Lois Lerner Gets Preferential Treatment / AIG Sessions Is A Joke

Lerner uses the IRS to terrorize Americans and gets away with it. Sad. Sessions is a joke. Drain the swamp, my ass.

Trump DOJ declines to charge key figure in IRS scandal
Yes, it's a darned shame the manufactured bullshit the pseudocon propaganda outlets fed to you rubes wasn't real.

No idea what your asserting. I'm guessing you're keeping it vague because any real talk would inevitably lead to the fact that the Obama admin was the most corrupt in our nation's history.
Maybe she's cooperating with the Justice Dept in other investigations.
Lerner uses the IRS to terrorize Americans and gets away with it. Sad. Sessions is a joke. Drain the swamp, my ass.

Trump DOJ declines to charge key figure in IRS scandal
Yes, it's a darned shame the manufactured bullshit the pseudocon propaganda outlets fed to you rubes wasn't real.

No idea what your asserting. I'm guessing you're keeping it vague because any real talk would inevitably lead to the fact that the Obama admin was the most corrupt in our nation's history.
I'm asserting there is no evidence to support the claims about the IRS your propaganda masters made.

That's why our government has dropped the case.

That's what makes America great. No evidence, no case.
Lerner uses the IRS to terrorize Americans and gets away with it. Sad. Sessions is a joke. Drain the swamp, my ass.

Trump DOJ declines to charge key figure in IRS scandal
Yes, it's a darned shame the manufactured bullshit the pseudocon propaganda outlets fed to you rubes wasn't real.
Yet you believe everything you are told by the DNC Bolshevik media. LOL
You tards never tire of tu quoque fallacies. :lol:

It's all you have.
Lerner uses the IRS to terrorize Americans and gets away with it. Sad. Sessions is a joke. Drain the swamp, my ass.

Trump DOJ declines to charge key figure in IRS scandal
Yes, it's a darned shame the manufactured bullshit the pseudocon propaganda outlets fed to you rubes wasn't real.

No idea what your asserting. I'm guessing you're keeping it vague because any real talk would inevitably lead to the fact that the Obama admin was the most corrupt in our nation's history.
I'm asserting there is no evidence to support the claims about the IRS your propaganda masters made.

That's why our government has dropped the case.

That's what makes America great. No evidence, no case.

Oh, well, then you're just retarded. There's mountains of evidence that Lerner was corrupt. She didn't take the fifth because she was acting within the law.
Lerner uses the IRS to terrorize Americans and gets away with it. Sad. Sessions is a joke. Drain the swamp, my ass.

Trump DOJ declines to charge key figure in IRS scandal
Yes, it's a darned shame the manufactured bullshit the pseudocon propaganda outlets fed to you rubes wasn't real.

No idea what your asserting. I'm guessing you're keeping it vague because any real talk would inevitably lead to the fact that the Obama admin was the most corrupt in our nation's history.
I'm asserting there is no evidence to support the claims about the IRS your propaganda masters made.

That's why our government has dropped the case.

That's what makes America great. No evidence, no case.

Blind partisanship has caused both sides to go bat shit crazy over the last 10 to 15 years or so.
Lerner uses the IRS to terrorize Americans and gets away with it. Sad. Sessions is a joke. Drain the swamp, my ass.

Trump DOJ declines to charge key figure in IRS scandal
Yes, it's a darned shame the manufactured bullshit the pseudocon propaganda outlets fed to you rubes wasn't real.

No idea what your asserting. I'm guessing you're keeping it vague because any real talk would inevitably lead to the fact that the Obama admin was the most corrupt in our nation's history.
I'm asserting there is no evidence to support the claims about the IRS your propaganda masters made.

That's why our government has dropped the case.

That's what makes America great. No evidence, no case.

Blind partisanship has caused both sides to go bat shit crazy over the last 10 to 15 years or so.
Yet that has nothing to do with the current level of corruption in politics and politicians...
Lerner uses the IRS to terrorize Americans and gets away with it. Sad. Sessions is a joke. Drain the swamp, my ass.

Trump DOJ declines to charge key figure in IRS scandal
Yes, it's a darned shame the manufactured bullshit the pseudocon propaganda outlets fed to you rubes wasn't real.

No idea what your asserting. I'm guessing you're keeping it vague because any real talk would inevitably lead to the fact that the Obama admin was the most corrupt in our nation's history.
I'm asserting there is no evidence to support the claims about the IRS your propaganda masters made.

That's why our government has dropped the case.

That's what makes America great. No evidence, no case.

