.

Not corrupt govt. Pissed off government workers though. You all should of thought of that before you Repubs started trash talking them so bad.

Dude, Lois Lerner isn't supposed to let her personal viewpoints interfere with her job performance.

This is textbook discrimination.

She was calling the Tea Party terrorists before it became popular. The Tea Party is basically average Americans who were worried about government spending. For that they were called terrorists.
i must have missed where she called tea party members terrorists. she did call the end of america doomsdayers crazies and said they'd take us down, but i'm not sure that equates to tea party or even terrorists.

Maybe she was thinking of Sharron Angle's references to taking up arms against the government.
these were from her government blackberry. totally different system.

But here's the point.

It's November 12th, 2014. Mrs. Lerner is in England for business. Her friend texts her about how people on talk radio are truly losing their shit a week after Obama won a second term. She uses a few invectives to describe the extremists.

Wow. Crime of the century here.

The point is Lerner is a corrupt asshole who abused her power for political reasons and those who blindly support the actions of the I.R.S. because they were going after those you disagree with have helped set the precedent for future administrations to continue and expand on this type of abuse. When the next Republican administration tries to use the I.R.S. against liberal groups in the same way good luck trying to get any action taken against them or anyone held accountable you will though hear the words phony scandal a lot.

If the Republicans ever get back into power, how they use the IRS will be the least of my worries.

I'd be worried about getting into wars so Haliburton could make a big profit or losing a major city because they put a Horse Show guy in charge of FEMA. Those would be the kind of things I'd be worried about. I'd be worried that they'd so defang federal agencies that they don't do their jobs. Like the SEC being asleep at the wheel when the Banksters wrecked the economy.

That'd be the kind of shit I'd worry about. Not that some Liberal Group couldn't get a fraudalent tax exemption.

Yeah...because Ds never get us into wars...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Another illogical, partisan, and foolish post by you.

When will you ever learn?
Fuck you muddy. You stupidity is showing again. Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?
Don't you ever read anything that isn't Republican propaganda?

That should be "your stupidity," not "you stupidity."

Good to see that you can get something right. Like spelling "your" and "you". Nice job. You learn that recently?

But even though my fingers missed the "r", you knew what word I intended to use.

That is even more progress.

the only thing youR finger missed was the dingleberry still hanging from youR nose..., pick it damnit, pick it ! :lmao:
WASHINGTON (AP) — A former IRS official at the heart of the agency's tea party controversy called conservative Republicans "crazies" and more in emails released Wednesday.

Lois Lerner headed the IRS division that handles applications for tax-exempt status. In a series of emails with a colleague in November 2012, Lerner made two disparaging remarks about members of the GOP, including one remark that was profane.

Rep. Dave Camp, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, released the emails Wednesday as part of his committee's investigation. The Michigan Republican says the emails show Lerner's "disgust with conservatives."

In one email, Lerner called members of the GOP crazies. In the other, she called them "assholes." The committee redacted the wording to "_holes" in the material it released publicly but a committee spokeswoman confirmed to the AP that the email said "assholes."

More: Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

Thank you, Lois Lerner. The rest of the link is also worth reading. It's funny - and TRUE.

She deserves a nice Ambassadorship to France or some other beautiful country for saying it like it is!

Clinton/Lerner 2016!

Okay, so in November when republicans take the house. I hope you still feel that way, or in 2016 when a republican becomes president. I really hope you feel the same. If he decides to sick the irs on all gay couples. You will still think nothing about it? People like yourself are sick, but eventually you will get what you deserve. The type of power you don't mind Obama having, the next president could do a executive order and outlaw gay marriage.
Bullshit. I already know what lefty thinks about the classical liberal. Lefty, that womanish Pollyanna,

You're using "Womanish" as an insult. Quite charming.

Keep on being such a proud sexist bigot. We democrats appreciate the votes you bring us.

has been smirking at the rugged individualists of America's founding ever since the Progressive Era of neoliberal fascism. What he had better not do is monkey with the classical liberal's inalienable political rights, which is precisely what that bitch Lerner did. We conservatives known what she did. We're not going to debate with you over that. I've done my research. I know the facts. I'm not going hash that out with a bunch lying leftist yahoos on this forum. This ain't the Wilson years or the FDR years of impunitive suppression. We're going to take back the Senate in November and get our pound of flesh.

