LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

For a Christian he has a vile potty mouth at times. He will call you a piece of shit when he is frustrated and backed into a corner.
I can't help but notice he uses the image of a drinking, smoking, womanizer as his avatar alternate personality. I suspect he hates himself for who he is.
Again, it was my intuition and God's wrath.

Evolution and atheism are death, but there is no way to change you and atheism since you and atheists have to find the true God through faith.

You are poorly educated and very shallow to promote fairy tales and borrowed myths over message.
Try this:

Two major competing models of the Earth's past are:..... etc.
The problem is that you are using observations, facts, and logic. Without hesitation creationists on this forum reject any facts or logic that doesn't fit their weltanschauung. It is a serious capability of denial that is hardwired in their brains that overrides common sense. It is very similar to the QAnon group of thousands that gathered in Texas to witness the return of JFK junior, who died 20 years ago. Even intelligent people can be severely brainwashed, although it is questionable that some of the creationists here are all that intelligent.

Again, what is the point of your asking for my religion in an S&T forum? What is yours? I found the atheists here aren't the most honest people and they can't accept losing an argument.

I'm still waiting for you to provide a link to how evolution is connected to medicine; You mentioned communicable disease. I provided links to show Christians invented medicine.
Muslim, you must be a Muslim. They believe in Adam and Eve.
The problem is that you are using observations, facts, and logic. Without hesitation creationists on this forum reject any facts or logic that doesn't fit their weltanschauung. It is a serious capability of denial that is hardwired in their brains that overrides common sense. It is very similar to the QAnon group of thousands that gathered in Texas to witness the return of JFK junior, who died 20 years ago. Even intelligent people can be severely brainwashed, although it is questionable that some of the creationists here are all that intelligent.


By the time I was ten I questioned the Bible stories... Most kids who attend Sunday school and church do.. At that point you begin to look at the message or the lesson behind the stories. Jewish kids are taught to question. They don't believe in the "science" behind the Jonah comic novella.
Muslim, you must be a Muslim. They believe in Adam and Eve.

Well, yes they do believe in Adam and Eve, but they don't believe in original sin. They also believe God forgave Adam and Eve. Educated Muslims don't seem to have a problem with science versus didactic literature.
Living in trembling fear of spooks and goblins is a sad existence.

Using your fears and prejudices to threaten others examples nothing but portraying your religion as extremist and punitive.
There are no ghosts, but there is Satan. He's the one who came up with the lie of evolution and made you all believe in atheism. James Hutton Charles Lyell were both against the Church.

Natural selection was created by God. It doesn't mean a single cell just popped into existence and we're here because of common ancestors. Dr. Stephen Hawking had an IQ higher than all of us, even me, and still was fooled. If there were common ancestors, then we'd see them all over the place. I can figure this out, but some idiots are stuck asking people for their religions in the science forums. LMAO.
There are no ghosts, but there is Satan. He's the one who came up with the lie of evolution and made you all believe in atheism. James Hutton Charles Lyell were both against the Church.

Natural selection was created by God. It doesn't mean a single cell just popped into existence and we're here because of common ancestors. Dr. Stephen Hawking had an IQ higher than all of us, even me, and still was fooled. If there were common ancestors, then we'd see them all over the place. I can figure this out, but some idiots are stuck asking people for their religions in the science forums. LMAO.

Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Ram Bam) in 1138 AD knew the difference between science and didactic literature.
By the time I was ten I questioned the Bible stories... Most kids who attend Sunday school and church do.. At that point you begin to look at the message or the lesson behind the stories. Jewish kids are taught to question. They don't believe in the "science" behind the Jonah comic novella.
Is this why you pretend to know Christianity and fool the believers here, but can't be honest nor have self-confidence and pride enough to say what college you went to? So you grew up with a Christian background. Most are smart enough to and don't become atheists, but there are theistic evolutionists. You were so rebellious that you went to the most minority religion of atheism. smh. It takes all kinds
Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Ram Bam) in 1138 AD knew the difference between science and didactic literature.
Look who's the TROLL. Such hypocrisy when you were joining in to pile on me. I speak the TRUTH with creation science, so bug the heck outta the atheists here.
Look who's the TROLL. Such hypocrisy when you were joining in to pile on me. I speak the TRUTH with creation science, so bug the heck outta the atheists here.

Its really offensive to traditional Christians too. You don't have to reject science and education to be a Christian.
Its really offensive to traditional Christians too. You don't have to reject science and education to be a Christian.

/Both Catholics and Jews are officially completely on board with with evolution.
Well, yes they do believe in Adam and Eve, but they don't believe in original sin. They also believe God forgave Adam and Eve. Educated Muslims don't seem to have a problem with science versus didactic literature.
So, that means that both Catholic and Jews are atheists.
There are no ghosts, but there is Satan. He's the one who came up with the lie of evolution and made you all believe in atheism. James Hutton Charles Lyell were both against the Church.

