LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

Have you traveled to the Holy Lands or the Middle East..Egypt?? There is alot of overlap in history and culture.. The Hebrews preserves so much because they were the story tellers.. Their narrative about our relationship with God and the earth is precious and enduring, but its not science or history.
I can't even claim victory as your defeat has just turned to bitterness (sarcasm). It's pathetic. I shouldn't lol as that would not be right, but it's hard not to :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:. Lol -- Atheism -- Lol.
I can't even claim victory as your defeat has just turned to bitterness (sarcasm). It's pathetic. I shouldn't lol as that would not be right, but it's hard not to :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:. Lol -- Atheism -- Lol.

Oh I'm not bitter. I am a very happy person. I just think youyr rejection of science and education.. archaeology .. geology is ridiculolus.. You should stay away from kids.
Oh I'm not bitter. I am a very happy person. I just think youyr rejection of science and education.. archaeology .. geology is ridiculolus.. You should stay away from kids.
You are talking to someone who is entering the zone of frenzied mania. Staying calm like you are doing drives him nuts. The poor fellow doesn't even know that he has been pwned by his Satan.
ETA: Since I defeated all the atheists here using real science, they have gone to discuss religion. Like I said, you can be of atheist religion with no science to back you up lmao.
really is strange that the evolutionists/atheists
Still no response. Jews and Catholics are atheist according to you. Heck, practicers of both were important contributors to genetics and evolution theory. The pope has officially endorsed evolution .

So they know they are atheists ?
Oh I'm not bitter. I am a very happy person. I just think youyr rejection of science and education.. archaeology .. geology is ridiculolus.. You should stay away from kids.
See now you're trolling. My science and education isn't evolution. While I studied it, I realized it was a lie. There is no observable evidence for it. It's up to you believe what you want no matter how degenerate it is.

My creation science is the real science because we had the most greatest scientists in history. Your atheist scientists are degenerates and mostly wrote papers on evolution. It's circular reasoning at its worst.

Anyway, it's easy for me to ignore you, so good-bye. Have your happy person of a lie life.
See now you're trolling. My science and education isn't evolution. While I studied it, I realized it was a lie. There is No Observable Evidence for it. It's up to you believe what you want no matter how degenerate it is.

My creation science is the real science because we had the most greatest scientists in history. Your atheist scientists are degenerates and mostly wrote papers on evolution. It's circular reasoning at its worstAnyway, it's easy for me to ignore you, so good-bye. Have your happy person of a lie life.

- - - - - -

James Bond is a totally Brainwashed Lunatic, and just as bad, he's a Knowingly Dishonest and Bald-Faced Liar/Denier (and abomination to all religions) to maintain his Psychosis.


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You lost already as you cannot help yourself from ad hominem attacks. It shows you are a loser.

What you list are from the papers of evolution or atheist scientists. It's circular reasoning at its worst. We still get no observable evidence nor the accomplishments of atheist scientists. Even my UC Berkeley website admits it has no observable evidence.

What did Stephen Hawking accomplish? What about Neil DeGrasse Tyson? Nothing observable according to their biography.
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Only Satan is real. Proof is we all die and are tempted into sin like believing in evolution and disavowing God. Satan tempts 24/7 and God gave us all the strength to resist temptation, it isn't always so. One doesn't have to disavow God in order to believe in evolution and can believe life did not come from non-life. For whatever reason, the liberals did not want to obey and became atheists.

Why don't you point surada to Jimmy? He's a Judas who needs help immediately and desperately.
Please take your religious extemism out of the science forum.
My creation science is the real science because we had the most greatest scientists in history
“Most greatest”.....Could you list any of them and their credentials ? We’d like to see if their education matches their opinions. Better still, could you list any of the 3400 accredited universities or 176 research facilities or any gov health agency or ANY major health product or service institution, private of otherwise that supports “creation science”.

BTW, MOST Christians don’t believe this stuff either. So, I guess literally everyone else is an atheist.
So this “most greatest” is pretty restrictive. In history ? Oops.
You lost already as you cannot help yourself from ad hominem attacks. It shows you are a loser.

What you list are from the papers of evolution or atheist scientists. It's circular reasoning at its worst. We still get no observable evidence nor the accomplishments of atheist scientists. Even my UC Berkeley website admits it has no observable evidence.

What did Stephen Hawking accomplish? What about Neil DeGrasse Tyson? Nothing observable according to their biography.
There you go again. Calling everyone who doesn’t believe is creationism, an atheist.

