LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

The word “ science” doesn’t even belong in the same sentence with “ creationism”. It’s just woo woo to do it. It’s a head scratcher, like the “ science of Oz.”
You are wrong. Atheists are usually wrong. Science has backed up the Bible many times.

Science hasn't backed up evolution. It's just a bunch of papers by atheist scientists who are trying to get recognition and money for their projects. Otherwise, you would be providing the answers instead of me. The head scratching science is evolution and evolutionary thinking as there is no observable evidence. You can't provide anything nor any truthful scientific answers.
I may have killed dinosaurs off in the Yucatan.. It certainly doesn't prove the Bible myths. Why don't you teach the Bible myths for their message instead of teaching children to be ignorant about science? Teaching myth as science is a terrible thing to do to our young people. They will grow up ignorant and backwards.
Lol, you're a weakling and someone who needs to have their head examined. You're all over the place in S&T. What a hot mess.
You are wrong. Atheists are usually wrong. Science has backed up the Bible many times.

Science hasn't backed up evolution. It's just a bunch of papers by atheist scientists who are trying to get recognition and money for their projects. Otherwise, you would be providing the answers instead of me. The head scratching science is evolution and evolutionary thinking as there is no observable evidence. You can't provide anything nor any truthful scientific answers.
That’s an upside down post. Do you remember anything in the science courses you may have had in school ? Anything thing ring a bell ?

And yes, we see evolution at work every time a baby is born….or you go to the grocery store and everything you can buy there has been genetically altered using principles from evolution.

You’re likely alive today because of them. Your life expectancy has doubled since modern medicine has decided the gods weren’t helping enough and we were on our own for survival.

Deniers of evolution are like the guy who sees something he doesn’t like, so he closes his eyes and pretends it’s not there… works for you, temporarily.
I know.. James must be a religious fanatic to want to teach creation science to our children.
Through the word science behind the word creationism is just a ploy to try and fool the easily fooled.
I may have killed dinosaurs off in the Yucatan.. It certainly doesn't prove the Bible myths. Why don't you teach the Bible myths for their message instead of teaching children to be ignorant about science? Teaching myth as science is a terrible thing to do to our young people. They will grow up ignorant and backwards.
Exactly. Sending your kids out in the modern world to get a job and survive while being brought up on fallacies IMO, is abusive. At some time kids have to realize there is no Santa Clause.
That’s an upside down post. Do you remember anything in the science courses you may have had in school ? Anything thing ring a bell ?

And yes, we see evolution at work every time a baby is born….or you go to the grocery store and everything you can buy there has been genetically altered using principles from evolution.

You’re likely alive today because of them. Your life expectancy has doubled since modern medicine has decided the gods weren’t helping enough and we were on our own for survival.

Deniers of evolution are like the guy who sees something he doesn’t like, so he closes his eyes and pretends it’s not there… works for you, temporarily.
All of you scenarios just back up creation as science backs up creation. It takes life to produce life. Anyway, you don't know even know what the argument is lol. You have no observable evidence for evolution and evolutionary thinking. Yours is evolution of the gaps where you just think/assume evolution did it. It's fallacious and really dump asf.
There is no such thing as creation science. The bible is not science and science does not back up any of the the Bible. If you want to believe in YEC so be it. I have no argument against it. But debasing science as you do to rationalize your believe simply does not work.
There is no such thing as creation science. The bible is not science and science does not back up any of the the Bible. If you want to believe in YEC so be it. I have no argument against it. But debasing science as you do to rationalize your believe simply does not work.
This is more evolution of the gaps thinking which is cretinism at best. I presented the Kalam Cosmological Argument which came after we found the CMB and a beginning to the universe. Prior to that, the atheists and their scientists believed in an eternal universe, but they were wrong.

Furthermore, the atheists stole the concept of infinite temperature and infinite density called singularity from the creationists. The big bang or expansion of the universe started from a single point. Nothing in nature could cause that, so it leads one to think that there was something supernatural. The atheists took this and believed universes could just pop into existence naturally and their cretin scientist Stephen Hawking believed in multiverses. Anything this complex can't just pop into existence like in the gif below. Just looking at the gif below shows some kind of intelligence behind it, but you believe it can just happen lol. You can look at a blank page and it won't just pop into existence. Don't you feel dumb believing stuff like evolution and evolutionary thinking?