Blind partisanship has caused both sides to go bat shit crazy over the last 10 to 15 years or so.
Yet that has nothing to do with the current level of corruption in politics and politicians...

That corruption runs deep on both sides, make no mistake!
Yes, it's a darned shame the manufactured bullshit the pseudocon propaganda outlets fed to you rubes wasn't real.

No idea what your asserting. I'm guessing you're keeping it vague because any real talk would inevitably lead to the fact that the Obama admin was the most corrupt in our nation's history.
I'm asserting there is no evidence to support the claims about the IRS your propaganda masters made.

That's why our government has dropped the case.

That's what makes America great. No evidence, no case.

Blind partisanship has caused both sides to go bat shit crazy over the last 10 to 15 years or so.
Yet that has nothing to do with the current level of corruption in politics and politicians...

That corruption runs deep on both sides, make no mistake!
Why be myopic about a widespread problem? Drop the drug war that they bilk the taxpayer for and start a war on corruption.......
No idea what your asserting. I'm guessing you're keeping it vague because any real talk would inevitably lead to the fact that the Obama admin was the most corrupt in our nation's history.
I'm asserting there is no evidence to support the claims about the IRS your propaganda masters made.

That's why our government has dropped the case.

That's what makes America great. No evidence, no case.

Blind partisanship has caused both sides to go bat shit crazy over the last 10 to 15 years or so.
Yet that has nothing to do with the current level of corruption in politics and politicians...

That corruption runs deep on both sides, make no mistake!
Why be myopic about a widespread problem? Drop the drug war that they bilk the taxpayer for and start a war on corruption.......

I would get behind that in a second!
Jeff Sessions' DoJ Will Not Investigate IRS Suppression of Tea Party Groups - Breitbart

"Republicans slammed the Friday announcement by President Donald Trump’s justice department that it will not investigate the official who allegedly oversaw the IRS’ secret sabotage of Americans’ civic groups before the 2012 election.

It sends the message that the same legal, ethical, and Constitutional standards we all live by do not apply to Washington political appointees – who will now have the green light to target Americans for their political beliefs and mislead investigators without ever being held accountable for their lawlessness. Not only has the Department of Justice chosen not to hold [IRS manager] Lois Lerner criminally liable for obstructing an official investigation by the Inspector General, the Department continues to defend the Internal Revenue Service’s unconstitutional actions against taxpayers in ongoing civil litigation.

“The decision not to prosecute Lois Lerner is a miscarriage of justice, ” said an accompanying statement from the chairman of the tax policy subcommittee, Illinois Rep. Peter Roskam. He continued:

On top of Ms. Lerner’s actions against taxpayers – denying tax-exempt status to groups for political gain and failing to protect taxpayer information – the Department’s response blatantly ignores our most troubling finding: that Ms. Lerner intentionally misled federal investigators in a flagrant violation of the law. This is unacceptable and Ms. Lerner must be held accountable. Our democracy is injured when those who taxpayers entrust with great authority ignore the law to advance their own political agenda without repercussion

If Trump - or perhapa just Sessions - is 'colluding' with anyone it seems to he with the criminal Democratic Party to continue to protect them from prosecution.
As long as I have been here, you still haven't gotten it, eh?

When are you going to put two and two together?

Well, let's try again. When you want to find out who the criminals in society are, you follow the money, or, at least those who control it.

Why do you think the Democrats knew Trump's folks had business ties to Russia? Of course, b/c they had them as well, doing the same things. I'm sure at this point, you know about the Podesta brothers doing the same shit as Manafort.

The whole circus is meant to distract voters from what is actually going on with spending, the corruption in the markets, and the financial debt, and how it affects investors, economic growth, jobs and folks retirement. The "enemies" we fight, are created by the unofficial, entrenched, and un-elected government.

It doesn't matter if you call yourself a Republican, or a Democrat, a conservative or a progressive, the folks actually running the show don't give a shit about any of us, they just want to keep the people fighting among each other, and keep the Congress continually running investigations and the press continually having folks in a state of outrage.

If that means letting elites break the laws and get away with it, or if that means prosecuting innocent Americans, whatever that means, IT WILL CONTINUE.

By now, anyone with half a brain knows that this same Deep State and Shadow Government worked with shady elites in the Muslim world to orchestrate 9/11, while they were all making a tidy profit off of middle Americans.

And it didn't make a damn bit of difference if you were liberal or conservative, everyone died in those towers, and more died in the cleanup, after they suffered from chronic diseases. On top of that, they swindled billions of dollars from the American economy and made us all believe their were real enemies, while they stripped our freedoms, and turned the world into a Police State.



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