Obama acknowledge the wrongdoing when the IRS's misconduct was first revealed. Remember? He was against it before he was for it again. Remember? A few weeks later, into the next news cycle, suddenly, the conservative's complaint against the IRS was just so much scandal mongering. Remember?

You really are off in your own little fantasy bubble. I hope it's not too rough for you when it pops. I mean, how are you going to get the vengeance you've sworn? Your evil villain laugh just won't have the same effect if you're not holding supreme power.

You again. Weren't you dispatched here?


I thought you had sworn me off.

Feeling better now that you have that off your breast?

Lefties. :lol:
Mitch didn't use the IRS to harass his political opponents, numbnuts.........

Correct. Bush did.

When the IRS targeted liberals - Salon.com

What the Left Wing Salon is leaving out of the story about the NAACP investigation by the IRS is that the NAACP actively campaigned against President G. W. Bush during their 2004 Convention in Philly.

That is a violation of their Tax exempt status. However, because they are the NAACP, the investigation went no where because of false claims of Racism.

Lets skip to this current mess where Julian Bonds, former head of the NAACP, is saying that it is great that the IRS is investigating the Tea Party groups because they are racist.. despite the fact that many have Black and Latino members.

You really should do your homework before believing what you read at Salon and other highly Partisan websites. I know I try to always get more than one source when I read an article from a Right Leaning Web site.

Dude, Lois Lerner isn't supposed to let her personal viewpoints interfere with her job performance.

This is textbook discrimination.

She was calling the Tea Party terrorists before it became popular. The Tea Party is basically average Americans who were worried about government spending. For that they were called terrorists.

Actually, they were called terrorists for shit like this


Exercising a constitutional right makes one a terrorist?

I guess that makes you a terrorist too.

It appears JoeB realized how stupid his statement was.

What the Left Wing Salon is leaving out of the story about the NAACP investigation by the IRS is that the NAACP actively campaigned against President G. W. Bush during their 2004 Convention in Philly.

That is a violation of their Tax exempt status. However, because they are the NAACP, the investigation went no where because of false claims of Racism.

Lets skip to this current mess where Julian Bonds, former head of the NAACP, is saying that it is great that the IRS is investigating the Tea Party groups because they are racist.. despite the fact that many have Black and Latino members.

You really should do your homework before believing what you read at Salon and other highly Partisan websites. I know I try to always get more than one source when I read an article from a Right Leaning Web site.

Their notion of doing homework is reporting the half baked truths put out by bsnbc or moveon and claim that any news source that is not a dedicated hater of capitalism is run by knuckle draggers, regardless if the infornation put out by those sources is true or not.

Is that not true? Look at these deranged hypocrites that post here.
Since when is it a crime to talk bad about republicans and the tea party? Apparently the constitution loving party forgot about the 1st amendment.
She's gone from the government, and that is best.

Well, the best thing is her wearing an orange jumpsuit for the next decade or so.

Of course, these stories are leaked on purpose. Even the story that the IRS is targeting conservatives and conservative groups. Why? Cause the commie in chief wants to let the conservatives who contribute to the republican party or conservative groups are indeed being targeted by the IRS. This will prevent funding.

Look at what we have in the white house. A charming snake who can do no wrong in the eyes of the piece of shit left. Especially wasted of shit like JoeB. What a complete traitorous fucktard. The piece of shit in chief is a FUNDRAISING EXPERT. The only thing he does well, other than community organizing and being a good orator in how he reads things off of teleprompters. That is all he knows.

Therefore, he knows he will get away with any and all crimes he has committed. He knows he can break every promise he ever made the morons like sallow or rightwinger. They are blind sheep who have no clue how the economy works and cheer for wall street while it being artificially inflated for the rich while they claim to be against wall street and the rich.

