Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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You still have not proven that political bias had anything to do with what took place. When you do, you'll have a gripe.

LOL...when the head of the IRS Exempt Organizations Division is emailing others that she thinks conservatives are crazies and assholes...and THEN that person's Division targets conservatives it's hard to portray this as anything else, Laugher! Let's face facts...Lois Lerner doesn't like conservatives. She's admitted that in the few emails of hers that have survived the IRS coverup. She also apologized for improperly targeting conservatives right before the IG's report was to be made public in a rather transparent attempt at damage control.

My "gripe" is that the IRS seems to be spending more time hiding the truth from the American people and protecting IRS employees that were involved in this then they've been spending on fixing the problem. Who's been punished for what took place? You've had 3 different IRS Heads that have come before Congress and gave "misleading" (and I'm being generous with that description!) testimony. At what point are they going to stop shoveling bullshit on this issue and start providing real answers?

The assholes e-mails and the tax exempt status applications are unrelated.

You have nothing.

Welllllllllll, not entirely.......seeing how the applications were approved.....after the election. It does kinda show playing politics on behalf of the IRS shows volumes, then adding in the emails.......shows some dots being connected to those with any kind of an open mind.
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Abuse is making sure organizations play by the rules? Keep in mind that of all political organizations that were investigated, only liberal organizations lost their non-profit status.

The IRS is doing their job. Get over it.

Abuse is making one side jump through all kinds of hoops you DON'T make the other side jump through, 1%er! I'm curious...if someone who was in charge of voter registration asked blacks to fill out a twenty page questionnaire that nobody else had to fill out...would you find that to be offensive and just plain wrong?

You still have not proven that political bias had anything to do with what took place. When you do, you'll have a gripe.

107 conservative groups singled out for scrutiny. Each group asked an average of 15 questions, 46% of the groups get approval.

7 non conservative groups singled out. Each group asked 5 questions, 100% approved.
You still have not proven that political bias had anything to do with what took place. When you do, you'll have a gripe.

LOL...when the head of the IRS Exempt Organizations Division is emailing others that she thinks conservatives are crazies and assholes...and THEN that person's Division targets conservatives it's hard to portray this as anything else, Laugher! Let's face facts...Lois Lerner doesn't like conservatives. She's admitted that in the few emails of hers that have survived the IRS coverup. She also apologized for improperly targeting conservatives right before the IG's report was to be made public in a rather transparent attempt at damage control.

My "gripe" is that the IRS seems to be spending more time hiding the truth from the American people and protecting IRS employees that were involved in this then they've been spending on fixing the problem. Who's been punished for what took place? You've had 3 different IRS Heads that have come before Congress and gave "misleading" (and I'm being generous with that description!) testimony. At what point are they going to stop shoveling bullshit on this issue and start providing real answers?

The assholes e-mails and the tax exempt status applications are unrelated.

You have nothing.

They are "unrelated"? How so? Was that NOT Lois Lerner making those statements while she was the Head of Exempt Organizations? If so then how can they not be related? Those emails show Lerner's state of mind during this time period.
Correct me if I'm wrong but since when did someone considering you an "asshole" make you eligible to be singled out for unlawful treatment? Is that what our government has devolved to? A bunch of "civil servants" protected by unions deciding that American citizens are "assholes" because of their political beliefs and therefore fair game for abuse? Is that where we now find ourselves?

Abuse is making sure organizations play by the rules? Keep in mind that of all political organizations that were investigated, only liberal organizations lost their non-profit status.

The IRS is doing their job. Get over it.

Abuse is making one side jump through all kinds of hoops you DON'T make the other side jump through, 1%er! I'm curious...if someone who was in charge of voter registration asked blacks to fill out a twenty page questionnaire that nobody else had to fill out...would you find that to be offensive and just plain wrong?

Which hoops were those?
Because if it is...then we need to flush the whole system and start over again...

So what system would be better?

If we're talking about the IRS...and they have been shown to no longer be non-partisan...I would suggest doing away with income tax's and going to a consumption tax. You want to buy a 6 million dollar house...you pay the tax on that 6 million. You want to buy a $10,000 double-wide trailer...you pay the tax on that ten thousand. Everyone's got skin in the game...from the smallest guy to the biggest. Doing so would allow us to pretty much do away with the IRS. I don't know about you...but I wouldn't miss that agency AT ALL!!!