All of you scenarios just back up creation as science backs up creation. It takes life to produce life. Anyway, you don't know even know what the argument is lol. You have no observable evidence for evolution and evolutionary thinking. Yours is evolution of the gaps where you just think/assume evolution did it. It's fallacious and really dump asf.
Sure, everyday It’s observable all around you.
Go to any hospital in the United states. Patients go there to have medical science practiced on their illness. The the biology of disease control and medical science in general is based upon evolutionary principles. No one prays over you there.

More people leave the hospital better for it then ever leave a place of worship. The comparison is stunningly ridiculous.

I assume if you’ve been to a hospital out of necessity, its Hypocritical to even compare science with any discussion of religion. You know it. You don’t get to be born in “church”, you don’t get cancer treatments in a church . Heck, you don’t even get your cell phone or your car fixed in a church. Anywhere science principles are applied has little to do with religion. Get over it.

If science can’t help you you’re in deep sht and neither you, your car or your cell phone doesn’t respond, you’re left with prayer, which never works. It happens all the time. Don’t confuse the two.
This is more evolution of the gaps thinking which is cretinism at best. I presented the Kalam Cosmological Argument which came after we found the CMB and a beginning to the universe. Prior to that, the atheists and their scientists believed in an eternal universe, but they were wrong.

Furthermore, the atheists stole the concept of infinite temperature and infinite density called singularity from the creationists. The big bang or expansion of the universe started from a single point. Nothing in nature could cause that, so it leads one to think that there was something supernatural. The atheists took this and believed universes could just pop into existence naturally and their cretin scientist Stephen Hawking believed in multiverses. Anything this complex can't just pop into existence like in the gif below. Just looking at the gif below shows some kind of intelligence behind it, but you believe it can just happen lol. You can look at a blank page and it won't just pop into existence. Don't you feel dumb believing stuff like evolution and evolutionary thinking?

View attachment 561868
Woo woo at its finest.
You are wrong. Atheists are usually wrong. Science has backed up the Bible many times.

Science hasn't backed up evolution. It's just a bunch of papers by atheist scientists who are trying to get recognition and money for their projects. Otherwise, you would be providing the answers instead of me. The head scratching science is evolution and evolutionary thinking as there is no observable evidence. You can't provide anything nor any truthful scientific answers.
Ridiculous…every medical doctor is a practitioner of medical science, not religion. There are no requirements to take any courses in religion to become an MD. Go to a seminary. Tell me how many courses in science are necessary to be a priest, rabbi or minister ? None.

Here is what is really happening in religion ministries and seminaries.
“Science and technology impact every area of modern life, and many religious communities are eager to incorporate good science into their teaching and service to society,” said Jennifer Wiseman, DoSER program director.”

Religious comunities want to remain relevant they can only do it by accepting real science, not tripe.
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This is more evolution of the gaps thinking which is cretinism at best. I presented the Kalam Cosmological Argument which came after we found the CMB and a beginning to the universe. Prior to that, the atheists and their scientists believed in an eternal universe, but they were wrong.

Furthermore, the atheists stole the concept of infinite temperature and infinite density called singularity from the creationists. The big bang or expansion of the universe started from a single point. Nothing in nature could cause that, so it leads one to think that there was something supernatural. The atheists took this and believed universes could just pop into existence naturally and their cretin scientist Stephen Hawking believed in multiverses. Anything this complex can't just pop into existence like in the gif below. Just looking at the gif below shows some kind of intelligence behind it, but you believe it can just happen lol. You can look at a blank page and it won't just pop into existence. Don't you feel dumb believing stuff like evolution and evolutionary thinking?
No, it was me who identified the name/origin of the fallacy (Kalam Cosmo...) not you.
I know it because, unlike you, I research my positions, pro and con and that's why (besides a 50 IQ point advantage) I can crush you on every old piece of crap try.
I know them all.
This is more evolution of the gaps thinking which is cretinism at best. I presented the Kalam Cosmological Argument which came after we found the CMB and a beginning to the universe. Prior to that, the atheists and their scientists believed in an eternal universe, but they were wrong.