The criminal lying commie piece of shit in chief has done a great job of sending a clear message to all decent Americans (any and all conservatives who see through the attempts of the democraps to crush capitalism to the loud cheers of the traitors like JoeB) that he is a king and the laws do not apply to him, therefore do not send money to these groups.

That is what is happening. The only good news is one day the morons on the left who are not rich will be suffering badly. That, brings me a little joy.

I agree but at the least she should have lost her cushy taxpayer funded retirement.
Since when is it a crime to talk bad about republicans and the tea party? Apparently the constitution loving party forgot about the 1st amendment.

It's only against the law if you are a Government employee and doing it on Government time with Government Paid For equipment, such as computers and internet access.

Especially if you are using your official position in the Government to actively attempt to harass and silence those with whom you politically disagree with.
With emails like this floating around the IRS offices, why would anyone think there's any pro-liberal bias there?

It's a real boner, I say.

personal email sent from her irs account. not intra-office.

"In the newly released emails, Lerner was apparently traveling in Great Britain when she uses her Blackberry to send a series of emails to a colleague at the IRS."
She is right about many of them.

The Independent.

The man—or is it the dog?—who stands, resolutely, at the very center of popular and political culture. He's the man with his finger on the pulse of America or in the air gauging the direction of her winds. He's the man of the hour . . . or the next! He's the reasonable center. The independent thinker. The moderate between two extremes. The quintessential pragmatist. No ideologue here. He's the man of action without a trace of ontological justification.

In short, he's the mealy mouthed mush mouth, a jelly fish, the latest fashion . . . the pontificator of the utterly arbitrary, a.k.a., mob rule.
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You again. Weren't you dispatched here?

You keep claiming victory over me, but that's all you do. You never address what I actually say. I show up, you soil yourself and babble about the "statist" voices in your head.

If you're not actually the wuss you appear to be, try to discuss some of the things you keep running from. For starters, explain why you believe "womanish" is an insult.
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well let's examine what was said, shall we?

in a thread where Lois Lerner calls end of the world jerks waiting for the us to collapse so they can be justified in their arming up and food hoarding assholes. that's her opinion.

it's then said that because of that, she shouldn't work in government.

why? for no reason other than her opinion? what else does the email show us, or prove?

Bullshit. I already know what lefty thinks about the classical liberal. Lefty, that womanish Pollyanna, has been smirking at the rugged individualists of America's founding ever since the Progressive Era of neoliberal fascism. What he had better not do is monkey with the classical liberal's inalienable political rights, which is precisely what that bitch Lerner did. We conservatives known what she did. We're not going to debate with you over that. I've done my research. I know the facts. I'm not going hash that out with a bunch lying leftist yahoos on this forum. This ain't the Wilson years or the FDR years of impunitive suppression. We're going to take back the Senate in November and get our pound of flesh.

Obama acknowledge the wrongdoing when the IRS's misconduct was first revealed. Remember? He was against it before he was for it again. Remember? A few weeks later, into the next news cycle, suddenly, the conservative's complaint against the IRS was just so much scandal mongering. Remember?

facts. evidence. those are for weak women. you're a manly man, you've got your gut and am radio. that's all real americans need.

You don't have the first clue about who you're talking to, but if it makes you all warm and fuzzy inside to cast me as the stereotypical, knuckle-dragging reactionary, well, by all means, have at it.

In other words, is that all you got, pumpkin?

Using the IRS to suppress political speech or action is a serious matter. Wilson, FDR, Johnson and Nixon's abuses are all well-documented, yet they all got away it. Well, maybe not Nixon. It seems the closest America ever gets to holding presidents accountable for these kinds of abuses are in the tribunals of historical reflection. The only thing the rule of law ever nabs in the heat of the moment are the underlings. The similar abuses of the Obama administration are self-evident, and Lerner's fingerprints are all over them. The evidence is out there for anybody to examine. All that remains is a politically unobstructed viewing of that evidence in a formal proceeding . . . and let the chips fall where they may.

In the meantime, your willful ignorance, partisanship, naiveté, political sociopathy or whatever it is, is not an argument.
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