Sales tax on a house?
Abuse is making one side jump through all kinds of hoops you DON'T make the other side jump through, 1%er! I'm curious...if someone who was in charge of voter registration asked blacks to fill out a twenty page questionnaire that nobody else had to fill out...would you find that to be offensive and just plain wrong?

You still have not proven that political bias had anything to do with what took place. When you do, you'll have a gripe.

LOL...when the head of the IRS Exempt Organizations Division is emailing others that she thinks conservatives are crazies and assholes...and THEN that person's Division targets conservatives it's hard to portray this as anything else, Laugher! Let's face facts...Lois Lerner doesn't like conservatives. She's admitted that in the few emails of hers that have survived the IRS coverup. She also apologized for improperly targeting conservatives right before the IG's report was to be made public in a rather transparent attempt at damage control.

My "gripe" is that the IRS seems to be spending more time hiding the truth from the American people and protecting IRS employees that were involved in this then they've been spending on fixing the problem. Who's been punished for what took place? You've had 3 different IRS Heads that have come before Congress and gave "misleading" (and I'm being generous with that description!) testimony. At what point are they going to stop shoveling bullshit on this issue and start providing real answers?

If the GOP seems to think they've been unfairly targeted then the are crazy ass holes.
Nope. It reveals her attitude about RW nutjobs. That has nothing to do with conservative groups and whether of not they qualify for tax exempt status.


The definition of "right wing nut job" that you and Lerner both subscribe to is "anyone who criticized Obama or the government."

Nope. I criticize Obama and the government all the time.

More fail.

You only criticize them for not being leftist enough.
Abuse is making one side jump through all kinds of hoops you DON'T make the other side jump through, 1%er! I'm curious...if someone who was in charge of voter registration asked blacks to fill out a twenty page questionnaire that nobody else had to fill out...would you find that to be offensive and just plain wrong?

You still have not proven that political bias had anything to do with what took place. When you do, you'll have a gripe.

107 conservative groups singled out for scrutiny. Each group asked an average of 15 questions, 46% of the groups get approval.

7 non conservative groups singled out. Each group asked 5 questions, 100% approved.

Those are interesting numbers!!!

Where'd they come from?

We should discuss them in a little more detail.
LOL...when the head of the IRS Exempt Organizations Division is emailing others that she thinks conservatives are crazies and assholes...and THEN that person's Division targets conservatives it's hard to portray this as anything else, Laugher! Let's face facts...Lois Lerner doesn't like conservatives. She's admitted that in the few emails of hers that have survived the IRS coverup. She also apologized for improperly targeting conservatives right before the IG's report was to be made public in a rather transparent attempt at damage control.

My "gripe" is that the IRS seems to be spending more time hiding the truth from the American people and protecting IRS employees that were involved in this then they've been spending on fixing the problem. Who's been punished for what took place? You've had 3 different IRS Heads that have come before Congress and gave "misleading" (and I'm being generous with that description!) testimony. At what point are they going to stop shoveling bullshit on this issue and start providing real answers?

The assholes e-mails and the tax exempt status applications are unrelated.

You have nothing.

Welllllllllll, not entirely.......seeing how the applications were approved.....after the election. It does kinda show playing politics on behalf of the IRS shows volumes, then adding in the emails.......shows some dots being connected to those with any kind of an open mind.

You seem confused. Were the applications approved.....or not?
Lois nailed it. She understood the loonies she was dealing with.

Get over yourself faux indian. If she hadn't sent the emails their would be nothing to 'latch onto'. Unlike yourself if I had been in charge I would have been upfront. There never would have been any coverup.

LOL...when the head of the IRS Exempt Organizations Division is emailing others that she thinks conservatives are crazies and assholes...and THEN that person's Division targets conservatives it's hard to portray this as anything else, Laugher!

But you got the sequence of events wrong, guy. She called them assholes and crazies AFTER the election. You know, when they were all getting on Hate Radio and talking about guns and ammo and stocking food and overthrowing the government because they didn't win an election.

There's no evidence that she 'targeted' anyone before the election.

Let's face facts...Lois Lerner doesn't like conservatives. She's admitted that in the few emails of hers that have survived the IRS coverup. She also apologized for improperly targeting conservatives right before the IG's report was to be made public in a rather transparent attempt at damage control.

You mean she apologized for the method she used to detect fraud.