Does the Pope know he’s an atheist ?
“Most greatest”.....Could you list any of them and their credentials ? We’d like to see if their education matches their opinions. Better still, could you list any of the 3400 accredited universities or 176 research facilities or any gov health agency or ANY major health product or service institution, private of otherwise that supports “creation science”.

BTW, MOST Christians don’t believe this stuff either. So, I guess literally everyone else is an atheist.
So this “most greatest” is pretty restrictive.

Most Christians and people of other Abrahamic faiths know the message is more important than the fairy tale. There are cave paintings that are 30,000 years old in France and Spain... Stone granaries in Jordan that are 14,000 years old.. There's Baalbek and Byblos which are older than Adam and Eve. The purpose of the epic OT stories is NOT to drive people away from faith.
Most Christians and people of other Abrahamic faiths know the message is more important than the fairy tale. There are cave paintings that are 30,000 years old in France and Spain... Stone granaries in Jordan that are 14,000 years old.. There's Baalbek and Byblos which are older than Adam and Eve. The purpose of the epic OT stories is NOT to drive people away from faith.
Exactly. Evidence of evolution is attributable to historical references among the most devout Christians , little things like, Christ was 5’5”. Christianity is becoming more and more secular much to the chagrin of the fable “hanger on’ers”.
“Most greatest”.....Could you list any of them and their credentials ? We’d like to see if their education matches their opinions. Better still, could you list any of the 3400 accredited universities or 176 research facilities or any gov health agency or ANY major health product or service institution, private of otherwise that supports “creation science”.

BTW, MOST Christians don’t believe this stuff either. So, I guess literally everyone else is an atheist.
So this “most greatest” is pretty restrictive. In history ? Oops.
We went through this before. He points out with great glee his list includes great creationist scientists such as:
  • Sir Francis Bacon
  • Isaac Newton
  • Archimedes
  • Galileo
  • Kepler
  • Copernicus
  • And many more ancient scientists
Of course the irony is that his list was a time when almost everyone was religious and a creationist. This was pointed out to him along with the fact that the greatest of the last 100 years were not creationists, but that was met with indifference. He, in his fantasy world, continues to promote his "most greatest" meme.

We went through this before. He points out with great glee his list includes great creationist scientists such as:
  • Sir Francis Bacon
  • Isaac Newton
  • Archimedes
  • Galileo
  • Kepler
  • Copernicus
  • And many more ancient scientists
Of course the irony is that his list was a time when almost everyone was religious and a creationist. This was pointed out to him along with the fact that the greatest of the last 100 years were not creationists, but that was met with indifference. He, in his fantasy world, continues to promote his "most greatest" meme.

ha ha, thanks for the update.
Bet your ass our delusional friend isn’t going to anyone for healthcare from the YEC crowd .
Of course the irony is that his list was a time when almost everyone was religious and a creationist.
Of course. All through history people attributed everything they didn’t know as having a religious explanation. “ The sun came up. Must be god’s will”.
“Most greatest”.....Could you list any of them and their credentials ? We’d like to see if their education matches their opinions. Better still, could you list any of the 3400 accredited universities or 176 research facilities or any gov health agency or ANY major health product or service institution, private of otherwise that supports “creation science”.

BTW, MOST Christians don’t believe this stuff either. So, I guess literally everyone else is an atheist.
So this “most greatest” is pretty restrictive. In history ? Oops.
Will you rub shit on your face when you realize they were the greatest in history and had observable accomplishments -- 34 Great Scientists Who Were Committed Christians You do that on this forum daily with your dumb atheist religion posts and nosy religion questions in S&T. How stupid asf are you :aug08_031:?
Please take your religious extemism out of the science forum.
You mis-addressed your message that should be meant for surada, Dagosa, and other atheists here. It sounds as they lost badly to me in S&T, medicine, and can only discuss religion now. I can understand the bitterness and embarrassment, but it should be in R&E.

Here's a list of atheist scientists. Did they accomplish anything observable? Had shit rubbed in their faces?

Will you rub shit on your face when you realize they were the greatest in history and had observable accomplishments -- 34 Great Scientists Who Were Committed Christians You do that on this forum daily with your dumb atheist religion posts and nosy religion questions in S&T. How stupid asf are you :aug08_031:?
You just made my, and Dagosa's case in post 394. With lots of ad hominem. Maybe you should do to yourself as you suggested in the first 6 words of your post.

Here's a joke I heard about atheists. Did you know atheists wanted to change Thanksgiving to Friendsgiving or Familygiving?

That's it. Lame, but what do you expect from an atheist joke?

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