LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

We went through this before. He points out with great glee his list includes great creationist scientists such as:
  • Sir Francis Bacon
  • Isaac Newton
  • Archimedes
  • Galileo
  • Kepler
  • Copernicus
  • And many more ancient scientists
Of course the irony is that his list was a time when almost everyone was religious and a creationist. This was pointed out to him along with the fact that the greatest of the last 100 years were not creationists, but that was met with indifference. He, in his fantasy world, continues to promote his "most greatest" meme.

I can't help but notice that many of the persons lived in a time when the Catholic church wielded sweeping power and would literally destroy the lives of anyone who would dare to contradict church doctrine.
None of your answers are rational nor scientific and typical of an atheist who has gone looney tunes due to being wrong and losing. I already posted the youtube of science backing up the Bible, the swan neck experiment, evidence for the global flood, the great creation scientists, no multiverses, no bipedal ape, no ape-humans, no common ancestor, no billions of years as radioisotope assumptions are unknown and do not match calendar year, etc. Heck, it even talks about global warming -- What Does the Bible Say About Global Warming?. I may be taking advantage of what I learned from the Bible and may become famous and multi-millionaire :TH_WAY~113:.
Suggesting that silly youtube videos, as opposed to peer reviewed studies, represent supportable evidence of science matters should suggest to a reasonable person that your arguments are really baseless.

Reasonable people don't take Flat Earther's as bothered by science.
None of your answers are rational nor scientific and typical of an atheist who has gone looney tunes due to being wrong and losing. I already posted the youtube of science backing up the Bible, the swan neck experiment, evidence for the global flood, the great creation scientists, no multiverses, no bipedal ape, no ape-humans, no common ancestor, no billions of years as radioisotope assumptions are unknown and do not match calendar year, etc. Heck, it even talks about global warming -- What Does the Bible Say About Global Warming?. I may be taking advantage of what I learned from the Bible and may become famous and multi-millionaire :TH_WAY~113:.
When you become rich and famous, please send us an email. You seem to have the debilitating disease called "Harun Yahya Syndrome"
"Harun Yahya Syndrome"

Adnan Oktar - Wikipedia

Adnan Oktar , also known as Adnan Hoca, Harun Yahya, is a Turkish religious sex cult leader, creationist, conspiracy theorist, Preacher and anti-evolutionist.
On 11 July 2018, Oktar and over 160 of his associates were detained and later arrested on charges including forming a criminal enterprise, financial fraud and sexual abuse.
Jan 12, 2021 · Turkish televangelist and cult leader Harun Yahya jailed 1,000 years for sex crimes Tuesday, 12 Jan 2021 07:51 AM MYT Turkish police officers escort televangelist and leader of a sect, Adnan Oktar (centre), as he is arrested on fraud charges, in Istanbul July 11, 2018.
Jan 12, 2021 · Turkish televangelist and cult leader Harun Yahya jailed 1,000 years for sex crimes Tuesday, 12 Jan 2021 07:51 AM MYT Turkish police officers escort televangelist and leader of a sect, Adnan Oktar (centre), as he is arrested on fraud charges, in Istanbul July 11, 2018.
Oktar is a failed college student who never studied science and eventually dropped out of college. This would account in large part for the staggering incompetence displayed in the "science" that he hoped to feed to the gullible and the ignorant.

This explains a lot of what is projected by "James".
Somewhere between 10-20 thousand years old.
Rocks can be dated using long lived isotopes and show the earth is several billions of years old.
Astronomy has found galaxies several billions of light years away.
The scientific evidence is overwhelming.
Rocks can be dated using long lived isotopes and show the earth is several billions of years old.
Astronomy has found galaxies several billions of light years away.
The scientific evidence is overwhelming.

Carbon dating has been proven to be inaccurate, and as for the galaxies, how does anyone actually know how many light years away they are? Were they measured?
When you can show me just one missing link fossil set, then you may convince me of evolution.
The "missing link" label is a non-scientific term abandoned many decades ago. You probably should become familiar with the term 'transitional fossil' to identify change in species over time.

There are literally thousands of examples of transitional fossils.

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