LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

You're the one who said you didn't know what happened before the big bang or expansion of the universe. Thus, I presented KCA based on the CMB being
You copied it from somewhere without knowing what it was. I told you what it was

It's called the Kalam Cosmological Argument.
An ancient philosophical idea popularized by William Lane Craig in his 1979 book of the title.
Lane is a Christian Apologist

It is, of course, just a giant God of the Gaps: We don't know/know yet. so it must be god/GodDidIt fallacy.
Your link of course, another kweationist apologetics website.
Thanks for answering the questions.

What do you mean by "just a giant God of the Gaps?"

>>We don't know/know yet.<<

Shouldn't you know by now? How many billions of years do you need?

See I have the answers, but the atheists here don't. I think you're missing WLC's key points believing in atheism and the big lie.

Well, james bond isn't very bright.
Agreed. His posts are full of non sequiturs. He has no intuition about formal logic. Some of his replies are totally ad hominem w/o any argument at all. As a troll, he wants attention by stirring things up. You don't need to be bright to do that.

The Kalam argument simply asserts that there is some magnificent cause behind the universe. It is then called God. That is just a word defined as the entity prior to the initial expansion. So what? It is just a label that religious people like to use and does not add anything to science.

It also does not add anything to Christianity either. There is nothing in the argument that gives credence to that entity creating a first man and woman. There is nothing saying people should pray to it so it can micromanage their lives. There is nothing in the argument saying evolution is wrong. There is nothing that says that man is made in that entity's image.

The Kaleam argument is vacuous. Nobody knows what happened before the universe expansion. Giving it the name God simply confuses Bible thumpers into thinking that their personal God that they pray to is proven to exist. It proves nothing of the sort.
You don't seem to understand logical arguments. Your comments just seem like whining to me because your side has no cosmological argument. With my big bang gif example, your side ends up staring at a blank screen.

You can continue to believe in atheism, but science doesn't back up Darwin's book.
With all due respect, that’s about as silly a remark as anyone can make.
It seems evolutionary principles are REQUIRED taught in every med school in the country while absolutely any courses linked to any required Christianity and their doctrines are NEVER required. It’s ridiculous. Doctors who practice in the United States are of every religion including non Christian and atheism. Of course the Church can help fund schools and provide scholarships. It’s part of their obligation to remain non profit. The charitable work of the Catholic faith requires the participation of doctors, as well as an assist from the military and governments they do their work in.That doesn’t mean they are a military organization. Goid grief. Trying to provide support for a made up idea from made up organizations based on made up ideas from made up publications, isn’t evidence.
So the guy who founded CDC wasn't an atheist. Well, give me one example of an atheist doctor who did something notable?

I can't see an atheist doctor giving last rites. Dominus abbacus bull sh*t. The grieving family will have a fit and prolly want Dexter New Blood anti-hero to kill the doctor.

You and the atheists here need to face some reality. Atheism didn't do anything for medicine no matter how much you're on your knees begging for someone who believes in evolution, i.e. life from non-life. Science and medicine does not back up evolution. Nothing is observable.
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Agreed. His posts are full of non sequiturs. He has no intuition about formal logic. Some of his replies are totally ad hominem w/o any argument at all. As a troll, he wants attention by stirring things up. You don't need to be bright to do that.

He is the victim of delusion, so he is engaged in "backwards think".

Normal, rational adults happen upon information and draw conclusions from it, or alter their preconceptions. A mentally handicapped person like james bond reacts to all incoming information reflexively, like an amoeba. He then attempts (usually rather poorly) to retrofit the new information to the preconception, which must be maintained at all costs. So the result is blatant, shameless self-contradiction, demonstrably false lies, and unavoidable fallacy.

So what we end up seeing is a babbling, incoherent fool who admits all the mechanisms of Evolution, but thinks all species are static. An idiot who thinks species adapt, but also do not change. A sniveling liar who makes up lies about why no creation science research has EVER been published. Etc., etc.
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You don't seem to understand logical arguments. Your comments just seem like whining to me because your side has no cosmological argument. With my big bang gif example, your side ends up staring at a blank screen.

You can continue to believe in atheism, but science doesn't back up Darwin's book.