Natural selection was created by God. It doesn't mean a single cell just popped into existence and we're here because of common ancestors. Dr. Stephen Hawking had an IQ higher than all of us, even me, and still was fooled. If there were common ancestors, then we'd see them all over the place. I can figure this out, but some idiots are stuck asking people for their religions in the science forums. LMAO.
You are free to believe that Satan, Boogeyman and things that go bump in the night haunt your world. You should keep your fears and superstitions in the religion forum.

Otherwise, fess' up. You're a pre-teen who is doing distance grade school learning from the Jimmy Swaggert madrassah and you're spamming the internet between Zoom classes, right?
Its really offensive to traditional Christians too. You don't have to reject science and education to be a Christian.
I would think the atheists are more offensive to traditional Christians as they violate the first four of the Ten Commandments. Also, , they would think you're a Judas the way you pretended to be Catholic when you had already disavowed God and turned atheist. Were you baptized, too?

It's hard for me to believe that you turned atheist. I still can't believe it. That's why I think it's on the level of being a Judas.

Why am I rejecting science? I'm a YEC who believes in the Bible and science backs up the Bible. No science backs up the lie of evolution. Evolution and atheism are death and I proved it beyond a reasonable doubt.
You are free to believe that Satan, Boogeyman and things that go bump in the night haunt your world. You should keep your fears and superstitions in the religion forum.

Otherwise, fess' up. You're a pre-teen who is doing distance grade school learning from the Jimmy Swaggert madrassah and you're spamming the internet between Zoom classes, right?
Only Satan is real. Proof is we all die and are tempted into sin like believing in evolution and disavowing God. Satan tempts 24/7 and God gave us all the strength to resist temptation, it isn't always so. One doesn't have to disavow God in order to believe in evolution and can believe life did not come from non-life. For whatever reason, the liberals did not want to obey and became atheists.

Why don't you point surada to Jimmy? He's a Judas who needs help immediately and desperately.
I would think the atheists are more offensive to traditional Christians as they violate the first four of the Ten Commandments. Also, , they would think you're a Judas the way you pretended to be Catholic when you had already disavowed God and turned atheist. Were you baptized, too?

It's hard for me to believe that you turned atheist. I still can't believe it. That's why I think it's on the level of being a Judas.

Why am I rejecting science? I'm a YEC who believes in the Bible and science backs up the Bible. No science backs up the lie of evolution. Evolution and atheism are death and I proved it beyond a reasonable doubt.

Let me get this straight. You think anyone who doesn't take the Bible stories literally is an atheist?

The Bible stories are myths borrowed and adapted from the surrounding cultures. Whether that's the flood story from Sumer or the Egyptian Book of the Dead or the Hammurabe Code of Law or the poetry of the Ugrit (Psalms) or the story of Sinuhe.. these are enduring stories and concepts woven into Judaism and the history of the Jews.
Let me get this straight. You think anyone who doesn't take the Bible stories literally is an atheist?

The Bible stories are myths borrowed and adapted from the surrounding cultures. Whether that's the flood story from Sumer or the Egyptian Book of the Dead or the Hammurabe Code of Law or the poetry of the Ugrit (Psalms) or the story of Sinuhe.. these are enduring stories and concepts woven into Judaism and the history of the Jews.
Stop trolling Judas.
Stop trolling Judas.

Have you traveled to the Holy Lands or the Middle East..Egypt?? There is alot of overlap in history and culture.. The Hebrews preserves so much because they were the story tellers.. Their narrative about our relationship with God and the earth is precious and enduring, but its not science or history.
It really is strange that the evolutionists/atheists here can't accept real science. We know life didn't come from non-life from Dr. Louis Pasteur's swan neck experiment. We know that spacetime, the universe, Earth, and everything in it, complexity, and more could not have started from nothing as there had to be a cause via the KCA. Finally, there is no evidence of a common ancestor or anything observable with evolution. There is no origins.

ETA: Since I defeated all the atheists here using real science, they have gone to discuss religion. Like I said, you can be of atheist religion with no science to back you up lmao.
I would think the atheists are more offensive to traditional Christians as they violate the first four of the Ten Commandments. Also, , they would think you're a Judas the way you pretended to be Catholic when you had already disavowed God and turned atheist. Were you baptized, too?

It's hard for me to believe that you turned atheist. I still can't believe it. That's why I think it's on the level of being a Judas.

Why am I rejecting science? I'm a YEC who believes in the Bible and science backs up the Bible. No science backs up the lie of evolution. Evolution and atheism are death and I proved it beyond a reasonable doubt.
That’s funny. So to you YECers, are Catholics and Jews who believe in evolution also atheists ?

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