LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

Guess I need a rest from shredding this "science" stuff, give me a couple of days. :auiqs.jpg:
You actually need to Retire not rest.
You contribute NOTHING scientific (for or against) on any issue.
You're simply a Low IQ, Last-wording, one-line, TROLL.
That's it.

These people are desperate. What a strange situation. As religion in the first world scales down it will likely become more and more insulted/cult-like.
Religions are a way of making a profit while qualifying as a “non profit.”

If religions could sell stock, they’d do it.
My science is good too.
(we'd get more if he'd go back to the religion section where he SINGULARLY belongs).

My tactics are great and blowing poor James Bond/the Christian Taliban out of the water.
He dare not touch this OP or many other Haymaker OPs I've landed which destroy his brainwashed position without even the meat underneath.

It exposes him for the fringe lunatic he is.

I'm agnostic.

What I've found with religion is, no offence, is that the self proclaimed experts on the matter are Atheists, but they're just retarded, because their actual knowledge of the subject is completely lacking and ignorant. It's obvious because their only tactic is to ridicule, an avoidance strategy.

I don't believe a God exists, and I don't dismiss that a God doesn't exist; there's no proof either way. I find a "Big Bang" quite a strange concept, but I suppose that would be the "Religion" of the scientific enthusiasts.

I don't knock religion and science, both fit in with different folk. Part of my Psychology studying was Christianity because I was intrigued how it related and interacted with people. When you take the time to do that, no offence Abu, your posts make you stand out like a dumb fuck.

I just think you need to wind your neck in and get up to speed with the subject.
Where's your evidence? Give me a link.

You finally admit it wasn't Chixulub.

Dinosaurs remains truly have been found all over the world. Here is just a small sampling of some of the most popular dinosaurs that have come from various countries:

Tsintosaurus – China
Leaellynosaura – Australia
Kentrosaurus – Tanzania
Compsognathus – Germany
Spinosaurus – Egypt
Ankylosaurids – Antarctica
Saltasaurus – Argentina
Parasaurolophus – Canada
Struthiomimus – USA
Baryonyx – England
Plateosaurus – France
Velociraptor -Mongolia
The guys that found it were oilmen..

Chicxulub Crater - About Chicxulub

Chicxulub inner crater at the same scale as the Phoenix and Tucson area Chicxulub inner crater at the same scale as the Washington D.C. - Baltimore area. Alternative theories. Although, the theory that the impact at Chicxulub was the one that triggered the extinction of the dinosaurs is widely accepted, some scientists challenged it

I'm agnostic.

What I've found with religion is, no offence, is that the self proclaimed experts on the matter are Atheists, but they're just retarded, because their actual knowledge of the subject is completely lacking and ignorant. It's obvious because their only tactic is to ridicule, an avoidance strategy.

I don't believe a God exists, and I don't dismiss that a God doesn't exist; there's no proof either way. I find a "Big Bang" quite a strange concept, but I suppose that would be the "Religion" of the scientific enthusiasts.

I don't knock religion and science, both fit in with different folk. Part of my Psychology studying was Christianity because I was intrigued how it related and interacted with people. When you take the time to do that, no offence Abu, your posts make you stand out like a dumb fuck.

I just think you need to wind your neck in and get up to speed with the subject.
Apparently you haven't read enough of my posts, or understand the dynamic of this section, which leads to more aggressive behavior and debate.
So your comments make an ass of you.

I suggest you read the posts of 'James Bond' and a few others who spam/make a mockery of the sci section with their religious, indeed, literalist/Young Earth Creationist positions. Some thread starts denying evolution/Darwin etc

"I don't knock religion and science, both fit in with different folk."
And when one folk - religious - try and replace science/fact with their Faith we get a conflict here.
There is a protected religious section for those who wish to express 6 day creation, 6000 yr old Earth, Noah's Ark, Man in god's image, etc, etc, etc. instead of foisting/interrupting this section.
You need to read some threads before expressing your 'live and let live' self-integrity ***hole.
So after years of this (and their Evo bashing threads), I get/got more aggressive.
I have stopped a few with my thread starts that destroy their basis, (because there isn't any) but even more have replaced them.

As to god, I don't believe he/they exist either. (so many have gone by the wayside already)
There is no evidence he/they do/ever did, so there is no real basis for a deity in this section at all.

But, as I've said, if the stars line up one night and form the word 'Allah' in Arabic, (or any other Evidence) I would be thrilled at the enlightenment after 10,000 years and 10,000 alleged gods, and glad to adhere to the Koran.
Christians and other religions wouldn't be so tolerant/understanding.
I can imagine a weak of Tens of millions of suicides and conflict among other believers who've built their whole lives/social lives on their own religious facades.

So, again, your problem (you holier than thou clown) is you aren't familiar with years of what's been going on here and think only one side is aggressive.
That's what happens when the uninformed try to say/triangulate "I'm the reasonable guy, and you're the extremist."

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james bond

Creationism and Creation Science
Creationism and Creation Science. The belief in the account of the creation of the universe as presentedin Genesis. Some creationists consider the theory of creation described in Genesis to be a scientificaccount and the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution to be false.1These creationists refer to their belief as creation science. Advocates of creation science have campaigned to have the …
Religions are a way of making a profit while qualifying as a “non profit.”

If religions could sell stock, they’d do it.
Except atheism. They're not making any money :206:. Does it prove they're stupid asf?
Except atheism. They're not making any money :206:. Does it prove they're stupid asf?
Atheism is like being an outcast. They can’t make money off that belief in a country where most pretend they are something they are not. It’s hilarious seeing the “ good Christian” prostrate himself before everything Christ would disavow. So really, they can’t be real believers. IMO, most are agnostic/atheist but can’t live as an outcast. So they pretend.
james bond

Creationism and Creation Science
Creationism and Creation Science. The belief in the account of the creation of the universe as presentedin Genesis. Some creationists consider the theory of creation described in Genesis to be a scientificaccount and the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution to be false.1These creationists refer to their belief as creation science. Advocates of creation science have campaigned to have the …
The word “ science” doesn’t even belong in the same sentence with “ creationism”. It’s just woo woo to do it. It’s a head scratcher, like the “ science of Oz.”

Dinosaurs remains truly have been found all over the world. Here is just a small sampling of some of the most popular dinosaurs that have come from various countries:

Tsintosaurus – China
Leaellynosaura – Australia
Kentrosaurus – Tanzania
Compsognathus – Germany
Spinosaurus – Egypt
Ankylosaurids – Antarctica
Saltasaurus – Argentina
Parasaurolophus – Canada
Struthiomimus – USA
Baryonyx – England
Plateosaurus – France
Velociraptor -Mongolia
Thank you. It goes to prove that the asteroid didn't kill the dinosaurs. More evidence for the global flood.
Thank you. It goes to prove that the asteroid didn't kill the dinosaurs. More evidence for the global flood.

I may have killed dinosaurs off in the Yucatan.. It certainly doesn't prove the Bible myths. Why don't you teach the Bible myths for their message instead of teaching children to be ignorant about science? Teaching myth as science is a terrible thing to do to our young people. They will grow up ignorant and backwards.
The word “ science” doesn’t even belong in the same sentence with “ creationism”. It’s just woo woo to do it. It’s a head scratcher, like the “ science of Oz.”

I know.. James must be a religious fanatic to want to teach creation science to our children.
Thank you. It goes to prove that the asteroid didn't kill the dinosaurs. More evidence for the global flood.
Seriously ! Surely you jest. It isn’t like the dinosaurs in one area were all hit on the head at one time.

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