What are the flaws of a cosmological argument?
Cosmological Argument Weaknesses. Just like any other argument, the cosmological argument also has its own flaws that have prevented many people from believing in it. Some of these weaknesses are: 1. It raises as many problems as solutions. Those who oppose the cosmological argument point out that it's useless and that it leaves people nowhere.
5 Cosmological Argument Strengths and Weaknesses | Flow ...

Medicine falls under Christianity more than evolutionary thinking. Look at all the hospitals based on Christian names and funded by the church -- Christianity and Modern Medicine | Biomedical Odyssey. The Bible tells us that creationists have control over sickness -- Charisma Magazine.

Your argument sounds more like opinion and what you want than what it is. What about the CDC since you mentioned disease control. Did an atheist in medicine founded it?
The vast majority I see going out in society helping others are churches, the vast majority of atheists are not interested in others, unless they can get some money or benefit out of them.
The vast majority I see going out in society helping others are churches, the vast majority of atheists are not interested in others, unless they can get some money or benefit out of them.

Oh come on now..There are plenty of money grubbing preachers. Turn on your TV.
You don't seem to understand logical arguments. Your comments just seem like whining to me
Ah, your usual troll ad hominem.
your side has no cosmological argument.
Both devoutly religious people and scientists in cosmology view the universe with a deep respect. Neither side claims to understand it. Both atheist and religious contemporary scientist try, with more and more sophisticated instruments to explore the origin. There are an increasing number of discoveries about the big bang, However creationists who cite the Kalam argument are not interested and simply say God did it and are done with it. As I said, that is vacuous.
You can continue to believe in atheism, but science doesn't back up Darwin's book.
You are wrong, but the context here is the Kalam argument not evolution.

So the guy who founded CDC wasn't an atheist. Well, give me one example of an atheist doctor who did something notable?

I can't see an atheist doctor giving last rites. Dominus abbacus bull sh*t. The grieving family will have a fit and prolly want Dexter New Blood anti-hero to kill the doctor.

You and the atheists here need to face some reality. Atheism didn't do anything for medicine no matter how much you're on your knees begging for someone who believes in evolution, i.e. life from non-life. Science and medicine does not back up evolution. Nothing is observable.
So your schtick now is because atheism isn’t obvious in medical science, your logic says Christianity must be. Leave to 8 year old logic.

Seriously, did you ever have any science courses growing up ? Just asking.
Aren't you guys the ones who say Democrats are atheists and communists and want the government to give free stuff to the poor?
No. We’re the ones who say republicans want free stuff. They don’t want to pay any taxes but are the first to whine when the gov isn’t there to coddle them.
Aren't you guys the ones who say Democrats are atheists and communists and want the government to give free stuff to the poor?
He actually breaches one of the things I find to be vile about organized religion: suffering porn.

We would be mistaken to think these religious groups want to solve any of these problems. They are handing out soup, instead of housing these people and teaching them to make soup.

You know, like the old saying goes: "Give a man a fish, then give him another fish tomorrow. You will feel really great about yourself and punch your ticket to your eternal reward. And he FOR SURE will be back tomorrow."

This aid is chiefly about two things:

- Feeling self righteous and heaven-bound
- Proselytizing

Atheists, having no use for either of these ideas, instead go to the more rational solution: wider action and policy not just to alleviate these problems, but to solve and prevent them. Yes, atheists organize clothing and food drives for those who need them.

But when you see someone on TV proposing we house the homeless, treat their mental illness, and teach them skills, all of which could cure their situation or even prevent it in the first place, you can bet it is someone from a secular organization, operating on secular reason based on evidence. The faithers are too busy sneaking Jesus flyers into sandwiches and daydreaming about their own eternal rewards.
The vast majority I see going out in society helping others are churches, the vast majority of atheists are not interested in others, unless they can get some money or benefit out of them.
Really ? You can’t be serious. The vast majority helping others are the local, state and federal gov agencies. When was the last time a church paid your healthcare or unemployment benefit…when millions lost their jobs duriNK the Bush lead recession ?
I didn’t see churches paying them during the shut down or handing out FREE vaccines And saving tens of thousands of live

Churches give some temporary relief to a few specialized areas to maintain their tax free status.

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