LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

Churches give some temporary relief to a few specialized areas to maintain their tax free status.
Ding ding ding

$50,000 for a new LED sign out front.

But raised $6000 for underprivileged kids to take field trips to the creation museum.

True story, from a church just down the road from me.
What are the flaws of a cosmological argument?
Cosmological Argument Weaknesses. Just like any other argument, the cosmological argument also has its own flaws that have prevented many people from believing in it. Some of these weaknesses are: 1. It raises as many problems as solutions. Those who oppose the cosmological argument point out that it's useless and that it leaves people nowhere.
5 Cosmological Argument Strengths and Weaknesses | Flow ...

1. No one created God. He is timeless, spaceless, all powerful supernatural Being, etc. It's in the Bible and it explains all.

After being at it at this long, I just go heh. Atheists can die and find out who won.
Ding ding ding

$50,000 for a new LED sign out front.

But raised $6000 for underprivileged kids to take field trips to the creation museum.

True story, from a church just down the road from me.
What about those abortion clinics? Get rid of the tax-free status, government funding, and track their doctors like Jason Bourne.
What about those abortion clinics? Get rid of the tax-free status, government funding, and track their doctors like Jason Bourne.

Why Do So Many Reject Creation Science? | Answers in Genesis
Jul 15, 2020 · Why do so many people reject creation science? Why do 98% of professional scientists accept evolution? This page seeks to answer these questions by documenting the behavior of opponents of young-earth creation science.

Jul 15, 2020 · Why do so many people reject creation science? Why do 98% of professional scientists accept evolution? This page seeks to answer these questions by documenting the behavior of opponents of young-earth creation science.
So your schtick now is because atheism isn’t obvious in medical science, your logic says Christianity must be. Leave to 8 year old logic.

Seriously, did you ever have any science courses growing up ? Just asking.
I guess you admit you lost as atheism doesn't have anything to do with medicine. It doesn't really have to do anything with evolution. We have theist evolutionists. All atheism has is a claim which science doesn't back up nor is anything observable.

What degree do you have? Kindergarten doesn't count.

I'm the one who provided the atheists here the evolution website from my school lol.
Something cannot come from nothing!

'Cept Gawd!
Now, you're getting it, but take out the "!" in your first sentence, spell God correctly, and get down on your knees while saying it (more sincerity and gratitude), and quit acting like a POS.
What about them? They and the people who use them are none of your business. Sorry. You only get to vote, just like everyone else. So go sit in the corner.
I didn't bring the government in here. No tax breaks for abortion clinics and government funding. The doctors end up being tracked as committing felonies.

ETA: I don't want to get into politics or R&E. Let's call it a Mexican standoff where each side backs away slowly with their guns drawn lol.
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You copied it from somewhere without knowing what it was. I told you what it was

What does planets and galaxies beyond our reach mean? The Bible explains that God did it to show us his vast power. It wasn't enough to just create spacetime, the universe, Earth, and everything in it. (It's part of His kingdom, power, and glory if this was R&E forum.) Evolution loses right there.
May be playing games? He is playing games. He has been continually trolling S&T with the same trite posts.
This is why you life will be cut short. God and people do not want to be called a troll. Instead, God gave us such wonderful things such as creation, the universe, Earth, and everything in it (in six days), natural selection, and more.

To me, you sound like a big whiner because long time and old Earth isn't observable nor provable. That's the only subject I remember discussing with you regarding S&T.

You're not even a mod here. Why don't you just complain of a specific post and reason for it to the mod if I am a troll? It seems you're the troll because I'm the only one you specifically pick out to label as such.
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This is why you life will be cut short. God and people do not want to be called a troll.
You are preaching God will kill me because I called you a troll? Jeez you are scraping bottom.

Tell me more about how the Kalam argument leads to a god that we should pray to because he micromanages our lives, and kills people who call you a troll.
This is why you life will be cut short. God and people do not want to be called a troll. Instead, God gave us such wonderful things such as creation, the universe, Earth, and everything in it (in six days), natural selection, and more.

To me, you sound like a big whiner because long time and old Earth isn't observable nor provable. That's the only subject I remember discussing with you regarding S&T.

You're not even a mod here. Why don't you just complain of a specific post and reason for it to the mod if I am a troll? It seems you're the troll because I'm the only one you specifically pick out to label as such.

You're stupid and mean.. You think God is going to cut a life short for you?
I guess you admit you lost as atheism doesn't have anything to do with medicine. It doesn't really have to do anything with evolution. We have theist evolutionists. All atheism has is a claim which science doesn't back up nor is anything observable.

What degree do you have? Kindergarten doesn't count.

I'm the one who provided the atheists here the evolution website from my school lol.
Let’s not use pigeon logic. Simple question. Have you ever had a science course, for the third time. Why can’t you answer the simple question ?
Sigh. Yeah. If he was a teacher he would tell Bobby that God will kill him because he threw a spit ball at Jane.
I suppose that's what we should expect, from a person who emulates the morals of ignorant, terrified, superstitious, illiterate peasants from the year zero.
You're not even a mod here. Why don't you just complain of a specific post and reason for it to the mod if I am a troll? It seems you're the troll because I'm the only one you specifically pick out to label as such.
Nah. I'm not a whiner. I discovered several trolls and called them trolls. You are up near the top in trolldom.
If it's any consolation, you are about the third from the top that I have seen.

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