My "gripe" is that the IRS seems to be spending more time hiding the truth from the American people and protecting IRS employees that were involved in this then they've been spending on fixing the problem. Who's been punished for what took place? You've had 3 different IRS Heads that have come before Congress and gave "misleading" (and I'm being generous with that description!) testimony. At what point are they going to stop shoveling bullshit on this issue and start providing real answers?

Fixing the problem would be admitting Citizen's United was a huge mistake. The problem is that a lot of groups are trying to hide where their money is coming from.

Frankly, we need more and more stringent enforcement of the laws. This is pretty much what John McCain once called "Legalized Bribery". I'm a lot more concerned that the Koch Brothers and George Soros are trying to buy our democracy than whether Lois Lerner said mean things about you.

Why aren't you?

Yeah...because Ds never get us into wars...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Another illogical, partisan, and foolish post by you.

When will you ever learn?

You have to go back 50 years before you'd find a Democrat who got us into a real big war. You know, one with thousands of boys coming home in body bags.

When I was growing up, my Mom used to say "Democrats give us wars, Republicans give us Recessions".

Now Republicans give us both.

Another foolish partisan post Little Joe.

So...REALLY BIG WAR, by your dumb standards, must include Vietnam and Iraq. One started by a corrupt lying murderous D and the other by a dumb ass statist progressive R...one by a D and one by R...yet you think Rs are worse.

...and who is bad at math?

No, a really big war is one where lots and lots of Americans die. So I'd put Afghanistan and the First Gulf War in that category, too.

While I think the bombing of Serbia was kind of stupid, it doesn't really count as a big war.

So under the last three republican Presidents, we've had three really big wars, and four really big recessions.
Bull. If churches are committing tax fraud for endorsement of political candidates, then why aren't they being convicted?

Political cowardice, mostly. No one wants to drag a minister into court.

Same reason they get away with fucking altar boys in the ass for years.

Bull. It's legal and you don't like it. Boo hoo. Grow up.

Um, no it's not. It's illegal, but generally not enforced.

U.S. tax authorities ignore illegal political activities by churches « Why Evolution Is True

Under the Internal Revenue Code, all IRC section 501(c)(3) organizations, including churches and religious organizations, are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Contributions to political campaign funds or public statements of position (verbal or written) made by or on behalf of the organization in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity. Violation of this prohibition may result in denial or revocation of tax-exempt status and the imposition of certain excise tax.
This is what the Tea Baggers in this thread sound like:


Bad lady called you a mean name....
You have to go back 50 years before you'd find a Democrat who got us into a real big war. You know, one with thousands of boys coming home in body bags.

When I was growing up, my Mom used to say "Democrats give us wars, Republicans give us Recessions".

Now Republicans give us both.

Another foolish partisan post Little Joe.

So...REALLY BIG WAR, by your dumb standards, must include Vietnam and Iraq. One started by a corrupt lying murderous D and the other by a dumb ass statist progressive R...one by a D and one by R...yet you think Rs are worse.

...and who is bad at math?

No, a really big war is one where lots and lots of Americans die. So I'd put Afghanistan and the First Gulf War in that category, too.

While I think the bombing of Serbia was kind of stupid, it doesn't really count as a big war.

So under the last three republican Presidents, we've had three really big wars, and four really big recessions.

Many more American combat deaths in Afghan under you Messiah's watch, than under W. If you do not know this, then you should take a break and get informed.

Secondly, in the first Gulf War, the US had less than 300 combat deaths. Hardly thousands coming home in body bags.

So by your standard, we have TWO Ds (LBJ and Big Ears) and only one R.

So, not only do you not know math, you do not know history.

Many more American combat deaths in Afghan under you Messiah's watch, than under W. If you do not know this, then you should take a break and get informed.

Completely irrelevent to the point I was making. Obama didn't START the Afghan War.

Secondly, in the first Gulf War, the US had less than 300 combat deaths. Hardly thousands coming home in body bags.

Hundreds is still a lot. Especially if one of them is someone you cared about.

So by your standard, we have TWO Ds (LBJ and Big Ears) and only one R.

So, not only do you not know math, you do not know history.

I think you are flaying to make a weak argument- again.

Hey, I'd love to go back to the Clinton years when we had peace, prosperity and the worst thing we had to worry about was if the president had lied about getting a blow job.

Lying about weapons that didn't exist to fight a war we didn't need to have seems a lot worse.
Lois Lerner Criticized GOP As 'Crazies,' 'Assholes' In Emails

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