Furthermore, the atheists stole the concept of infinite temperature and infinite density called singularity from the creationists. The big bang or expansion of the universe started from a single point. Nothing in nature could cause that, so it leads one to think that there was something supernatural. The atheists took this and believed universes could just pop into existence naturally and their cretin scientist Stephen Hawking believed in multiverses. Anything this complex can't just pop into existence like in the gif below. Just looking at the gif below shows some kind of intelligence behind it, but you believe it can just happen lol. You can look at a blank page and it won't just pop into existence. Don't you feel dumb believing stuff like evolution and evolutionary thinking?
The Kalam argument simply asserts that there is some magnificent cause behind the universe. It is then called God. That is just a word defined as the entity prior to the initial expansion. So what? It is just a label that religious people like to use and does not add anything to science.

It also does not add anything to Christianity either. There is nothing in the argument that gives credence to that entity creating a first man and woman. There is nothing saying people should pray to it so it can micromanage their lives. There is nothing in the argument saying evolution is wrong. There is nothing that says that man is made in that entity's image.

The Kaleam argument is vacuous. Nobody knows what happened before the universe expansion. Giving it the name God simply confuses Bible thumpers into thinking that their personal God that they pray to is proven to exist. It proves nothing of the sort.
The the biology of disease control and medical science in general is based upon evolutionary principles.
Medicine falls under Christianity more than evolutionary thinking. Look at all the hospitals based on Christian names and funded by the church -- Christianity and Modern Medicine | Biomedical Odyssey. The Bible tells us that creationists have control over sickness -- Charisma Magazine.

Your argument sounds more like opinion and what you want than what it is. What about the CDC since you mentioned disease control. Did an atheist in medicine founded it?
No, it was me who identified the name/origin of the fallacy (Kalam Cosmo...) not you.
I know it because, unlike you, I research my positions, pro and con and that's why (besides a 50 IQ point advantage) I can crush you on every old piece of crap try.
I know them all.
You're the one who said you didn't know what happened before the big bang or expansion of the universe. Thus, I presented KCA based on the CMB being discovered. For a simple example, I used a big bang gif. Nobody in their right mind will claim that there wasn't someone who created it and intelligence behind it or else they'll just keep staring at a blank screen. It follows the logic of KCA. OTOH, the atheists do not have any logical argument nor gif they can show. I even said Stephen Hawking believed in multiverses because of the Anthropic Principle (These fine tuning parameters were discovered by atheist scientists!). Multiverses are just wishful thinking and make believe because you can't have two big bang gifs if one can't just pop into existence. There's something screwy with Hawking's thinking and logic lol.
Medicine falls under Christianity more than evolutionary thinking.
With all due respect, that’s about as silly a remark as anyone can make.
It seems evolutionary principles are REQUIRED taught in every med school in the country while absolutely any courses linked to any required Christianity and their doctrines are NEVER required. It’s ridiculous. Doctors who practice in the United States are of every religion including non Christian and atheism. Of course the Church can help fund schools and provide scholarships. It’s part of their obligation to remain non profit. The charitable work of the Catholic faith requires the participation of doctors, as well as an assist from the military and governments they do their work in.That doesn’t mean they are a military organization. Goid grief. Trying to provide support for a made up idea from made up organizations based on made up ideas from made up publications, isn’t evidence.
All of you scenarios just back up creation as science backs up creation. It takes life to produce life. Anyway, you don't know even know what the argument is lol. You have no observable evidence for evolution and evolutionary thinking. Yours is evolution of the gaps where you just think/assume evolution did it. It's fallacious and really dump asf.
It's not a surprise that you're unable to offer a single instance of science "backing up" creation by supernatural gods.
Medicine falls under Christianity more than evolutionary thinking. Look at all the hospitals based on Christian names and funded by the church -- Christianity and Modern Medicine | Biomedical Odyssey. The Bible tells us that creationists have control over sickness -- Charisma Magazine.

Your argument sounds more like opinion and what you want than what it is. What about the CDC since you mentioned disease control. Did an atheist in medicine founded it?
Actually, the exploration of the physical sciences and medicine were ruthlessly suppressed by the Church during the Dark Ages literally holding back humanity for 800 years.
Ridiculous…every medical doctor is a practitioner of medical science, not religion. There are no requirements to take any courses in religion to become an MD. Go to a seminary. Tell me how many courses in science are necessary to be a priest, rabbi or minister ? None.

Here is what is really happening in religion ministries and seminaries.
“Science and technology impact every area of modern life, and many religious communities are eager to incorporate good science into their teaching and service to society,” said Jennifer Wiseman, DoSER program director.”

Religious comunities want to remain relevant they can only do it by accepting real science, not tripe.

james bond may be playing games.. Nobody is that ignorant.

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